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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. These tonics are what was supposed to be our perma vit rune.

    On my dagger, and I'm stacked and kill very fast. Using the snowman boxes, I average about 122 ncoin per hour to keep vit up 24/7. With a maintenance rune, that's 160 ncoin per hour.

    Cakes can't compare bc you have to use you every 40mins and they won't auto use.


    These tonics shouldn't delete, you are correct. But why would anyone have extra after the 4 weeks? Unless you bought 1000s of boxes.

  2. 4 hours ago, mixa said:

    The long random window and random location spawn does help though. If I'm able to find and kill them..... why others wouldn't be able to?

    I agree to an extent. People can right now, give it 2 weeks and the network of packet sniffing won't allow that, especially on high lvl areas that aren't packed like FoM, wastelands, dv. 

    The lower lvl boxes won't be as easy because those zones are typically filled. 


    As a side note, not every circle in a zone can spawn a box. This is just like the old elite mob that existed in "some" circles before the update. It's the same 8-10 spots in each zone that can spawn a chest. Hence, this will be locked down in a few weeks. And no, unless you're stacked, I don't believe you will get another chest after that, or anyone else. 

    Go see raiders for an example. Toi elite mob was that way. Every times raid is that way. 

  3. 10 hours ago, TDxDan said:

    in that Order. Mcrit Dmg - M.Skill power - Matk thats what you should focus on as Feoh. 

    as mentioned before you could stack up on M.atk and M.Skill power but you can stack them as much as you want its gona be pointless if you dont have the M.crit dmg.

    in this Game If you dont Crit and Crit hard. you waste time, resources and you may die cause you cant VR enough hp back. 

    Thats why Go buy M.crit dmg items first. Rings. Weapon Sa`s should be your 1st items if you havent taken care of those yet.



    i think crit dmg (patk or skill depending on class) as a focus point for any dd is the norm for the current state of the game.  unsure about wynn, but I cant think of a reason anyone wouldnt want to max their usable crit dmg because there is no cap, outside of what you can equip.  Skill power is also directly related to dmg increase, and shouldnt be ignored. but there are way less skill power items than crit dmg items.

  4. 4 hours ago, SweetSacrifice said:

    So i have been looking all over the forum for the buffs given today (10/12/2020) at around 10:30 pm gmt+0.

    I saw 0 posts from @Hime or @Juji announcing about that buffs.

    Why do we keep having random time GM buffs without any kind of announcement??? For me this is pure garbage professional work from @Juji.

    You guys know that people work and have their lifes right?

    When is this going to stop? Or is GM friendly to only some people ingame?

    There was a time when i saw @Juji banning all the cheaters ingame and i was really in favour of him but, this last years i smell something fishy going in here.


    I don't think they need to give any more announcement than what they did. He messaged the server that he was giving gm buffs. I assume he had a moment and thought people would enjoy the buffs and seeing him in game.


    There are 1000 more things for them to do than post on these dead forums about buffs being given out.


    If you were on, you got them, if not, you didn't. Better luck next time. 

    • Like 1
  5. That's alot of work for a simple fix.


    1. Make every single mob circle in a specific zone able to spawn a greedy chest

    2. Make the chest a rare spawn chance based on "Killing" mobs, unique to a player's own killing instead of set spawn times

    3. Make the chest drop/spawn affected by prestige


    Or just give us a la vie event where we get lvl 3/4/5's from chests like core for a normal price and the chest problem will sort of fix itself.


    Anything with a timed spawn will be farmed. If this was truly random, it would be much harder for people to farm like they do at the moment.

  6. oddly, i think players from the united states are few and far inbetween compared to people from south america or the eu. both servers.


    if the xp difference is true, their justification will be no god jewels and no cloaks. those dont exist on core or in korea. they do in japan. not saying i agree, jsut pointing out there is a substantially different gear threshold. japan is like a illegal server. everyone has max everything.

  7. 3 minutes ago, naughtydismutase said:

    Thanks for the info. I'm not aiming that high though, my other gear is pretty mediocre so if I invested a reasonable amount of real money it would be on a weapon first.

    Cloaks at +7 for the proc, +10 for 1st Aug, +15 for 2nd Aug, +18 for cap on proc buff

    Cloak is also one of the best things to boost dmg on any dd. Weapon is def important, but a mediocre wep and a +7/10 Elmore vs a good wep and no cloak, I'd take mediocre wep with the cloak.

  8. 8 minutes ago, naughtydismutase said:

    Cool. Hopefully it will be soon. Were enchant scrolls also available at the store? Cause right now the price for one scroll is insane.

    Yes, they were sold in different pack variants. Last time tho, the safe scrolls for 10-15 weren't offered for purchase, even through hero coin. So we didn't see many go past +10.

