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Everything posted by Mete

  1. Go claim it -> https://lineage2m.plaync.com/naeu/index#promo scroll to the bottom of the page, login, select server etc
  2. Again, the shortage of R110 weapons (and to some extent R99 weapons) is related to the event. Thousands of HEWRs are being generated, the only way for people to make money on the event (since the HEWRs aren't tradeable) is to buy and +12 weapons. Obviously they won't make as much money as they think, because there really isn't the population with the available adena, and an interest in clean +12 Krishnas, but hey, they tried. By the way, wtf is going on with Elcyum? People are paying triple for Elcyum relative to 3 months ago, and still not finding any. I know, lots of the fishers on specific bots can't login anymore, but hey ... That aside, the economy remains borked. I went around Naia in primetime Friday. Blazing swamp, beleths etc were PACKED with obvious exalted alts in 7 man parties farming the event. The more I went to higher level areas, the more free spots were available. Beyond Ketra/Varka (and with Dethrone not yet open) it was pretty much dead space. Now if NCWest Feels happy all the Romanians, Russians, Brazilians (that's not racism, that's clan tags camped around the Castilla NPC) got to log in 21903902183901 alts to farm the event ... meanwhile actual players are not bothering to log in any more ...
  3. Current event ... everybody's running 958 boxes doing castilla to get the Heavenly Enchant Weapon Rs. In hopes of +12ing Krishna weapons and selling them for eleventy bazillion adena. So ... they have bought out all available weapons, supply < demand , price has scyrocketed.
  4. Buy 5 1600 coin packs if you really want to ... yeah not ideal, but considering the "team" checks in once a month, if that, it's probably a better option than waiting for them to fix it
  5. The only thing you can spoil (plunder technically) is fragments for augment stones. And you won't get those till you start killing mobs in Hellbound or higher. In terms of drops, there are none until you start killing mobs that are 105 level (Ivory Tower/Silent Valley). And you will get with a very small chance aden chest, which have a small chance of giving you full items when you open them.
  6. have all three, draconic is still my favorite. As is draconic armor. It went all downhill from there ... or maybe I 'm blinded by nostalgia, but everything after S grade was all trytohardtolookawesomeandfail
  7. You focus on damage first, defense second. Skills +10 (since they are your damage) at least , items that increase your damage (skill damage rings, artifacts, ruby, redcat), enchant your bow (current event helps) make it bloody, then start worrying about defense.
  8. they are clan quests, in the event tab. No you don't have to talk to anyone, you just complete them and they auto-renew (the castilla is obviously daily, since you can only enter Castilla once per day, the 3000 mob one is 21 times, as soon as you complete one round, you start the next one)
  9. You 're about 15 years too late for C4
  10. There's literally nothing up to 110 to help lowbies equip themselves. Low level zones have been nerfed so hard they are basically just burning money exping. IMO give them more of those vitality runes up to 110. There's no content, nothing to do before that. I 'd argue most newbies quit when they ding 106 or whatever and realize it will take them 2 months of beleth's to get to 107, and it will cost them a bil in Soulshots they won't make by killing mobs.
  11. There's no "suggested" gear ... the better the gear you get, the quicker you kill, the faster you will level. And don't underestimate exp boosts, the more you spend on exp boosts, the faster you will level also.
  12. Castilla is daily, so is the 3000 mob quest, so your math is wrong you can theoretically get 100+60+50 =210 per day, times 21 days, 4410 coins That's why everybody logged in their mentees and aden is a mess, free HEWRs if you do castilla every day for 2 weeks, mutiply it times how many lvl 100+s everybody has = lag
  13. @Juji @Hime The Lag in Naia is insane
  14. That's nonsense. Inflation affects everyone. Let me give you an example. Say someone starts playing today. By the time they are 105, they have collected maybe 20million. Inflation (meaning the oversupply of adena) means that person has to spend ONE BILLION just to buy 8 rune stones for their skills. Apply that to EVERYTHING in game. EVERYTHING. Even freakin R Grade crystals (you need those to craft shots) have gone completely out of control. That's the result of too much adena entering the economy, making it completely unworkable. The rare items are rare because NCWest wants to make money on you gambling to get them. And they realize they have a core playerbase of junkies, that are at this point too invested in this game to go elsewhere, that will keep gambling to get that one more item. And they also realize that if everybody had a dragon weapon, those junkies that spend the thousands every month, would leave, cause they would have lost the exclusivity for the items they spent those thousands.
  15. Here's the catch 22 . People whine on forums about lousy events, overpriced items etc. But, the people left playing this game are basically junkies. Sorry. But after whining, they go get their cc out and give ncwest a few hundred dollars. So nothing ever changes. NCWest doesn't give 2 sh1ts about the player base, they never have and they never will. When will that sink in? They made a mistake with those stupid orc chests, the ingame description was wrong. A normal company, one that gives 2 sh1ts about keeping its customers happy would have figured out a way to make good for their mistake. NCWest, to those idiots that wasted time and/or resources acquiring those boxes, they just said FU, the description is correct on the website, go away. And just to add, I did not participate in this event, nor did I buy any boxes so I have no personal skin in this game. Why is it a catch22? Cause nothing will ever change. People will come here every maintenance, whine, then when nobody's looking, like junkies, reward NCWest for their efforts with real money. And the cycle will keep repeating till all that's left will be 20 idiots paying a kings ransom every month so they can "dominate" empty servers
  16. prestige is monthly yes items on the l2store change frequently. Currently, the expedition pack is decent value for lowbies. But afaik that is only sold for 1 more day, tomorrow something else will be available. Beyond that, at 105, buy as many exp boosts as you can afford. Destiny Pack gor example. If you 're between prestige and destiny, get destiny, prestige is more useful later. The game doesn't really start till 110+, getting to 110 without exp boosts can take 6-8-12 months of you losing money (meaning the cost of consumables is greater than the adena you pickup) enchant rates are terrible. unless you are willing to spend crazy money on heavenly/grand kain scrolls, aim to always buy what you need outright, not enchant it at 105, the blessed exalter armor + enhanced exalted fists are fine. Where to invest depends on what you have, and how much you are willing to sped. Obviously if you can afford stage 3 dragon fists, get them, but those realistically will cost you thousands of dollars. Incremental upgrades as you level may be easier to swallow. For example, the aforementioned Expedition pack gives you a set of artifacts, a lvl 5 brooch, a lvl4 red cat's eye, better shirt and bracelet than the free ones you get and a bunch of pots. For 50 eur/usd. If you are willing to buy that, you should be fine for a few levels, you can slowly begin to fill up the remaining artifact slots , find a decent/cheap crit damage ring, and start collecting money for the big ticket items. Elmore cloak (highest enchant you can afford), Bloody Krishna (highest enchant you can afford) will be usefull after 110. From there it's all incremental upgrades. Jewel upgrades (ruby 5, great ruby, same with red cat, etc), artifact upgrades, pretty much every item you will own will at some point have to be upgraded, your first focus should be damage, later you can focus on defense.
  17. they come from the random loot boxes from the l2store. Some people open thousands, so they get thousands of buff pots. some l2store packs (exalted armor packs, the expedition pack etc) contain them in multiples (i think 300 of each)
  18. The success rate is indicated each time you craft. However NCSoft "success" rates are haphazard at best, I can tell you, anecdotally, that last week I failed a skill enchant that was given as a 90% success chance 7 times in a row.
  19. Red Cat 5 is 360 euro/dollars. Not that it's cheap, but it's not 700
  20. Mete

