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Posts posted by Rodah

  1. So when you look on the rewards list it says "Cannot be used in Olympiad."  So I guess the jokes on me; only temporary reward on the list........and it's not even listed as 30d time limited.  I guess you have to read the fine print and infer the rest.......

    • Like 1
  2. So I bought 150 Boxes; I felt pretty sure I wouldn't break even but I was at least hopeful.  I drop a Rulers authority; cool right???  Oh wait, it's a 30 day temporary one....  That's right, a Suspicious Safe gave me a TEMPORARY 30 Day Rulers Authority Belt.  You can't make this stuff up.....

    EDIT:  Other stuff was all just garbage; maybe (MAYBE) 5b worth of Items. 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, mixa said:

    Again, nothing new in this event. It may exclude the poorly equipped supports, but that's about it.

    Also what were those events you listed above and how were they related to this event or the ones like it in the past?

    I'll move on when I find that there is nothing else to add. It just in case you're still lost in the conversation xD

    So wrong and now you are just making stuff up.  There have been numerous examples (which you have seen) of full bloody support classes not even hitting A reward on the 105.  Hell, there was the Iss with Dragon Duals who couldn't hit S in the 105.  You know all this so why are you posting such nonsense?  Oh right, that's your shtick; you think it's cool to be an aloof naysayer. 

    How is an in-game EVENT related to an in-game EVENT.......idk, that's a tuff one. 

  4. 4 hours ago, mixa said:

    Oh dear, I'm taking about the Lucien bracelet events from the past.... you probably didn't understand what I was talking about.

    Oh dear.... perhaps you're the one who doesn't understand the problem (again, not surprising).  The Bracelet event is broken; IDC if it's this one or previous ones.  What don't you get about that?  To my knowledge it is one of the few (maybe the only) "event" which excludes support classes from participating. 

    You know this is wrong even if you choose to be a contrarian and deny it.  Instead of parroting the "working as intended party line" why don't you just move along.......

  5. 1 hour ago, mixa said:

    Hmmm, were those classes able to do anything in the previous events? It's same now. Care to explain how I'm wrong about an obvious fact?

    Wait what? 

    3/24 - Server Boost

    3/03 - Lara's Buff

    2/11 - Power of Love

    1/15 - Red Libra

    Are you saying support classes weren't able to participate in any of these?  Of course not and, of course you are wrong (big surprise there).  This event essentially excludes support classes.  Oh wait, they get a free Rose every 2 days......... I guess you are right.

  6. 6 hours ago, mixa said:

    I see no reason to adjust the event. It's more or less exactly the same as the previous ones that you could upgrade the bracelet.

    Let alone that this time around you can actually get free consumables out of it, which wasn't the case in the past events.

    When 3 classes cannot participate in the event other than going AFK for 10 minutes there is most definitely something wrong with it. 

    Based on your past comments on numerous other threads this remark is not surprising; having said that, you're wrong.  

  7. 34 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    MrMind can out xp any archer I promise you that.

    Also aoe becomes less efficient as you level.  As you can not pull multiple groups of mobs as they are restricted in more high level zones to their area of spawn.  If your talking under 105 yes Archers are the most efficient class to level but many high level instances are not aoe they are more focus fire/single target.  In the highest level archer in my ally single target kills at 112 because its more efficient.  I been playing this game 16 years no clue how long your playing it but its obvious you do not fully understand game mechanics.


    In addition why there are more Yul and mostly ghost sentinels is its easy to xp with them click and shoot macros are easy does take much to understand them.  I have beaten higher level archers with better gear in the olympiad because they do not fully understand how to truly play an archer.   Look up evi and maestro 1/3 kill skills and then you understand why they level faster in areas they shouldn't be then equal level archers.

    You have some fair points and I'm not trying to argue with you but I think you are wrong in general.  First off you can't really use the top 10 as a representation of class balance (imbalance).  The simply reason being we don't know what they are spending on XP boost items.  Maybe MrMind runs more Vit boost than Tityus; we don't know.  While I haven't done a full breakdown of the top 150 on Bartz I feel confidant it is overly represented by Archers.  Lest we forget, it also doesn't factor in high level dual archers like Scoobz or Ishmilia.

    Your appraisal of AOE is wrong as well.  I would invite you to journey out to Sea of Spores and observe the full AOE parties FS is running out there.  I would also point out that FULL AOE in Swamp of Screams is without question the best XP in game ATM.  AOE in Storm is a close 2nd.  Using your archer friend as an example is misleading for obvious reasons.

    Even beyond using XP as an indicator of class imbalance we can also look at the current Rim event and the past issue with adena farming in IoP.  Has there been a non-archer in the top 3 in Chronos or Naia?  No!  Additionally, was ANY melee character able to make BILLIONS in a single day in IoP before the adena nerf? No!  

    So, in addition to being inherently better at obtaining XP archers are also better at obtaining adena and event rewards which, in turn, allows them to get better gear.  Thus increasing the disparity between classes.  I'm actually pretty surprised you can't see this; it's glaringly obvious.  

