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Everything posted by KissMyKnife

  1. I would be happy if they remove the gaining exp lower -rep D
  2. so long i see latency lag, not sure you guys what you talk about latency, are you sure we experience skill latency lag? Perhaps you guys should think about 4 client limitation to test out still have latency lag.
  3. 1 question, cant see queue on your post, so no queue?
  4. pm with detail thx , i promise will not tell any1
  5. 1. ok 2. its not helping at all, come on, allow creation forever. 3. Briliant test you probable check how much dead player have on lag, and no lag and was to many, right?
  6. that a good trolling post i really wondering how much account juji can see on your ip address, and how many character you have who can enter to balok
  7. what you mean only 2 a week? 1 account have only 1 character? you know how fast you can reach 97 in support and 101 on 1 dd? with my gear, 101 its 3 hour long to reach 101. you make 7 tyr in first account then in 2nd and 3rd account just need 97 only, or 100 max to get Circlet, that it, its easy to make a two member cp, max 1 week and you have 7 balok pt with 2 player. so count it again for much rune stone you can get in one week, its not 2, more like 14 rune stone 9 bear 4 bewr. I know its painful, i also do balok in each time, and now i have to stop, but i never lie, you should to, you have more then 1 account for balok, stop lie
  8. @Juji Yes guys the green orc need more adena on IOS make his dream come true, but let me suggest something, Double the pass price on NCOIN, make the seller happy as well. right now, 250m for the pass, and most of the farmer pick like 700m in a hour.
  9. are you sure about trigger its low on top? not reverse? low trigger low and top trigger faster?
  10. was try this on that spot and some mob was like that, so its a bugged area.
  11. tauti ring + 10 power on stab its cheaper then a +12 bloody weap. i hpe its answer your question, almost same increase you get in both way.
  12. look my guide on rogue section, and your first step, is +8 light set or a tauti ring. you will get like 40% more damage can be more with tauti ring, and enchant your stab to +10 power minimum
  13. all ok on my launcher now, not stuck on loading screen or get a isp error. and find out, i wasnt the only hungary gamer who was have same problem, was a ban on hungary ips?
  14. i have a launcher problem as well, i stuck on loading screen on launcher, or get a ISP error and i live on hungary.
  15. you dont know how this list system work? check player in 1 time, each day in reset time only, its not active all time
  16. different server less money
  17. really? i do my own atlas mentee in 1 account, can you lower your calculation? i just dell 2 character on 1 old acount, so no new account here, just dell 2 toon in 2 account 1 on main and 1 on iss, main account was make a yull and in iss account a new iss, that it, stop your nonesense no need new account, just 2 free slot on account, 1 its active and 1 for wait deletion. on the same account.
  18. i dont know you are genius or just fooled, let me explain. 3 reason i can come up with your post 1. you try to lower fishing player with a lie fact, to elcyum powder price go up 2. your friend have your items, and want to keep it, so he/she lie to you for keep it 3. he lie cause who fishing only for 3 hour a day? he/she can stay online all day long without problem, so why just 3 hour? because exp with other toons on that account with third program. i vote 3rd
  19. you not a true rogue, i fight for my strong, not give up and move to better class, cause its better. Look your heart, no1 give you 1.
  20. guys i'm so happy, you make this move, only the first 100 player can log in game, its genius bravo guys bravo keep it up forthe good work dont fix this plz all exp spot its free even coal mine, thank you guys
  21. so your guess its 3 hour if ncwest was buy a better server, and they need to install it, then it will be not 3 hour maintenance
  22. i think he mean, in inventory, remove all item that was get with daily coin? not on npc, on inventory
  23. tevas you sure how all gear, and open all box and get nothing, seems you out of luck, try to stop open box chest for 2 mont, maybe your luck come back
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