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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 40 minutes ago, Guanche said:

     ah well i'm confused
      rim kamaloka was not the institution in which there were prizes for lvl 105 110 and 120 that gave the 120 the possibility that the great ruby and sapphire lvl 5 would fall?
    well i'm confused so i'm sorry

    Even so, I have the bracelete and it does not improve my damage much and more if you go to areas 113 + it does not show

    but hey I hope it is within the reach of most players and not just a few
    But believe me if I tell you that I have the +10 bracelet and I do not remember the stay, my mother, I am very lost




    yes, you could get those items from the loot box from the 120 s rank etc.

    however, this event also gave scrolls to enchant the lucien bracelet, and allowed the bracelet to be purchased.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Guanche said:


    I hope that if they put another event it will be to replace tonic, ice roses, deton purple, beers

    Already from the great items I do not expect anything that the usual ones play 100% of the game and that more dragon and zariche weapons are made and items +10

    I'll stay farming in my xp spot so happy😝

    I think the next event may be Rim Kamaloka. At least I hope, that's a fun event. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Hellbender said:

    Yes....do the math for what?...what are the changes made during the three hour downtime.

    the server is restarted.  internal scripts that are set to run for a week are reset.  plus, its always good to perform a restart every now and then for the hardware.  Also, even if they dont say a specific feature changes, we typically still have some sort of file update that has to be sent for the client, even if it is small.

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, ant6519 said:

    my dad has a toon from 2006 and I was wondering if there's any way to find the hours he has on him

    The most you can do, to my knowledge, is check your creation birthdate.

    This is /birthday or /birthdate or /mybirthday or something like that, can't remember exactly.

    Outside of that, for a true hour count, you would need to calculate it yourself based off known play time and estimated hours per day. I don't think Ncsoft could even give you a true count of total online hours after all the migrations they have done.

    Hope this helps. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, KazAnakiuS said:

    We should not wish for a merge to happen, because it will be the last merge. After that, the next step would be to shut it down entirely.

    There used to be, 7-8 servers if i remember correctly? Devianne, Bartz etc. With every merge, we come 1 step closer to the end of the game.

    If we love this game, we should wish that NC makes the right choices to make them both heavy again. I hate seeing them Light every day.

    I'm still waiting on @Juji or @Hime to tell us how our feedback was received about the last update.


    I 100% agree with you that they should do things to make the game better and attract more players. Sadly, all of the communities suggestions fall on deaf ears.


    Price structure, lack of item availability, random bans, coin store, etc. The list goes on and on. Everything has an end eventually. But i doubt this closes anytime soon.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, extase1987 said:

    Summoners are only useful when doing Field Raid Boss, where you need a certain amount of hits in order to deactivate the boss shield.

    Summon people quicker also.

    Other than watching your beautiful summons, it is miserable even at end game.

    miserable is an understatement.

    the class can have stage 3 dragon wep and lvl 120 and still not do damage bc the summons are perma locked at low level.

  7. On 9/4/2021 at 1:56 AM, Aussie said:

    you guys should see mine. 

    cloack +11 + 60k ncoin + 150b = cloack +1

    am I upset about that? at first yes , now no !!!! This was a like a slap on my face , I have to say THANK you ncsoft, after this cloack event you actuallt opened my eyes and I will  spend my time and money with something else. 

    thats pretty gross, but not unheard of unfortunately


    same thing can happen walking into a casino with 750 usd.  the key is not risking what will make you mad if you loose and have nothing.  its all gambling.

  8. On 9/3/2021 at 5:40 AM, Anieshka said:

    Hi Team,

    missing the Lucien Instance, it was good exp and a chance to upgrade our bracelets and get nice items. 

    Bring to us Lucien again plz.

    This is an event we may see soon, I hope. 

    It was called Rim Kamaloka. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Joebob said:

    I just tested Shadow Hunter. The 65% patk crit damage boost only applies from the rear. 67k damage to a mob from the front with Shadow Hunter and 83k damage without.

    When soloing, Shadow Reverse will be your first attack quite often because it is a short blink (assuming you use a kbm). Not great for soloing or parties. 

    I agree that a spoiler will perform better than an adventurer since spoilers do more damage from all directions in PVE. However, I still disagree that a Ghost Hunter will always perform better than an adventurer. At least in my case. Per my calculations of the damage bonuses, an adventurer's damage will almost double a ghost hunter's from the front.

