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Everything posted by Mete

  1. Since they are too lazy to do this themselves ... go to https://us.ncsoft.com/en-us/cross-promos/l2mbeta/lineage2?src=l2hero&_gl=1*w6ucbi*_ga*mtgxmdgxntczmy4xnjmzntmwnzgy*_ga_tpnwxpf7y3*mtyzmzuzmdc4ms4xljeumtyzmzuzmdgwnc4w log in with your exisiting l2 account claim the beta code go to https://lineage2m.plaync.com/naeu/event/betaplayer/index create new account (can use same email as existing l2 account after you verify email, set a password etc, login you get to the main page, click the menu at the top left and select Lineage2M then click on join the beta the scroll to the bottom of the page and paste in your beta key (also accept the various terms and conditions)
  2. you have to create a new account, the after you have and logged yourself in (you can use the same email as your l2 account) scoll down to near the bottom of the page, click on lineage 2 and past in the code
  3. you buy einhasad coins with adena, so that's a pointless flex
  4. What I think they want is for the remaining few hundred people on the live servers that are keeping the servers up by spending hundreds per month ,to transition to Aden. They are keeping the Aden population artificially inflated by continuous supply of freebies, while at the same time doing everything they can to drive people away from live servers. Cause let's not kid ourselves here, nobody's gonna play some terribly managed 17 year old game that demands they keep a computer running 24/7 for about a year and half, for the privilege of spending a few thousand dollars just they can be "average", when they can go play New World for 40 bucks. Economy is fubar. No content. No player retention. When the last few addicts move on, they will close the doors. My guess , considering they failed miserably at retaining any of the new / returning players they got thanks to Covid ...I 'd give it another year.
  5. The Chornos timezone is already a compromise to accommodate European players asking for further steps to accommodate Europeans is IMHO inconsiderate to everybody else playing Chronos. And that's coming from a EURO ps I 'm pretty sure they will merge servers into one sooner or later. You can fight the good fight then.
  6. I had the same question about the homunkulus, Chorong whatsitsface, was never answered.
  7. Well if it makes any difference, when they merged the American servers into Chronos and the European Servers into Naia it was brand new servers, meaning the clan halls, castles etc were unoccupied. And I assume IF they go to one server, they will do the same for the sake of "fairness"
  8. total cost for +10 blessed exalted is 2000+1440 ncoin , so less than 50 euro/usd
  9. prestige is a subscription you buy from https://www.lineage2.com/shop/prestige, it auto renews each month until you cancel No blessed armor is 20 euro/dollars clean, with a lot of extras (jewelry, talismans, pots etc) enchanting it to +10 is safe, you buy the enchants for 40 ncoin each from the l2store, what is it? 20000 ncoin for the 50 enchants? Around another 25 euro/usd
  10. You can get shiny fragments at Shadai in heine, 1 lvl jewel or jewel box for 1 fragment. That is always active, whether there's an event or not. Radiant were through the dimensional merchant, if I remember correctly two ultimate jewelry boxes for one radiant. I don't *think* that option is active without the event, but you can always go check
  11. IOS = Isle Of Souls. Special Hunting Zone, you can access through that shortcut No spoil doesn't yield more adena, never did. And yeah, crafting is dead too.
  12. what used to be and what is changes. Right now the only classes that IMO can do autoattacks (so pattack crit) are evi and maestro. They both (maestro after 106) have a passive/buff that takes 30% of the mob's HP and triggers on auto attacks. Everybody else has to focus on skills. So Skill Crit Damage items are very expensive.
  13. sure there is. Spend about a year a half leveling to 110 (double that since you have 3 in party), then maybe you can start farming some adena at IOS. Not much, but enough to maybe buy a decent Item (decent item cost = 90billion) every 6-9months. Right now, a middle of the road build will cost you MINIMUM 800 billion. With inflation being rampant in game, by the time you 're 110 it will probably cost a trillion and half. Mobs you can kill without good gear drop 10,000 adena MAX. Do the math. The only real shortcut is your wallet and the debit/credit cards it contains. Oh and contrary to the past, spoiler is NOT a money maker any more. There is literally no spoils, just fragments for augment stones. Nothing you can sell/npc for more money
  14. Titan is a bit expensive, IMO, you will need multiple weapons, plus optimal for Titans is P.Skill Crit Damage build, which is 3-4 times more expensive than P.Attack Crit Damage (eviscerator). But yeah light works fine. For specific advice on titans I would defer to people that play it as a main, perhaps ask/read in the relevant warrior subforum for class specific advice. You don't really need to dual titan. Red Libra is on, choose whatever race/class you want, level your character to 85 (20 minutes) claim free stone of destiny (one per account), switch to titan. That option will be available for 2 weeks. I know Kamael titans work well, again for specific class advice on titans post in the relevant forum to get attention from people that play the class.
