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Everything posted by Equadym

  1. Can you explain a little more what are you using that macro for? Being sat for 6 sec makes mana regen improvement almost unnoticeable. Is your main toon using the macro? your box is using the macro? are main and box in party? what class is using the macro? Give more details and I can give you suggestions
  2. https://www.lineage2.com/en-us/news/19th-anniversary-promotions
  3. What is the point on being sat for just 6 seconds? What are you trying to do with the macro?
  4. "3521780 KB PrivateBytes(OS) 2628200 KB WorkingSetSize(OS), AvailPhys:17513 MB(53%), AvailVirtual: 73 MB(1%) " Available Virtual Memory 1%, I think you have to check your virtual memory and cache setup on Windows
  5. Attendance Check DAY 1 says you will receive Consumable 12-hrs box. BUT when opening the box you receive the basic potions that last for 1 hour -.-
  6. Black Merchant Sells many services ranging from Weapon/Armor type changes to Elysium Weapon sales. Bloody to Dark Armor Exchange (Limited to R99 Eternal and R110 Leviathan Armor): "Not much details, so better wait until Black Merchant in online to check"
  7. Many strategies are flying around, which one is better? It depends of many factors. The one I use with the clan is as follows... 1.- Start attacking Krofin normally... no BR, no activation, no special items, no nothing. 2.- Eventually Krofin HP will fall to 50%, at this point a shield will be raised for 30 seconds 3.- At least two theories comes here: 3a.- You have 30 sec to do certain amount of DAMAGE, if you fail then HP will replenish to 100% 3b.- You have 30 sec to do certain amount of HITS, if you fail then HP will replenish to 100% 4.- The strategy we use on the clan covers the 2 options mentioned before, and it is that right after Krofin raises the shield for 30 sec, that is the moment to do BR, activation of special skills, all items to increase attack, put on cloaks, etc... as this will produce both that the party do increased amount of DAMAGE and increased amount of HITS 5.- If done correctly you will break the shield before the 30 sec ends so you can finish killing Krofin normally, if for some reason you failed, just continue hitting and casting spells normally until everyone is ready to be activated and items ready to use again, wait again until HP goes 50% and the shield raises again and start the strategy again. With this strategy we managed to kill Krofin almost always on the first try, except one or two occasions we did it on 3rd or 10th attempt because of just bad coordination. Hope this help you
  8. Based just on the description... If you are hit by 1000 dmg 1.- 10% is reflected back to the origin = 100 dmg 2.- Decreases 90% of dmg received = 1000 - 900 = 100 dmg after going through the barrier 3.- Defends the final dmg using MP instead of HP = 100 MP burned 4.- 50 MP is being consumed every second for having barrier active
  9. You have to attack using "STUN" skills to break the barrier. ISS, tank, yul... almost every warrior has stun skills, just continue stunning until barrier breaks
  10. On LIVE servers (Chronos and Naia) Homunculus are used different than other servers, they are summonable monsters in some servers but not on LIVE servers, so for now only the EXP bar works until lvl 5 only, the other 2 bars are disabled for now, maybe in future updates they will be enabled.
  11. You are here to play the game, not to "guess things", so just play the game (sounds like a familiar thought you have read elsewhere?)
  12. M) this will be a new building, all you have to do is to build G) ok, but where are the materials and tools to build? M) that is not important, just build, you are here to build, so start to build
  13. And if the game does not give you the minimum items to play, or locations to play, how are you suppose to play the game, contradictory thoughts you have
  14. Some event Emperor cocktails are also gone
  15. Ok ok ok, full patch name then "Assassin & Dethrone Fire Update", it is a L2 assassin one way or another
  16. Well, at least we now know why the update is called ASSASSIN, as it is the one that will put an end to Lineage 2 Harder mobs, items removed without announce (as some old vitality potions), less or no drop at all... so, new zones and new items (for the ones with high lvl only and credit cards), and forget to do any enjoyable using just Exalted item. Finally Lineage 2 is officially DEAD
  17. lvl 106... better option for you, start a new toon, you will reach 107 in less than a week and receive the free exalted gear, perma vita for 1 week
  18. As I say in another post... item says "A" but in reality it is "B"... it means that in L2 something that says it last for 27 days doesn't mean it really last for 27 days, as you can check now, when the attendance gift window appears move cursor over one of the items and today it says 24 days, but after you claim one of them they last for 6 hours and then puffffff!!! disappears... so it works as intended with the rules of L2. Hmmmmmmm... L2 can perfectly participate in politic as it says something but does something completely different
  19. Since the beginning of times, even before some of you were birth... L2 has always "worked as intended", as description of something says "A" while in reality it does "B"... Rate description says "A" but in reality it is "B" Market price says "A" but in reality is is "B" Skill description says "A" but in reality it is "B" Mob description says "A" but in reality is is "B" Item description says "A" but in reality it is "B" Box says you will get items "A" but in reality it is "B" GM says he/she will do "A" but in reality NOT EVEN "B"... oh wait...
  20. First ideal item Krishna Sword, at least +12 and preferable Unlimited 2nd, Leviathan Heavy set, at least +6 3rd, Ruby, at least +5 and preferable Greater Ruby +1 4th, Cloak, at least +7, preferable Legendary But as priority right now you need Enchanted Krishna Sigil, to get more attack (is the cheapest item of all the list here and the other items you need later)
  21. I guess the first message was confusing because you mentioned something about the color of some scroll on a picture Different thing is with the video on the second message. I understand you have several cloaks and at least 1 was +2, and another one was +15. You used a scroll to enchant the +2 with 17% success rate (personally if I see that success rate I just run XD ) BUT, as also seen in the video the scroll was applied by the system on the +15 and not on the +2, and with that awesome success rate you wrongly ended with a +14 cloak. So... !.- Not detailed on the scroll, but I remember on some NPC or other scrolls, the system warns you about thee need of having only one item on the inventory of the same kind when enchanting/upgrading/augmenting or so... probably the warning was to avoid situations like the one on your video 2.- YES, to me it looks perfectly as a game BUG Suggestion: Contact Helpdesk by creating a ticket and including the link to your video, but also as a suggestion, try to do a minimalist explanation, something like... "Trying to enchant a +2 cloak but sadly the system applied the enchanting scroll and failed over another that was +15, so I ended with a +14 cloak by some kind of BUG, please restore my cloak back to +15 AND DON'T USE MY RESTORATION TOKENS as this was just a BUG. Please see the video on the link to confirm what I say"
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