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Posts posted by Rodah

  1. 2 hours ago, Barnabas666 said:

    Hi, in another thread here I noticed that ppl have problem with high prices of some items, because they either dont drop so often as before or are more needed now or didnt appear ingame for ages. I write here small list of items which I think can be overpriced now even I understand that someone can see it in different way.


    • Rune Stone
    • Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery
    • Alien Nano Supplement Event
    • Top-grade Spirit Stone
    • Elcyum, Elcyum Crystal, Elcyum Powder
    • Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone
    • Superior Giant's Codex
    • Freya's Luck Potion (called Maphr's before)


    Is possible to add these items in some of next events as drop or even better to put them as possible drop/reward of any instance (that would be probably too complicated change)?

    Thanks @Juji

    Agree with you on everything except for Elcyum.  Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to have them drop from an event or cheap in the store but, they aren't too hard to get.  People need them to enchant r110 so there is a strong demand for them  However, if you make them too easily accessible you are gonna kill some peoples only way of making adena (fishing).   

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/30/2020 at 9:59 PM, Get2ThePoint said:

    Why are you conflating this with how quickly an archer or nuker kills versus a melee type? That's how the game is designed. A stacked archer should be able to kill faster than any melee type. No different than a guy with a machine gun being able to kill faster than a guy with a machete. Whether it's 1 adena per kill or 1M, at the end of the hour a melee will walk off battlefield with lighter purse than an archer. Those are just basic facts and mechanics of game. If you don't like it, re-roll.

    Again for the special needs section, this is NOT about class or station. It is about NCSoft hurting players by having such low adena drops in all areas. IOS was an oasis in the desert...until they nerfed it. Some lesser minds think reducing drop amount helps them, but in the end it hurts everybody.

    This is probably the dumbest post I have seen in a LONG time.  First, you actually have the audacity to compare a game to real world combat; second you equate a BOW AND ARROW to a real life machine gun when........ wait for it........ there already IS a real world weapon you can compare an in-game bow and arrow to, a @#$ing bow and arrow (really; you didn't think of that).  So yeah, lets go ahead and run with your horrible analogy.  So you're telling me someone with a BOW AND ARROW is going to be able to kill someone faster IRL from 50-100 yards than someone standing right next to them with a broadsword?  And how does this real world archer AOE exactly?  Come on man; really?

    And again; even if we accept that an Archer/Nuker "should" be able to make more adena than a melee I'll go ahead and ask you point blank; should it be by degrees of magnitude?  Because prior to this fix it wasn't 2x as much, or 3x; it was literally 10x (maybe even more).  You really don't think that is a structural problem?

    • Like 3
  3. 10 hours ago, SkimMilk said:

    Sorry You've been playing for 1 year....  Lots of us nerds have been playing for 16 years competitively .... If you put in the time and Money into this game as we have, it's nice to get something back..  We pay for Prestige Packs and Runes Monthly.. On top of Dropping $$ on events.....  SO YEA...  Nice to get something in return we don't have to pay for.....    

    I think your missing a simple truth about the adena farming issue pre-patch.  Only Archers (and maybe a handful of nukers) could make that type of adena.  You think Gicobbe or Conan (2 of the most stacked melee chars in NCNA) can make that type of adena farming?  Hell, they can even AOE semi effectively and still can't come close to those numbers.  What about a super stacked, 16 year, single target melee char?  I guess just "@#$% them" because they aren't an archer right?

    Look, I don't know what the solution is but, anyone looking at the situation without bias, can see there was a problem.   

    • Like 1
  4. I guess people worried about these shouldn't be lol.  With these prices and rates only a few are gonna be able to get +6+.  And those people are already OP so it won't matter much anyway ><.


    Gratz NC, you never (and I mean NEVER) fail to surprise :)


    EDIT:  Just out of Curiosity, what's the difference in the secondary effect between Disaster and Advent;

    received damage reduced by xx%  VS. reduces damage taken by xx%


  5. 2 minutes ago, Juji said:

    Confirmed issue there too. No ETA as it is night time in Korea now, but I will see if it can be fixed by next maintenance. Our design documentation for thsi event has these areas as drop locations for the chest. I will see if Dev removed them intentionally or if it is just a mistake on forgetting to add the items for the monsters in these areas.

    So I'll ask again;

    "Shilen's Soul Crystal promotion will be available on the L2 Store for two weeks."

    Was this addressed yet or???

  6. 9 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    Tray to understand how much vit, pover fish and - most important TIME - this system will use... Now you must check game and colekt points 16h per day. Its mine reason who many people stop play many games (like farm or etc) - you must to check game 24h.

    Why do you HAVE TO get max enchant points per day?  Seems like that is a choice you are making.  Why not get just get 5 a day with very little effort and on days when you have free time shoot for 15 (pretty easy).  The Homunculus is nice but it's not game changing.  Seems like a long term project to slowly make your char better IMO. 

    • Like 4
  7. 2 hours ago, Nymphadorae said:

    The issue here is how NCWest decides to put up information (or the lack of) in their patch notes... In game what you have is colors and names, let's call it ranks/grades: General (gray background), Advanced (green background) and Top-grade (red background) for each homunculus. So 5 different ones x 3 rank/grades.

    This cannot be improved so far. You get korean random chance in the creation of the homunculus, and a General one cannot be upgraded / leveled / whatever you wanna call it to a Top-grade one. 