  15. a box is useful. And generally a good idea to level said box to 107 so they can enter all the instances with you aside from TOI. Which iss, up to you. Hiero is best in terms of damage. Personally I prefer domi cause it's easy to keep them out of party without running complicated macros. Downside, you need a clan that both your main and domi can be members of, and it can be a bit expensive running a domi [they burn through spirit ore for buffs] where to farm, nowhere till 109 or so. After that Isle of Souls is good adena for an hour (+ any overtime you buy with ncoins) [you can enter IOS at 107 but probably can't really kill there till 109] and Forrest of Mirrors that you can pretty much farm 23/7 Keep in mind 105-109 will cost some adena, drops suck, consumables are expensive so spend your money wisely. Also it's a good idea, if it's a new character, to try and 105 main and dual class in the "free" week of vitality rune you get at 85. Right now with the event buff it's doable.
  16. evi is cheap high single target damage. If you want AOE dualclass archer or whatever. But evi is easy to exp, cheap to equip, and can farm decent adena. All you need is a 50 euro/usd +10 blessed exalted set and the gear you already have. That will get you to 112 with relative ease. AOE is optimal exp/farm. Optimal isn't always attainable
  17. As far as I know if you are banned you login to the launcher fine (because if you are banned on say L2 doesn't mean you are also banned on Aion) then when you open the L2 client itself it just exits. That's what I was told.
  18. for some reason only Korean wisdom can fathom, no there is no autocrafting
  19. plunderous was awesome for adena a couple of years ago. Terrible exp, but lots of adena, and lots mats you could npc for even more adena. Sadly it was nerfed cause ... reasons.
  20. here's the problem. Nobody wants to help a support exp, everybody wants a 110 support to join their cp. here's the second problem, precisely because this game is insanely expensive to play, the number of new players is small. You will see plenty of mentees around, for sure, but very few actual players to help you exp 105 to 110, which is the first real "hurdle"in the game. Cause 1-105 is easy. Additional problems. Party exp is really inefficient. It's way more efficient for a dd to exp solo, at 105, than to join a party and help supports out. Also, aside from NZ, there are no real party exp zones untill Ketra/Varka, everything open field/special zones is geared towards people soloing. Final problem, dailies. Few people will invite you for dailies until you get to around 112, especially if you are tank. A tank in paper armor, is not really useful. Dailies are the bulk of your exp.
  21. -Quests give u exp and are the main objective of the game. That was maybe true 10 years ago. Right now there is literally no quests, aside from the exalted series, and that predominantly gives you free items and skills. Not exp. -I am not satisfied with your answer about blazing swap, since 3rst exalted quest can be done at lvl 103 in other zones. (not always as solo) Party exp in this game kinda makes sense when you can exp at neutral zone. So 107+. Before that parties, unless of course you are a support, are terrible exp. Only possible exception is Coal Mines until 106 , IF you can set up a decent AOE party. Do not take this to mean that an AOE party in Coal Mines is better than Solo AOE in coal mines, it's just that most newbies lack the gear to solo aoe there, and not all classes can AOE -Yeah I test now, in hellbound is more difficult, I couldn't left in auto hunt, but not in beleth. In Beleth is easier, is possible, and get items to craft and to continue quest. This game starts after 110. Anything you do before 110 is irrelevant. If you are new and try to exp in Beleth exclusively at 103, pretty soon you will be out of soulshots and making nowhere near enough Adena to buy soulshots. Your goal, at this point, is to get 110 as fast and as cheaply as possible. So find the area that gives you maximum exp/hour, and forget about quest items and the 120 ether per day. Most people that have been here a while understand those areas until 105 are Blazing and War Torn. You 'll kill billions of mobs if you stick to this game, you 'll complete all your quests whether you want to or not. The general rule of thumb though, even at 115, is that the best exp is killing GREEN mobs. Oh and forget crafting. Trust me. Everything you will buy with adena. Maybe if you 're bored and you have gathered a bazilion ether you can attempt to craft some weapons to enchant/sell, but crafting is NOT something you can rely on to progress
  22. exp is a factor of how much exp (the number) a mob gives and how much time it takes to kill that mob. Generally, until 105 which is when Blazing Swamp and War Torn Plains (which is frankly a better spot for melee) the faster kills and the best exp gain is those locations. Because the alternative is Hellbound, and generally mobs take a lot more time to kill for little more exp. You can test this yourself. Go to war torn plains, kill a mob, see how much exp you get and how much time it takes to kill that mob. Repeat in Hellbound. What you think mentors *should* do is probably unrealistic. A mentor gives you buffs while online, and a set of items when you graduate. He gets mentee coins. I don't think it's realistic for you to expect a mentor to basically babysit you, be free all day to come give you extra buffs etc. As to the event you get 1 free class change per account. Further class changes cost 3 billion (not 30). If however you want to change within the same archetype (for example change from Yul Silver Ranger to Yul Ghost Sentinel) you can do that for 300 million by buying the chaos essence (and it's in your interest to do that because you retain common skills for the two classes and their enchants) That's for your main class. For your dual class you get as many class changes as you want for 300 million.
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