    EDIT:  Just to further illustrate the imbalance; I am a 500b toon.  A 109 Maestro with a +12 Bloody Avenger with top Aug and other related items.  An archer with comparable gear would easily out XP me....  Hell, I can't even hit S reward in Rim but I am 100% certain a comparable Archer would.

  8. So I hate to complain but there are some serious flaws with this instance.  As some have pointed out, it's virtually impossible for support classes to succeed.  

    Additionally, it is absurdly biased in favor of ranged DD's.  I'm a reasonably well geared level 109 Tyrr and I can't hit S reward no matter what I do (in the 105-109 instance).  It's not because I don't kill fast, it's because of how few mobs there are and how far away they are from each other.  Provoke is buggy and, even if it did work correctly, it won't hit mobs on the edge.  Because of this I am running back and forth wasting time chasing mobs.  A comparably geared archer/nuker can literally start their macro, go get a drink, make a sandwich, comeback, and hit S reward. 

    Come on NCNA.........

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, KingNothing said:

    The only point i disagree is on heavy set, to me the cooldown, VR and skill mastery are still better than pdef and 5% critical. But thats my play stile. 

    4% VR is irrelevant so it basically comes down to which is better 10% Skill Reuse and 14% Skill Mastery or 5% Critical / P. Skill Critical Damage.

    As far as Skill Mastery is Concerned; I've run Berserker's Mortal AP (60% Skill Mastery) with a +10 Light Set and didn't notice a difference.  Skill Reuse is great but if you run Eva's and other reuse items/skills 10% is no longer that big a difference.  


  10. Here is some additional general info regarding gear as well; it is in ascending order.

    Armor - r99 Exalted Light, +8/10 Bless Immo/TW/95 Light, +8/10 Bloody r99 Light, +8/10 Bloody r110 HEAVY.  Yes, I said hvy; I'm not going to get into why but if you can afford an r110 Bloody Heavy Set then your other gear is also pretty good and the light bonuses aren't a huge deal anymore.

    Weapon - Enhanced Exalted, E. Shadow, +12 r99 Bloody, +12 r110 Bloody, +13++ r110 Bloody, +15++ Limited.

    Belt - Exalted, PvE, Clan Hall/Ekimus/Tiat, Chef Monkey, Rulers, Enhanced Rulers

    Circlet - +5 Standard Authority, +5 Noble Authority, +5 Radiant Authority

    Dyes - +9 STR (free Exalted), +15 STR, +15/15 STR/CHA 


  11. 1 hour ago, KingNothing said:

    he asked for the BEST hahaha

    also ppl in chronos asking 45b+  for r99 weapons, so its better to get a 110 for 90.

    Well actually he ask which were the best Epics not best gear in general.  I only point this out since you didn't tell him either (best epics or best gear) lol.  

    To the OP regarding Epics; Rings First - If you go a simple Crit Dmg build then go for a Trasken and a Rulers Ring of Authority.  If those are to expensive then get a Ring of Creation and a AQ/Baium Soul with +2 STR.

    If you you want to go for a Skill Crit Dmg build then go for a Temp Oly Ring and the 400 NCoin Paulinas ring (both 30 day temp rings).  

    If you are willing to spend vast amounts of money then get a +10 Fallen Angels Ring and either a +3 Dragon Ring or +6 Angels Ring.  Then you'll have both Crit Dmg and Skill Crit Dmg.

    Earrings - +12 Atlas and any VR Earring.  If money is no concern then +12 Atlas and either a Lindvior or any Gods Earring.

    Necklace - (in ascending order) Frint Soul with CD/Oct Warrior, +3 Dragon/Valakas, Gods Necklace. 

  12. 53 minutes ago, KingNothing said:

    If ure looking for the best gear that might get a little expensive.

    I can help u giving advice on what to look for and you do the best u can with your budget.

    As you're starting now i'd suggest you to pick a r110 fist (bloody at least +12) an elmore cloak +7+ and a couple of rings with critical damage ( trasken and ring creation), and also at least a +8 bloody r99 light set.

    Thats the base of your toon.

    After that when u have to choose which stats to go for i suggest always taking the biggest among the available options. After testing ( my own testing) i found out that P. Atk, P. atk critical, PvE damage, and element attack they all works the same as for normal hits ( not for skills ). So weapon SA's, dual class skills, AP points, or any other else stats that you might get to choose, always pick the highest.

    Basic stats go for STR 1st and than for CHA.

    If ure looking for a skill based tyrr than i'm not the person to give u advice. i dont have the $$ to test that build ;p

    I'm not saying your wrong but you just suggested a "base" of roughly 150b in gear lol. 

  13. 14 hours ago, Nauka said:

    Does Spirit of Golem work with spears? The continent of mobs is mostly aoe and fast kills, seems to me that spear is more viable option. But i'm just 101lvl with exalted blunt... Any experienced Maestro can give an advice?