    VP mystery

    Vitality drains the same on all characters/classes. Except when you have a maintaining rune or pot. At 85, when you change to your final occupation, you get a 7 day vitality rune.7 days of full vitality is a huge bonus when you 're a lowbie, but you decide. If you want to keep the toon, claim the 30 day vitality rune from the l2store and make the most of it.
  21. Mete

    VP mystery

    if your Yul is under 106, abandon it and start a new character (on a new account idealy). Claim the 30 day Death Knight Ring (P. Skill damage), Blessed Exalted LA pack at 85 and use up your free 7 day vit rune you get at 85, and pot up (blessed exalted pots). You will be 105 in a day and a half. Do a Yul dual class (for convenience/speed of leveling) and take another day and a half to get that to 105 for the dual class skills. As close to Wednesday's maintenance as you can, claim the 30 day rune on both accounts. IF you are willing to spend money, the expedition pack is decent value (around 50 USD/EURO) for your archer. You get Items you need that are close to impossible to get ingame (jewels, brooch, a set of artifacts and more pots to help you level). All that should get you to 108 at least on your main, before the 30 day rune expires. Beyond that you have to start thinking about weapon ... and do keep in mind, archers are VERY expensive to equip.
  22. of course it will change a lot. There will be 5 people left playing. To do TOI upper you need a hierophant AND a SWS. Good luck playing a game that involves waiting 23 hours for the supports to log in. That no boxing ship sailed years ago, when the game failed to attract and maintain an active population
  23. yes of course I am, so you 're saying, Korea export decided that NA should be their only export territory without an Einhasad store because ...
  24. Red Cat 5 in Core (L2 export market ) -> 120 Euro [through einhasad store, for 48200 coins. Coin cost -> 8Euro for 3200) Red Cat 5 in NCNA (L2 export market) -> 360 Euro [through night market] Core has Einhasad store, NCNA is the only export territory AFAIK without one etcetc I struggle to believe most of these decisions aren't made by NCNA I also struggle to believe Korea injected hyper inflation in the servers, then made an event (Night Market) where prices pretty much exactly matched the hyper inflated prices item scarcity and adena over supply created.
  25. They are equivalent to R99 bloody of the same enchant level (ok the +10 armor might be closer to R99 +9). Downside, only 1 SA (the third one) on the weapon, and obviously, you can't sell them to recoup your investment. It's basically what, 60-65 USD/Euro , so with current NCoin-Adena prices, and depending on which server you play on, over 60 billion on Naia, more on Chronos. So, if you can find R99 Bloody wep+12 and +8 or better armor for 60 billion or so, you 're better off buying that, you can at least resell later and get your investment back. If not, go with b. exalted. Either will get you to 110-112 comfortably. After that, and if you want to do TOI etc, you will need to upgrade. PS keep in mind Night Market coins end at some point, there is no guarantee you will be able to buy the weapon scrolls after it ends
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