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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 1 minute ago, frankznbeanz said:

    any chance of the prestige pack ever getting updated? its how many years old now and still the same. @Juji @Hime 

    Add hero coin store, L2 store, and why not, let's ask for faction update too while we're at it.


    Edit: +1 to prestige being updated to relevant stuff

    • Like 2
  2. 53 minutes ago, Karma2020 said:

    What a joke this game has become, and what a joke we have allowed ourselves to be at our own expense.

    I feel ashamed of how much I love Lineage 2 since I was a child and these corporate leeches have sucked the life out of its fanbase communities. 

    What I am baffled about is how any business leader out there would see their numbers diminished to this extent and would see their forums flooded with complains and still chose to do nothing, still chose to keep to the same toxic business model. 

    I am getting to the conclusion that they are seeking to end this in the coming years and as they are coming of the top of the mountain they are trying to make as much money as they can and we are all just wasting out times playing this game, which will be dead in a couple of years anyway. 

    People been claiming doom and gloom on server closures forever. I don't expect it. There are tax perks to having this exist, even if not turning a profit.


    I do think this la vie event will massively underperform revenue wise compared to other main events, mainly because of the cost structure and current state of the game.

  3. 47 minutes ago, LordDragnil said:

    Man, what are you talking about? Party exp or solo? What the heck use Barrage in solo farm?

    I reference a proper 7 man. What aren't u following?


    In ketra/varka/swamp/toi/sea a 7 man group utilizing an othell will get more xp/hour if the othell just utilizes crit wound and proper stabs. 


    I've tested this myself as a stacked dagger in stacked groups.


    When you add in the fact/mechanic that barrage of nails will get your afk group flagged even with target to monster on, it's basically a useless skill in pve.




    Archers should have had half kill/lethal removed from their skills. Instead of this nerf, they should have capped skill crit rate at 50% and been done with it. Yul needed a nerf, it was broken. But it's ncsoft, and we got this poorly implemented half nerf that doest properly address the problem.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, LordDragnil said:

    I don't think that you're good as Othel, if you said that.. Your class aoe skill has fast cooldwn/cast, make it +11 and keep the mobs under permanent Hex (-5% P. Def).  The skill has a good critical. IDK, how other knives, but spoiler has also mass spoil (as fast as previous skill) and buff for group. And don't forget cast poison cloud. Adequate archers with equal to your gear never ask you to leave.

    You clearly have never played othell or used barrage of nails.

     The xp/hour is less in a proper 7 man when the othell uses barrage of nails instead of just straight single targeting with normal dmg.

    A proper othell will 1-4 shot ketra/swamp/varka/etc if geared correctly. Problem is that's a lot of money... 


    Barrage of nails is absolute trash. It also flags you in afk xp. Can't half kill, slow reuse compared to other dps skills, and basically worthless aside from pvp and preventing a char from hiding.

  5. 15 minutes ago, voo said:

    just look at number of bows +15or higher in auction house and look at number of xp parties....nerf all you want...just a money making and slow xp down tactic.  also its a clan killer imo...  but juji knows best.

    I'm on naia. We don't have a market. 

    • Haha 1
  6. I'll bet the majority of these archers complaining still make 350kk+/hour in stronghold on 1 spot. The 2-3 spot runs may be harder, but hey, welcome to the L2 the rest of us are playing.


    Yul has been broken for a while. I don't agree this is exactly the way to fix the issue with yuls, but the outrage is just laughable.

  7. ppl do realize that a successful compound of lvl 4 with another lvl 4 is 7% success rate?  This is the same success as making an epic tralisman from 2x 7 signs.  gem energy with lvl 4 is 4% success to lvl 5.


    with the current price model for chests, and the rate lvl 1's are given form the cooler lvl 1-5 chests, its clear ncsoft has no clue who their audience is with la vies.


    players either need to get past the lvl 4 basic gem they already have had since the last multiple la vie events or they already have 6 of 6 greater jewels.  500+ usd for a middle grade brooch upgrade is also insane, thats the same cost when it was available originally.  440 gem powders for a mid tier upgrade is a joke.  expecially since half of this event is based around augmenting your brooch, of which no one is doing bc, well, covid and 500+ usd to make the upgrade.


    i wanted this event bad.  i would have spent hard to make all lvl 5's and greaters.  but the cost is absurd compared to what this event should be.  ncsoft clearly wants ppl to stay without greaters for the time being.  im not dumping more, its a waste.  the random lvl 5 boxes form other events are the way we have to upgrade la vies now, thats clear.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, AnotherMentee said:

    Show me your math.

    Blah blah

    Meaning: 16.85 * 2.3(130%) = 43.35% skill critical chance for the aoes for END GAME STACKED ARCHERS

     Blah blah

    My 107 dual gs crits more than 43% of the time on white mobs, and I have not awesome yul gear. 


    I don't know what to tell you. 

  9. On 11/5/2020 at 3:13 PM, anno said:

    what should the crap now with the yul 5% less crit rate to reduce ??? You broke the dwarfs once, then you made them interesting again, and now the yul. but the shit feoh makes her almost invincible with his shit skill! you break the game with the whole reduction top top

    roll othell

    u wont regret it

  10. 1 minute ago, NejJim said:

    Yeah.. this is what im saying.. I'm not taking sides regarding Yul VS Feoh.. just mentioning that the cap on Feoh is a stuck solid CAP!

