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Everything posted by Connex

  1. ahaha this is getting better and better! @aquasonic stop posting, I already gave a thorough explanation on how this entire network of spies work. There was the XP event, the bonus stuff they gave with the promo code and red libra all in the same week, the only thing that people cared to cry about was greedy chests not the bad timing, now my friends, start swiping your credit cards if you need brooch jewels!
  2. There are 2 locations that you can complete this quest, make sure that you are killing mobs in Blazing Swamp, the other area has magic attack resistance (dont remember the name), you can also get level 100 to bloody swampland if you cant kill higher level mobs.
  3. buy the boxes and sell them, for example spend 4k ncoin get 1000 boxes make a shop and sell them , if you open the boxes you might get lucky, you may not. If you are starting out, just slowly buy stuff, otherwise you will see that you have dumped a ton of money in the game and nothing to show for it. unlike the past where you could just get a +3 armor set, +7 weapon and AQ/zaken, nowadays there are a million items that not only you have to buy, but upgrade at the same time.
  4. I did mention that on the message that I quoted, ( you have to read that as well if you did not) , blessed exalted set gives a better seed talisman
  5. buy Ncoin, sell it save the adena, buy claws and make the weapon..... best pipeline there is!
  6. If you are not a dwarf, you cannot go maestro! FYI, this class is race locked, same as Eviscerator and Dominator
  7. I would go with the following as a titan. +10 blessed exalted heavy blessed exalted weapon with the augument and Minor Greed SA (7% crit dmg, 3% damage) *** +7 Elmore Cloak is a MUST*** - it is 30+ bil right now Rings are now highly overpriced so I would stick with the Ring of creation & blessed exalted ( 2x 15% crit dmg rings) Earrings/neck, stick with the blessed exalted ones Circlet: Blessed exalted one for now, do not try to make a +5 radiant, just straight up buy it Belt: I would go for Chef Monkeys belt if you find it at 5-6.5 bil else, stick with the R99 PVE belt Artiftacts: this will get very expensive very fast, fill the book to get the +6% damage & -7% dmg received. Try and get a +7 talisman of protection Things to avoid: Do NOT open event boxes !! Do not buy a cheap +12 R99 weapon Important things: P Atk is not that relevant anymore, it matters if you play eviscerator and titan with melee attacks BUT you should focus on + Element attack, +PvE dmg, +damage, +crit dmg, there are more than 1 multipliers so 10% patk is close to nothing, even 20% patk is not that good. In comparison, 20% patk is less than 3% damage. If you have a lot of element and pve items then the +20% p atk will matter as opposed to now. Do NOT expect to level in areas around your level, unless you get some serious gear, you will have problems leveling in 105+ areas, you will most likely stay in Phantasmal until 108 at least (with your current gear). PoM prophet is nice but it will slow you down a lot! make a domi to at least 105/90 and use him out of party, give him your +8 R99 set, use the 5% skill cooldown from the tank tree and add skill cooldown dualclass skill, this way you will have reuse to 5 mins and 17 secs in VoP. You can level up your PoM prophet with your dual later on!
  8. Its the same good old saying for every similar situation.. "only bet what you can afford to lose!" just never gamble, want to get adena? do not open the L2 store items hoping to get the top 1% with 50$ and then cry about it. Like I said, I cannot tell any1 how to play but ffs, use common sense! edit: not you specifically
  9. Yes we all have responsibilities! Bills never stop coming. Now, its all a matter of perspective. Some see it a s a game, others as a hobby. The principal "you have to spend money to make money" applies here, I have spent money in this game but I have found other ways to get some adena through the game. Knowing the game and playing the game are 2 different things. any player that is 110+makes roughly 700-800m per day at least. I cannot tell you how to play the game, there is no "right way to do things" but doing things in certain order will allow you to be more effective in the long run, this game is a marathon NOT a sprint! Finally: They just gave a ton of free stuff with red libra! the "free to play" does not translate to "the handout game".
  10. do your research, buy stuff when there is high supply and the prices are hitting rock bottom, how you get your adena is entirely up to you, with the new armor packs they just added, they just handed out over 200b worth of gear for less than 50 euro /usd w.e your currency is. No reason why you should not be able to farm on your own. finally, guess what! you are not the only one who has adult problems, (bills, family, etc) if you want to talk about it, go for therapy, not here, we really do not want to hear your problems, the forums here are for the game. Sorry if this is too harsh but people complain about everything, the game was NEVER easy!
