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Everything posted by pegaso

  1. enchant may fail to +1 or from +1 to +2?
  2. it may be some kind of bug, the pasive over 76 says it has a chance to recover 10% of PHYSICAL dmg in mp, but it recovers allways 10% of each drain in mp, it will be 100% mp even without bss, u can kill 24/7 with no buff and no recharge cuz it never dies. Full hp full mp with only 1 skill activated
  3. how does it work? it sais it has % of recovering 136mp but when? in hits / using skills / making damage with skills or can be in heals, someone knows?
  4. but if u have for example 100+ of any element wind earth water fire, it has any effect to add 40 holy? its like useless buff for a chronicle without dark and holy elements.
  5. the only floor in toi that all mobs can drop adena is the 5th, all the other floors have mobs that may drop and other that have no drop but they give exp x2
  6. What is the use for divine weapon(buff) and dance of light in this game? have any effect?
  7. i see that if u go to 50 of str u get aprox 3.8% p atk per point of str, but after 50 u will get half of that, like 1.8%. Its that right? it happens with all stats? there is not any table that says anything of this
  8. Hi, i know that at 28 wit cardi lvl 74 can ress 90% but is there any chance to reach 100%? at some wit point?
  9. do you lose exp dying in the event?
  10. 24 hs buff? why? to buff a party bot? if u relog or die u lost the buff, just put it for 1 or 2 hs each not 8 each, its ridiculous 24 hs buff.
  11. u could just put it free for all, and only equipable in 80+. This is realy unfair.
  12. ok my bad, didnt know what PDT time was
  13. what happen with the event? there is no buff in race track
  14. any news of this item? what is the use for the dice
  15. There is a lot of non botter people that are stuck in lvl 78/79, the get trolled by the game literaly. And the others that have the item same thing.
  16. the mobs of toi after the update are not giving any of unifentified ore.
  17. The max % of resurrection is 90%? i reach 90% with cardi 74 with 28 wit, going with more with is not changing anything. Is there some break up to reach 100%?
  18. You cant get 300 in party even killing 24hs per day
  19. No one of the items needed to make the talisman where by purchase.
  20. But this was not an event item, it is an item grinded and need a lot of items that will become useless. Items that are in game not by purchase. then u can have free cloths pieces if you are lvl 80... its like that
  21. The problem is that too much things will be pointless after that. Having a clan hall to buy talisman crystal will be pointless, the 2 hard groups of toi will be useless cuz energy of insolense will not worth anything. Cristals D where used to make elemental stones, then will be no use for cry D. Baium soul was an expensive items, now will be worthless. You will be giving an item that was valued in 2 2,5b ingame just for free, just for 80+ players, almost 2k chars will have a free permanent item that worth like an antharas lvl 2. This has no logic, breaking the market for no reason.
  22. click in l2 store, go to adena shop, then u can buy 30 soulshot tickets, for 10k each max 300k per day. No need to be in the city. Then use dimensional merchant button, go to soulshot ticket and select soulshots.
  23. now u can get 15k ss for 20 adena each per day, but still if u can farm without spending ss better.
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