    So the point regarding skill % rate is insignificant here, when it comes to compare with Feoh.

    i wonder which would cause more uproar. 

    a 50% reduction to the base skill crit dmg of these 2 aoe skills or a 50% skill crit rate cap on all archer skills...

  11. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    I haven't been in silent valley in months I think since the dragon weapon event.  So want to try this one again? (why does everyone think they know where I xp lol)

    You don't understand math numbskull.  5% is a 50% base reduction.

    Archers do not have 800 - 900 range haven't in a long time but thanks again are you even playing same L2 servers as everyone else?

    Not everyone plays Yuls im in top 1000 on the server and only 180 archers are higher level than me so that means they are less than 20% of top 1000 people on the server.  So what classes do the other 80% play? lol

    Daggers are very very low played class because you have to be uber and i mean uber geared and i have on the top daggers in the server in my clan so I know.

    Daggers are very expensive to make good, this is a correct statement. 


    Edit: imo, they messed with archers wrong. They should have removed half kill/lethal ability and left the aoe's alone. 

  12. 1 hour ago, LordDragnil said:

    My Storm Screamer has less gear/skill enchantment then archer, but hit harder 70% of time, my maestro is running all the time with rotating self buffs and I like this class, my dual Spoiler is using helpful buffs/debuffs ...

    If you don't like your class, simply don't play it.

    feoh is cheaper yes., but not as good a farmer.

    melee aoe cant be compared to range as range can do multiple spots, melee cant efficiently.

  13. 3 hours ago, LordDragnil said:

    Nope, each class should have own features. For archers, it's critical hits. For mages, it's variety of skills... And so on.. Old song...

    So why should yul get all benefits? Max range, max crit rate, max run speed, no limit aoe.

    Show 1 class that does anything better than a yul? Don't worry, we will wait. 

  14. 1 hour ago, BrielziN said:

    Do me a favor and  stop QQ about an insignifcant nerf like this,put yourself in my place that i am othell and do not give more stun and have to be running behind to hit and when the dmg hits does not come in front

    That's the point of Othel. You also get 2x more the crit dmg on a single target skill than any other class. We can't have everything. 

  15. 18 minutes ago, Mystikal said:

    True, but that is PVP. Don't know this for a fact, but I would wager most people who play this game don't PVP. That's a losing proposition every time. :D

    im a dagger and i pvp 2 hours every other sunday. you are correct with that statement.

  16. On 11/5/2020 at 4:46 PM, Mystikal said:

    Technically, this isn't a "small nerf" to most Yuls. It's a "small nerf" to TOP Yuls. Everyone with average to mid-high gear is ***. If there are more nerfs in the pipeline, this could be the beginning of  a Class Killer.

    That said, we'll have to wait and see if new items are introduced in the game that offset some of the nerfs. Take the current event for example. Level 5 Red Cats are dropping far more often that at any time in the past. Less crits suck, but if you are able to deal more damage per crit, it might ease some of the pain. 

    Not arguing NCSoft's side, because I know they do stupid sh*t all of the time with no rhyme or reason. But want to keep the bigger picture in mind. Archers getting nerfed means another class is getting boosted. It's always been that way. Just have to wait and see who benefits.


    skill crit dmg resistance artifacts are coming, that will also be a nerf


    edit: but a nerf for all

  17. 4 hours ago, Daik0n said:

    so you pick a class without aoe skills and want other classes to not be able to aoe? hahahaha
    you're so small


    i dont have a problem with no aoe. u missed the point that a yul (strongest char in game, easiest xp, best farm char) is whining and /quitting and blah blah bc of a small nerf. its just comical to me.

    • Like 1
  18. funny joke @Juji and @Hime

    the special LVL 1-5 box that costs 2x regular boxes. you should put the rates of what you get...


    my experience (OP is a troll)

    8x Ruby LVL 1-5 boxes = 8x LVL 1 Rubys

    2x Red Cat LVL 1-5 boxes = 2x LVL 1 Red Cats

    6x Opal LVL 1-5 boxes = 4x LVL 1 Opals, 2x LVL 2

    12x Emerald LVL 1-5 = 11x LVL 1 Emeralds, 1x LVL 3 (oh boy lets get excited)

    8x Cat Eye LVL 1-5 = 7x LVL 1 Cat Eye, 1x LVL 2

    7x Amethyst LVL 1-5 = 5x LVL 1 Amethyst, 1x LVL 2, 1x LVL 3


    thats half of a 17k ncoin pack turned completely into these fortune packs. considering they give all lvl 1's, you should just open the regular boxes and compound. artifacts were fairly priced. there are 3 lvl's of la vie jewels, not to mention the 6 slot upgrade cost is insane (still). why hasnt this cost dropped since the 1st time it was released? 

    cloak event costs about a grand, artifacts, a grand. i have no problem spending, but 250 bucks and my full set of lvl 4 jewels didnt get a single click, you got a problem. i'll try 1 more 17k pack and have a go at compounding myself, but my past experience on making lvl 4's tells me thats a dumb idea.  i've been waiting for this specific event and clearly you dont want anyone upgrading to greaters.  Unsure who your target audience is with this la vie event, but i bet the sales under perform.

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