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Everything posted by weinerthezon

  1. Audge should have been compensated for her unjust banning. Reparations of some kind, maybe a free dragon weapon stage 3.
  2. Ehh, I stand by my original stance. Audge shouldn't have been banned for what she did, this video isn't cheating either. Bad coding is all. That is just how the game is played, it's not cheating if everyone knows about the tactic and all use it. My character had had 1 Extra AP then my level would indicate I have for months now because NCwest doesn't know how to fix. Am I cheating by having an extra AP point? By definition maybe. However, I know most the server also has that extra AP point, so it is not really an advantage.
  3. I don't play much anymore, but this seems like a really bad idea. I don't believe the force pk issue is possible to fix. Going to kill 24/7 macroing and get a lot of people very rich off the tears of others.
  4. Given the upcoming changes to the PK System. I am announcing that I am coming out of Retirement. Top end gear, will be super easy to farm off 24/7 macro toons by forcing pk. I expect to be fully stacked and geared in a couple weeks from the new gear farm system ncwest is implementing.
  5. Maybe you won. But the Original poster clearly lost, winners who had fun don't cry and complain. OP clearly lost hard, and didn't sleep last night it was soo bad.
  6. You are talking about a staff that works 10 hours a month combined. Ncwest is doing a really great job considering, just understand it is a time issue.
  7. Goodluck, I reported Nova for this every month for 15 years, Juji did nothing, he knows about the spot. It is a part of the game now, working as intended. at least, that is what the GMs told me. Back to the drawing board Nova, find a new way to explain your failures.
  8. Dumb comment, Summoner doesn't have any support skills, therefore they are a DD not a hybrid. I can balance summoner by changing like 2 numbers in the code.
  9. Nova been doing this for like 15 years. Even back during martelx and Hitch days
  10. Juji if you reading this, I bought the wrong crystal of determination amount. Bring back the promo I just need a quick 3,021
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga_sutbjXTs&feature=youtu.be First scene is Gran Kain ignoring Celestrial Aegis. Second scene is Gran Kain not working because I have Celestial Aegis on myself. Third scene is Summoner Marks not working with Gran Kain up.
  12. Another Bug with the Necklace, even though it feels like I am talking to myself. Maybe someone will read as its not a bug for summoners. When you use Gran Kain's Necklace Active Skill while CS is up on yourself, the skill doesn't work, it doesn't even pop up on your buff bar. Is this working as intended?
  13. +1 With many classes made obsolete like the summoner, certain warriors, ect. A lot of players have opted to just play our dual class. With a system being implemented that favors the main class, this puts mainly dual class players at a huge disadvantage. With all your bound items/augmentable gear/agathions/+20 skills and +30 forgotten skills, this puts the cost of rerolling at about 1000 billion adena not including the time to lvl again. I will not continue to play if I cannot switch my dual class to main class. And I have a feeling, a lot of others players will not as well. Anyway, I hope ncwest makes the right choice.
  14. I think a lot of talked about it, no one was happy with the endless events. I probably even made a post or two when I first came back. I was in clan with Toast who probably made countless posts about it. At the end of the day though, you can only scream soo much, if no one is responding what is the point? For instance, this thread. Ncwest won't respond to it =p I mean, I agree we could have said more. But in the end, probably the same result.
  15. You sound angry, why did you spend 10,000 on 1 event lol. I have slowly geared up over 2 years, by buying and selling at smart times. All my gear is always for sale, that's just how I play. I know what I have spent is far less than anyone with gear even close to mine. And probably less than people who have nothing to show. I don't care about my investment in l2, as I have actually spent relatively very little. I made this post, to help other people. Anyway, get a better grip on your spending mate.
  16. Hi Juji and Friends, I would like to report two bugs I have noticed with my upgrade Stage Gran Kain Necklace. 1. The Necklace does not Glow as the description says. It only glows when I unequip and requip the item. See the screen below. https://i.gyazo.com/9b9f4216ab34d25a02ce6886dadbea09.png 2. With the Skill on the Gran Kain, it states will ignore invincibility skills, which it does ignore all invincibility type skills I tested against when you are doing a damage skill or attack. However, when using a summoner mark or debuff you will still not be able to land these skills. Now a damage skill with a debuff like a wizard destruction, will land. Now to add even further insult to injury for a summoner, a wizards debuff (death breath) will land through cs because it can magic crit and do damage. This magic crit of a dot was removed for summoners, so summoner marks will not do damage. Could you please look into this. https://i.gyazo.com/e07c3b74e7b81480c4afb86b29798118.png Thanks,
  17. Id like to start off by saying, I am probably a Top 1% in terms of gear player. Just thought I would make this request on behalf of every single player left playing l2 ncwest. We have been hammered with new item after new item for years, with the majority coming in just the last 2 months. The player base can't keep up with this and the gap is widening between even the top end and super top end players by an insane amount. I have a ton of gear, but the people I pvp sometimes have so little gear I could just stand there and they would kill themselves. The novelty is fun but it wears off fast. This is not sustainable. Even from a purely profit driven motive, a company should want its product to last longer rather than shorter? As a professional Cow, let me tell you how we would like to be milked. Bring old events back like cloak/circlet/agathions with much better success rates or possible even already enchanted items for 1/3rd of the ncoin price so players with less disposable income can catch up at a fraction of the price. I don't mind if this means I paid more for my items 1 year or even 6 months ago. I understand a company needs to make money, but they can do it wisely while keeping intact the integrity of the game. These type of big sale promotions I believe would bring in just as much money, as well as balance out and bring people back to the game. And if this promotion doesn't work, hey at least you tried, hit us with the sayha talismans and artifacts the following week. Let the big spenders like myself, be 3 or 4 steps ahead of the pack, instead of 10,000 steps. Just my thoughts.
  18. Yeah, ncwest has probably added 30 item slots + 20 consumables in the last few years, yet no change to item inventory.
  19. Why is the Festival Event only for Euro players, when Chronos is an NA server? Average Event on Chronos last 3 minutes Event #1 Starts 7am Pacific Time/10am Eastern time (When NA Players are at work) Event #2 Starts 3pm Pacific Time/6pm Eastern Time (When NA Players are at work) Is Chronos an NA server or a Euro Server? If it's a euro server, just merge us with Naia already.
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