    Regarding the stages 1, 2, 3 for the Communing Abilities (slot machine), that table you have in the patch are only stats the General (gray background, lower grade pet). They are missing the tables with the stats for the Advanced and Top-grade homunculus. And the difference for a level 5 stage 3 general homunculus skills to a level 5 stage 3 top-grade homunculus stats are +20 or +2%, sure it isn't much, but that goes as everything else in this game. If you have a top-grade pet for your character class, it's best to invest on it. If not, you play with what you have ^_^ not everyone can afford to spend vitality bars and 50bi SP every 24h.

    BUT you cannot upgrade a General low level homunculus to a Top-grade one.

    I'm well aware of the three different types of Homunculos; I have a General on my main and a top grade on my buffer :(.  My theory is that by investing enchantment points in the Homunculos Ability section (not the Communing Ability section) you can raise the grade of your Homunculos.  I mean hell, there is an actual Exp section you can invest points into.  This isn't any type of luck/slot machine function either; 1 Enchant point = xxx amount of Exp (XP).  Why else would they have this if not to raise the grade of your Homunculos. 

    Like I said, I could be wrong though.

  8. 10 hours ago, Nymphadorae said:

    3. No. You cannot upgrade the grade/stage of homunculus. You can increase the homunculus level from 1 to 5, but a low-grade lvl 5 homunculus won't be the same as a mid-grade lvl 5 homunculus and much less a top-grade lvl 5 homunculus. Not the best comparison, but think it like this: a +5 Circlet is not the same as a +5 Noble Circlet and not the same as a +5 Radiant Circlet, even if they are all +5.


    I think you are wrong about this.  There are 2 areas in which a Homunculus can be improved.  You can Enchant (level) Homunculus Ability and Cummuning Ability.  While I'm not certain about this, if you can't increase the grade of your Homunculus then there us ZERO reason to enchant the Homunclus Ability area. 

  9. In theory I don't mind low XP rates.  However, one of the big problems is the extreme disparity in leveling speed between classes which was amplified during the event.  Comparably geared ranged/AOE classes were leveling at 5x (often times more) the speed of single target melee classes. 

    So now we have a situation where Archers and Nukers are, on average, 2/3 levels ahead of most melee chars.  To make matters worse, it will be even harder for the melees to catch up in the current environment.  Obviously there are exceptions to this but not many.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Djos said:


    Yeah server settings ended yesterday, but how these bonuses scaled to create such a difference in xp ?!? 

    Only explanation would be an awkward scaling like one of the bonus setting multiplicating all xp bonuses afterward... but even so the difference still seems incredible...

    When a bonus is applied to the base XP value the multipliers will scale much MUCH higher.

    Rough example;

    Base mob 1b XP

    - 100% bonus = 2b

    - 200% bonus = 3b


    Same mob XP 2b (server settings last week)

    - 100% bonus = 4b

    - 200% bonus = 6b

    - 300% bonus = 8b (vit bonus from last week)


    So again (this is rough) but with just vit, a mob which gave 8b last week only gives 2b this week.

    • Like 1
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  11. First impressions;

    I have a 107 GK and 106 Evis (just came back to game 2 weeks ago); both have mid gear and both are a fair amount stronger.  The Evis new passive is hax and the GK just hits harder all around. 

    The no adena w/o Vit is a downer.  Unless they introduce a reasonably cheap Vit rune then this is a BIG fail.


    EDIT:  Doesn't this kinda make the Prestige Rune false advertising? 

  12. 3 hours ago, Quitted said:

    Well whatif had a good idea but there are 2 downsides.

    1st downside this metod only works untill there are grinders sold for a reasonable price. On the whole chronos server there are 3k grinders for 2kk each. After that you have to pay 4 dollars to get one ultimate jewelry box or 150 to 400kk adena. On naia grinders are sold for 9kk so it isn't worth the effort.

    2nd downside when you will be 100 with an r99 +6 you will be kicked out from gludio or af parties because you are undergeared.

    I have a different approach. My best l2 moments where in k85 when due to ncwest dcs a party of 7 became a party of 3 then the healer prd saying "we don't have the dps" and joined ms 3 months later. We, only 2 of us, made k85 in 58 mins. I've never enjoyed l2 so much.

    This is how l2 was and still should be and not the toxic game ncwest wants. Do what you can with what you have and don't bother about gear because even the top players will have to upgrade all from now on

    100kk - 9kk = 91kk x 3 = 273m

    Not worth the effort???

  13. On 2/8/2018 at 12:23 PM, Whatif said:

    Create 3 accounts--> run 3 accounts--->  lvlup yul evi evi to 85 preferably to 90 all of them --->start new questline from "HERPHAH" npc in aden ---> lvl up adventurer guild to lvl4 get 3x lvl1 jewels ---> Then get 9 jewel grinders ---> Go to heine npc "SHADAI"  and trade all grinders+jewel lvl1 to "Gemstone Powder"---> Sell it to any shop in Giran 120-150 milion each. 9*150=1.3bilion ~ 3days  if very lazy 5 days. Buy your +6 r99 weapon. Repeat this for R99 set. Happy days.

    He means other players buy shop in Giran (Aden if you play on Naia / Freya) not the actual NPC store.  Gemstone Powders are easily worth 100m+. 

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