  11. lets be realistic, you will not find a party to take you at 105 for dailies, your damage is crap for any of the instances until 107-108, raids what? u are a funny man (you know i love you) PVP yes, you pvp with mobs in these levels :P, so basically just grind!!
  12. you will be lvling miserably in BS until you are 105 or until you complete your exalted lv2 quest ( to get better gear) and occasionally do Coal Mines instance ( once per day for 1 hour) then back to Blazing Swamp! Once you level your dual to 105 as well, ( yes that is important for dual class skills) you can start looking for Beleth parties, do not get fooled by your level, with exalted gear you CANNOT go to any lvl 105+ area. Levels matter, you have damage penalty when hitting higher level mobs.
  13. If by playing solo you mean, wait for a patty to form and join, sure you can, this actually requires the least amount of gear if you are a SWS the rest of the enchanters really need gear, especially Hierophant and Dominator (no1 really plays a BD or a Doomcryer) , unless you have cooldown items to for PoM/VoP you are not really much of use. Let me explain: Prophet: has single target buff, and you need to give it to as many people as possible, with basic gear you can give it out to 2 people but that requires, 5% skill cooldown from your Tank tree and 4% skill cooldown from your dualclass skill. After that, it really needs a lot of adena to further reduce the cooldown so you can pass it out to a 3rd one, not to mention that enchanting the skill only adds 1 sec per enchant. Dominator: the skill cooldown of VoP is 10 mins, if you cast it fully buffed then its down to 6:29 , still need to get the reuse to 5:00 so it can be constantly up (**you cannot enchant the skill). Event with a +8 light set (10% reuse) , Tank skill tree 5% reuse and additionally 4% from duaclass it still has a cooldown of 17 seconds. A +8 R99 set will cost you roughly 5-7bil OR if you can spend 4k Ncoin buy the Blessed exalted Light set, that is 8% skill cooldown - 3% from set and -7% from the +8 enchant effect and put the right SA from the crystal that is another -6% skill cooldown and -7% damage received. You can play for absolutely free but there are limitations, honestly with 0$ you can only play a SWS and that will only get you to places like Hellbound.
  14. try lowering your graphics quality to the absolute minimum.
  15. the game has always been hard for you to gear up, level up and progress overall, the rest of the games that want to draw people have made it easier and turned most of you to an entitled snowflake.
  16. well... l2 has always been a grind fest! you can always do reasonable farming, that depends on your gear, there are 4 instances that you can make adena and the rest of the day just smash mobs, maybe we should give you a boost to 115 and 500b adena? what is this nonsense?
  17. word.... Classic has been out since oct 2018, it took them what? 2.5 years to realize that? the fact that 1 of the major game features that makes L2 unique are not there is a no no. "Subclass" ( unless they added it later, but it was one of the announcements they made in the first few months after launch).
  18. i gotta admit though, back then they removed all the adena drops, now you can actually make some adena (it all depends on your gear, but still)
  19. he clearly said, he was dead and mentor buffs were still there... he also mentioned lv95 which is not that easy for certain classes.... do the math!
  20. you got this all wrong! Mentor buffs and npc buffs are the same. The reason you died is most likely you got agro from nuker mobs and could not VR their damage, dying AFK and coming to the forums to ask why is not really a good solution, you literally need to pay attention to what is going on. Some classes struggle at 95 in bloody swampland, that is the reason you died not your mentor.
  21. no, they are useful starting at 85, cuz you do not have to go back to town for buffs every 60 minutes. The problem is that you cannot send a PM until you are 94...
  22. one of the reasons I quit back in 2015.... and now it seems that you will have to take out the credit card once again for these particular items!
  23. Yeah seems like they will never be added again, other regions removed them already... speaking of this, allow me to tell you how these cameras detect greedy chest without any bots but with simple ingame macros! Step A: Basic targeting command -> /target greedy chest Step B: you need to be able to say what your target is and that can happen with the %target command. if you are in a clan then you can use @ %target or in a party # %target Step C, Add them in a macro. Line1: /target greedy chest Line2: @ %target Line3: /delay 1 or 2 put that on the bar and rigth click it, while the toon has NO target it will not say anything, once a chest is in range it will start pamming "Greedy Chest" in clan chat, at this point you invite it to party, jump on that toon, right click the name from party (assist), attack the chest and get the drops. Its not nuclear science but a lot of people that never actually pvped hardly know the %target command and what it does. "flies away"
  24. Do we even have people that speak KR on US servers that can translate this for us?https://lineage2.plaync.com/update/history/2021/210512_update
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