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Everything posted by KissMyKnife

  1. 1 question why we get Circlet of power, if we can get scroll by free? what the point?
  2. was reach 95 and get the vit rune on that lvl but not worth it, after 94 vit ended, so the exp was slow to slow, i guess i get vit rune on 90 then i awaken it. probable 2 3 day will be enough to reach 105, if i find a good time to do coal i feel. not worth waiting 99 for sure.
  3. he know me, he never troll me or will gonna be hurt he know me :D, seems i have to test it out, if mixa right, will not search him
  4. in wiki i see the awakened quest give the vit rune, so on west its different? or i have to awaken at 85 only?
  5. i wasnt said i do it on 99, it was a example, probable want to reach 101 or 102, then get vit rune
  6. I can trick the game? i mean, if i awaken my new character in 99, can get the vit rune? or i get the reward on 85 only?
  7. agree if they make your idea, we get like 1 month vacation for l2 so guys do it, turn of server till hardware install it
  8. plz ignore all other question, except daily coin, this is the most important question in the thread! Being perfect mind its feel good, dont hesitate to tell any1 for your mind its perfect, and its not your failt for this lag. now every1 plz subscribe prestige back, because juji so perfect and he will solve this problem 1 year later. We already wait half year, so almost there guys
  9. are you joking? what fix? and you think the server setting stop you for lose more prestige pack sub? you will see more cause you was say fix and not server upgrade, you guys so incompetent?
  10. @Juji @Hime You guys probable on panic, after you saw how many player unsub to prestige pack, i just hope you realize, little upgrade not enough this time, you guys should, buy a new server, not just cpu or ram. fix this latency lag already, we wait like half year to fix this, dont test hardwares, buy the 1 that you guys know, will fix the problem.
  11. Wish i can say i Cancelled my prestige subscription, but i'm free to play guy, not pay money to a company that not care my feelings
  12. when i see 2 classic server merge, was feel we get 1 of the classic server, lets see i'm right
  13. be happy for only like have on this forum, and never allow it, i want to see that 874 rep on you
  14. you so lucky are you sure its not fragment?
  15. like your idea but just need max 3 mob on right lvl and no more karma, so easy to avoid My idea better, cause the pk lover cant remove rep only reset it in each reset time
  16. you test only dex? not test normal crit damage and skill crit damage?
  17. Thx Snowmaiden to try get back your old pk farm job, dream on, no1 care you lose your pk pick up job, the train its already faraway, you tolate, give up! Old penalty never come back.
  18. i just think a new 1 i feel this is the best solution for all who love pking. so after 10 pk in a day, the play get a skill not change anything on status, but make the character to be attacked, and each day on reset time, removed this skill. Easy to make this change.
  19. even dev team cant change time on any item, so its coded on file, they cant do nothing to change the time, and probable the file protected, to view it or edit it.
  20. better if they add punishment, for example, 1 mob = -1 rep, so we have chance to revenge the pk :D, and if the toon die, no rep lose.
  21. Player like Cl0ud or BongDaFlow, its part of the community, without this two, every1 life will be boring, next time try to kill him when you saw a pk toon come to you Its part of the game, some1 need to be red and stupid, or to be being a clown
  22. if the info right, atlas enchant scroll have 100% success rate even on +12, +12 its the max
  23. can you post the current hardware and the new server stat? just to see what will be change on naia and chronos
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