    I've never tried it but I'm sure it does.  It works with no weapon just swinging your fist!  A spear is actually a really good weap to go from 101-106.  You can AOE Tanor, Coal Mines, and Beleths.  The problem with a spear (IMO) is that there aren't many places to use it after 106.  You can use it in Storm and PI but those are only 1hr each /day.  Virtually all 105-109 hunting areas are small group mobs spaced fairly far apart.  So yes, you can go the spear route and it migh come in handy but, your DPS will be higher with a 1h blunt and you'll probably be hunting small group mobs (5-8) after 106.

    • Like 1
  14. Just a common sense approach; as it stands the past actions shouldn't result in a ban.  Was it dirty pool on MS part; yes and we all know that (even MS knows it's a weak move). 

    GMs should come out and say what we all know; don't use that TP spot during a siege.  After making the hard statement anyone using it in the future should be banned. 

  15. 2 hours ago, chrisma said:

    hi all my Q is this :  is it possible to augument a insane kelbim weap? and if it is with what crystal? 

    Yes you can Augment an Insane Kelbim weapon.  You can use Giant's, regular, mid, high, or top spirit stones. 

  16. On 6/6/2020 at 7:45 AM, Anything said:

    500 top stones here for 0 15% crit dmg... the worst part is the stupid irritating design of this crap system... every single time got to go back into 1 dialog to remove then add it is one of the most irritating stupid designs i ever seen.

    But what else is new its ncsoft who are the worst game programmers ever...

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this.  If you are saying you have to talk to the NPC again after each application/removal then there is a slightly easier way.  You open both the Augmentation application system and the removal system at the same time.  Leave them both up.  I stack them on top of each other with my inventory open to the side.  When you augment/remove augment hit continue after each use and just pull your weapon back into the appropriate system box.  

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, SUPERCELL said:


    Thanks for the detailed information. Much appreciated! 

    I hit lvl 105 yesterday, and doing the 3rd exalted quest. With the current gear (exalted 1st and 2nd) I have, which areas would you recommend for solo exp/farming? I'll try some spots after the server is back up. I'll probably try the areas described in the quest description, but not sure if there are others where I could, as an archer, exp easier/more efficient. 


    Full solo with only exalted gear you're gonna be stuck in BS.  IDK what server you are on but on Chronos there are always multiple 24/7 EV and/or Beleth groups running.  My advice would be to get in one of those.  Also keep doing Coal Mine and Castille daily.  The problem is I don't see how you can advance beyond that (not your fault).  There is just no way to make adena.  

    I invested a fairly large chunk of $$ when I came back and I have 4 toons running non-stop; 2 fishers with Fancy Rods and 2 107+ DDs soloing in different areas.  With this setup up I bring in about 800m/day.  That is enough to keep me progressing but as my gear improves the price of better equipment starts to rise exponentially.  

  18. 3 hours ago, SUPERCELL said:

    Thanks! I decided to reroll the char to main Yul, much better now, currently lvl 104 :). I don't really plan to play Oly. Mainly here for the PVE.

    Could someone point me in the right direction with regards to the jewels to get, and the progression from basic jewels to higher end ones? I know I have to put focus on P.Skill Crit Damage/Rate when playing a Yul, but some descriptions of boss jewels are kinda confusing to me.

    For instance: Ring of Creation mentions: P.Atk/M. Skill Critical Damage +15%. Is this actual P.Atk Crit Dmg or P.Atk Skill Crit Dmg? Same description is on the Baium ring.

    Unfortunately there aren't too many "affordable" jewel options which give Skill Crit Dmg.  For rings you can go for the 30 Day Olympiad Ring and/or spend 400 NCoins a month and get the Paulina's Armor Set which gives a Skill CD ring (15% on both).  You can get an Atlas Earring and get it to +12 (100% Enchant Success Rate); it will give 5% Skill Crit Dmg.  Beyond that you're not going to be able to get any Skill CD jewels without spending BILLIONS! 

    Ring of Creation gives 3% P.Attack (every little bit helps) and a Tauti gives 5% Skill power (kinda pricey).  You can grab an Octavis Warriors Necklace, it gives 3% P.Attack as well.  Grab a +5 Aries Charm for 5% Skill CD too.  As far as progression, I would probably shoot for a Ring of Creation, AQ or Baium Soul Ring, +12 Atlas Earring, Octavis Warrior Earring, and Octavis Warrior Necklace.     

    Ofc go +++ Dex and, if you really are only PvE, you can get any lv4 Dyes.

    • Thanks 1
  19. 18 hours ago, Kurison said:

    @Juji @Hime

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider clearing PK counts if you're going to force us to go back to a item drop PK system.  You guys changed it, people no longer cared about PK counts but now if counts matter we need to be able to reset them.  It needs to be easy to reset the TOTAL count.  Don't sell us a 5 count scroll.  I have hundreds, others will have 1000s of counts to clear.

    Nah, people with 1k+ PKs will be white; that's all they should get.  I'm not saying everyone with 1k+ PKs abused the system but......clearly a LOT did.  Why else would they be making this change. 


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