  9. 5 hours ago, TheHaggarDagger said:

    Because stabs aren't missed. You simply didn't crit. If you don't crit, you don't yield damage. Which is why I laugh at every Othell that says "CRIT DAMAGE ALL THE WAY WHY YOU SPEC CRIT CHANCE/DEX dyes HURRRR"


    Because "missing" a crit is a lot less damage than not.


    If it's blood stab, then yah... Positioning absolutely required.


    im curious, what is your take on p accuracy and how it affects an othel, if at all? (i have not done any specific testing myself, this would be an annoying one to test and really only affects 1 AP choice, Berserker's Eagle)

  10. 5 hours ago, TheHaggarDagger said:

    Because stabs aren't missed. You simply didn't crit. If you don't crit, you don't yield damage. Which is why I laugh at every Othell that says "CRIT DAMAGE ALL THE WAY WHY YOU SPEC CRIT CHANCE/DEX dyes HURRRR"


    Because "missing" a crit is a lot less damage than not.


    If it's blood stab, then yah... Positioning absolutely required.

    Othel in pve, dex isn't needed past the normal 80ish you get.


    Now in pvp, rolling +15 dex makes a noticeable difference on equal level targets with equal or better gear. People die much faster with dex boosted in my experience.


    On pve tho, I can't find a use for dex. 




    Edit: at 114, 84 dex vs 99 dex, same str of 156, swamp of screams, toi, wastelands, fields of massacre and dragon valley all die the same speed. That's my basis on the dex comment. 

  11. 2 hours ago, b0uff0s said:

    although i 100% agree, what do you make of 

    a) the continuation of this course by nc, and

    b) the fact that ppl put up with this?

    what do these 2 day for both nc and this playerbase?

    a) i am unsure what ncwest is doing. they have lost quite a bit of players to core (players who spend) over the last 6 months.  The last few events have been a bust as far as big spenders going heavy on them.  The prices are insane, la vie is a perfect example.

    ultimately, what their revenue is at the end of 2020 will dictate what happens. it seems like they are trying to make all regions similar. we have one of the most expensive p2w regions next to japan.


    b) i think players who are invested here typically stay here. there is no other "L2" to replace this with aside from core. for an NA based player, i have issues with core and playing there actively (not a huge population for my play time).

    I will say, people who spend are speaking with their wallets. I spend a hefty amount on the game monthly. I have needed la vie for over a year. I didnt spend past my 1 super pack on lvl 1-5 boxes because the prices to make lvl 5+ were just insulting and the lvl 1-5 boxes giving me all lvl 1's was a joke.

    i still play actively, but I am considering moving to core or quitting if things dont change in the next few months.  When summer comes, without a worldwide lockdown, you will see the player base drop dramatically if things dont change.




    edit: we do have the new refreshed L2 coming in 2-3 years. however, i dont think that will exist past korea. there is literally not enough players to support launching that from the ground up anywhere except their largest playerbase, which is korea.  sadly, i think they are milking this product until it closes down in 2-3 years.  Then, who knows.

  12. 1 hour ago, Lego said:

    Fix the ranking on server, it's all broken

    at 1st i thought it was because of people not logging in.


    however, on naia, there is a lvl 114 who is ranked higher than a lvl 115. not sure wtf is going on there. 1 guy jumped +12 spots, everyone else is -4 or -4 spots since login.  Looking at top 50 only here.

  13. until a change to the cost model and lack of non p2w upgrade options, the population will continue to slowly decline.


    if the cost model, cust service, info put out by the dev team, server stability were even half of what core offers, you would see a massive increase in players.


    i dont know who makes the choices on ncwest, but they are clearly disconnected with the player base's average expendable income

  14. 9 minutes ago, aggony said:

    as far as i remember l2wiki is the source we all use to get informed regarding everything about l2. Correct me if i am wrong but from exp tables, to enchant rates, to combining stats/rates, was always the same, now where is the point of arguing on something we all know will be the same?


    the wiki is like ~90% accurate to our version.


    As far as the enchant rates listed, i assume those to be correct.  However, i have 0 trust that NCwest doesnt adjust those rates behind the scene for our region. conspiracy theory sure, but i have no faith in them as a company to not price gouge us any way they can.  they are not required to post the rates by law, nor are they required to match core or korea's rates.  i have no proof of any of this, just my opinion after 15+ years of this game and seeing how different events push out the same items at different rates for the servers/regions.


    edit: perfect example of this is cloaks not being on the wiki, bc they dont exist outside of here and japan. i whole heartedly think they adjusted the success rates on cloaks inbetween events.  they adjusted the agathion enchant success for an event. thinking they cant or wouldn't do the same at any time to benefit their bottom line is crazy, especially when they have 0 requirements to be transparent with the customer about those mechanics/rates.

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