    Another thing to consider for ghost hunters is that they have three jumps: shadow chase, grim reaper possession (20s+ cooldown with 5 second double damage), and shadow reverse (short blink but still effective). The other classes only have shadow chase. 



    i will test the front dmg of shadow hunter later tonight.  i went off tooltip alone.


    also, to your point on the 3 jumps.  grim reaper is one of the main reasons i like the GH.  it eliminates range the best of the 3 daggers.

  10. On 8/25/2021 at 6:25 PM, Funkey said:

    First and foremost, I haven't played in literally years. Used to be pretty high/well geared when I played, now I know you can get to lvl 100 in a few hours and 105 in a couple of days. But I don't care :). I know archers rule this version of L2, but I don't care, I want to "continue" my old Ghost Hunter.

    welcome back :)

    On 8/25/2021 at 6:25 PM, Funkey said:

    Stuff I have. Mishmash r99 set, not bloody, 3 items blessed. Mishmash = various enchant levels from 3 to 6.

    Baium Soul, Ant Queen Soul, Regular antharas, frint.

    r99 dual daggers, with 2 lvl 5 SAs (have no recollection of putting them there, but they are there and I have dozens of soul crystal exchange coupons for some reason, maybe I should try for higher level SAs? Get level 5s and compound ...), 300 wind. I 'm thinking that should take me to 110, wrong?

    those epics are good.  I would recommend using the blessed exalted light armor set purchase and making it all +10.  This will get you some excellent upgrades for very cheap.

    you daggers, if they arent bloody, will need upgraded.  The SA's need to be "Death" and "Fire" to max your dmg on target.

    you epics are fine as those rings give p atk crit dmg.  you need to stack all items that give p atk crit dmg, p skill crit dmg, patk, p skill power.  All of thise directly affect your damage on target and all apply equally to your stabs.  yes, patk crit dmg and p skill crit dmg stack for your stabs.

    i dont advise gambling any upgrade at this stage in the game.  save and buy the item outright that you want/need

    On 8/25/2021 at 6:25 PM, Funkey said:

    en artifacts didn't exist, so none. Same with jewels, agathions etc. Nada. But I do have a longing and a seven signs. Yay me . I know the exalted quest series gives some jewels, and what I see in the AH is crazy expensive, so I ;ll start with the exalted ones and build on them. Maybe look into buying some jewel energy thingees and hope the korean gods of random number generation shine on me and I can upgrade the exalted ones.

    artifacts and la vies are extremely important to increasing damage output.  However, these arent needed for pre 110 material.  they are a very large boost, but can become very expensive.  i would see if you enjoy the game with the above recommendations to 110 and then splurge on more.

    On 8/25/2021 at 6:25 PM, Funkey said:

    Give me some pointers. Epics (are they still called that?) keep em, nah they are useless sell them? Someone was telling me the ring that comes with the blessed exalted set is better than either of my rings ... made me sad.  Do I need p skill crit damage rings? (so I believe angel +6 or better?)

    Now that I mentioned it, I 'm thinkin of buying the armor + enchants from the coin shop. Good/bad idea? Should I invest (real) money in a cloak now there's an event going on? (I assume elmore since there's a lot of pve ahead). I was thinking of trying for a +7, but I 'm hearing bad things about enchant rates, perhaps I 'll be better off just buying a pre-made one later?

    Gear prioritizing? I 've npced lots of valuable items of old, junk nowadays, and I think my grand total is somewhere in the 10 billion range. Yeah I know, peanuts today.  I realize that's nowhere near enough to fully outfit my character, I m just looking for advice on items to aim towards and start acquiring. You know, stuff to carry me through while I get my bearings.


    I did read around the subforum, and there's a few helpful threads from 2018 ... I just don't know how current the advice in them is.

    i will answer this rather broadly:


    rings should be a p atk crit dmg and p skill crit dmg ring (see angel ring, fallen angel ring, dragon ring). the cheaper rings like AQ, Baium are fine.

    earring: atlas +12 and lind or angel or anything really

    necklace: blessed frint or old valakas is fine.  you really want the reuse off this item.



    the blessed exalted is what you should snag.  it has tons of stuff to help you out.


    Gear Upgrades:

    every upgrade needs to focus on your damage output and increasing it.  Always!

