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Everything posted by Afum

  1. ok guys i think i got it , u need to choose north america region (i thought its just proxy thats why i choosed europe)
  2. I cant add Lineage 2 in new launcher
  3. Trust me, not only in Seoul , anyway the prices difference is so big even if you compare salaries
  4. Hello, this is NCWest and welcome to jackass.
  5. Well prices of L2 store shows that NCwest is only up to soak ppl from money as much as they can , doesnt care about gameplay. Look prices at Korean servers and here. Its like 10-15x cheaper while the earnings in korea are in some way higher than in US... So dont tell me its because koreans earn less so they have less prices or its based on region market like some of the NC staff said.
  6. Afum

    Nerfed Exp

    You have no idea what damage i have
  7. Afum

    Nerfed Exp

    In full party i used to get like 3-4b per mob with vitality , freya storm and rose now its like 2b-2,5b , maybe i missed something.
  8. Afum

    Nerfed Exp

    Not sure if it's just me, but i have seen many ppl talking about that also. Isnt exp on sos/elven nerfed instead of being boosted? Also 108+new zones are way too hard comparing to xp that they give?
  9. Also in Korea the ratio is like Chronos/Naia 500 $ = 35$ in korea . And dont tell me it depends on region salaries etc. bcs in korea ppls salary is quite nice. We should get discounts pretty much. We are pretty scammed over here
  10. hahahaha RIP L2 , even more automated sh*ts , soon loging into the game will be same with watching youtube video of someone else playing
  11. lol I was almost buffless with pvp setup , whats the point of this video ? showing someone is killing mobs faster cuz cant show any pvp wins?
  12. this is how divekio pvp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK42Ahvdgb0&t=37s Ok Zureil , pr , ok stop the war "Divekio
  13. Can we have also all items tradeable?
  14. Every monster collection / 10k exalted Q x2 and everything done by hand w/o any kind of macro
  15. gtfo nonfactor , hope it gonna be deleted soon
  16. Well it should be deleted also , and why u cant play the way u like on macro loop ? u are nothing but another dead body farming just like tons of bots back in a days
  17. Finally someone who gets my point. I would say macro loops are exactly the same as old adena rmt botters and tons of bots, with this difference they do not run back to spot after u kill them w/o living person
  18. You can always pvp players with same gear as you do. Oh wait those players do not pvp , they are busy macroing never seen at pvp and will be.
  19. Looks like nova scripter also disgusted about banning any automating gameplay.
  20. haha wut u can check my account never used any kind of scripts , macros or even ingame macro loop , only macro i ever used is /target. Guess scripter like you is indignant that you would not use any automated shits to play
  21. oh damn so nice gameplay , everywhere deadbodies exping, 0 pvp
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