    DMG on Target % = P Skill Power % = P Atk Crit DMG % = P Skill Crit DMG % = Patk %

    what this means, if you stab something for 100 damage, then equip a 10% patk or crit dmg item, you will then hit for 110 damage.  Always focus on more damage because you have to live in the 1 shot world as a dagger.  

    i do not recommend investing in defensive items outside of a +8+ bloody armor set.  All epics, if they dont give reuse or more damage, dont invest.

    Which items are more important?  whatever gives u the highest % of the above stats for the cheapest price at that time.



    edit: you can still go and compelte the starter quests to get all that starter gear, basic brooch, lvl 3 jewels etc.  i would advise doing this.  it starts in gludio.

  11. please do not forget.  the ghost hunter has +35% front dmg boost.  Shadow hunter gives a raw +65% patk crit dmg boost before the -30% to the front.

    Also, when you consider the different daggers, you have to consider how their special skilsl behave.  Shadow Reverse of the GH will always perform a max dmg back stab when the mob is attacking/targeting you.  A WR's side step is the same way.  You have to have the mob facing you or agro on you to have their skills work properly.

    An adventurer, after considering how the special stabs work, always performs less as good as the GH and Spolier.


    Also, the 30% pve dmg on spoiler really puts it above all other daggers in pve.  Couple that with the head/tails buff and its pretty crazy strong in the dmg it can put out in a front facing siutuation.  All of its boosts still apply in the absence of a vital spot attack, and substantially more than the 50% the adv gets. (pve dmg +30%, patk +30%, patk crit dmg +20%, p skill crit dmg +20% - all at once)


    patk % = crit dmg % = skill crit dmg % = p skill power % = dmg % increase on target.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Water said:

    Fun fact, before try and breaking the item in question u can specify the item on a ticket in the "failed/enchanting" section of the support page and ask the support if the item is available for restore, i've done it quite a few times while enchanting krishna weaps, so the system works fine and they let you know beforehand if the restore is available for the item, if you ask them, they cant predict the future and assume you broke the gear w/o knowing or else people would abuse the system once more, so before trying the restore system on a AH item always check it on the support, they wont be mad, they'll just answer you

    If you read my post, I did ask them when it was on the AH. They stated they could not tell me about this item. I submitted it exactly where you said to. 

  13. 16 hours ago, eatmydust said:

    Where do I find out more about these ability, the details is sparse in abilities. I think I have placed some in unless places.

    the skills all say what they do.  if you are confused about what a specific description means, feel free to ask.

  14. This isn't a cry post, I'm just posting my recent experience with this system.


    Recently, a dragon was killed on Chronos, and shortly after a +0 Dragon Ring appeared on the auction house for 80b.  I submitted a petition asking if the item on the auction house had been restored.  The GM denied me the request due to the item not being in my inventory.

    Well, what are my options now?  Only 1-2 rings drop every 2 weeks, and they are snatched up instantly.  So I bought it, enchanted it, it failed going +1, replied to my petition asking to restore it.  Guess what?  The item has recently been restored by the support staff.  Should I have asked again before enchanting?  I guess...

    I asked for them to validate the item's history via IP's, chat logs of my character shouting for the past 4-5 weeks wanting to buy this item in world chat, all of which are denied and I'm left with a too bad so sad and thank you for your understanding type of response.


    I have a couple points to make with this experience/post. 

    1st, Whoever was awarded the dragon ring from the raid, enchanted it, failed it, restored it and listed it on the AH to appear as a fresh drop, there is a special place in hell for people like you.

    2nd, To random players wanting to buy items fairly on the open market that are farmed by a select few people.  Be careful.

    3rd, to NCsoft ( @Juji @Hime ).  I think its time you add some type of tool tip/ID/icon/something showing if an item in game is eligible for restore since the 90 day restore aspect is the governing factor on if it can be done or not.  If a player way less off than me got burnt on 80b like this,  they would quit.  As for me, I have had 2 separate less than adequate experiences with the support staff over the past few weeks which.  It is what it is, its on me to stay or leave.


    I will end with, you should update your restoration policy, because you do not follow it.

    • If an item is not eligible for a restoration, the NCSOFT Support Team will let you know in response to your request.

    You refused to follow this part of your policy.  How are players supposed to check if an item on the open market has been restored or not?


    If you care to look into it, Ticket # 23751176

    Have a nice weekend.

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