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Everything posted by Equadym

  1. Options --> Friend Manager --> Mentoring TAB --> Click your mentor name on the list --> click the minus(-) icon on the upper-right corner of mentoring window --> Click OK to confirm
  2. Go to Pink Libra, click on buy dyes, and then you will know...
  3. No idea what you are trying to tell, please avoid Google translator and ask someone who knows english to assist you on posting, or post in your main language please
  4. Disagree... just change your playing style from SOLO to PARTY, many classes have hard time killing mobs in solo mode, a healer for example can't kill in SOLO in a decent way. I, personally as Feoh, love doing party with Unicorns summoner for the great mass debuff, so WYNN attack and debuff AOE while FEOH attacks become even stronger with such debuffs. The key is not which weapon is better for WYNN, but who do you make party with.
  5. Immobilized means you can't move, if you are just standing you still can move if you wish, so the augment does not apply in this case. "...when immobilized" refers to some debuffs that make you unable to move, usually stuns, air levitation, knock (back or down), root, etc.
  6. I already tested the EXP part of this, if I kill in solo mode I get like 10kkk EXP per mob, and if I make party with my ISS box and move it outside range I get like 13kkk EXP
  7. SPOILER ALERT!!! If you want to play something similar to old C2-C4 style you have to play on CLASSIC server If you create your toon in LIVE servers NAIA or CHRONOS you will have a completely different game style as 99.99% of ppl is always on AFK MACRO mode, so forget about the old "chat while playing" as new style is... Login into game, to blame (about lag, waiting queue, prices), then move your toon to a standing still location, start macro, going afk, to do anything else but playing in front of the PC, coming back again after hours to check how many EXP your macro did (not you) hoping you didn't get PKed, killed by mob or disconnected... So new Lineage 2 is more like cooking and cleaning listening to radio rather than actually really playing Sad, but true
  8. Well, when I asked "where is such 20% discount" I was speaking about the calculations, not the link, as I already started the post with the link to HYPE website. Also, I checked HYPE website again to compare prices and yes, there is a 20% discount but compared to HYPE prices. If we compare with L2 website the discount is 10% only.
  9. Details... 1.-For any kind of drop (adena, quest, items in general that use any slot of your inventory) you have to be in near range with party 2.-Exlated quest items are... well... items so read point 1.- 3.- EXP a) One thing is EXP given by killing mobs b) Party bonus EXP is a diferent thing Let's say a mob gives 100 EXP if you kill such mob alone If you are in a party when killing the mob, and the other members of the party are near range, the mob will give 100 + a party bonus exp (for example +20) = 120 EXP divided by equal between all party members NEAR RANGE, so if your party is made by you and 1 more ppl, those 120 are divided by 2, so 60 each one BUT If the other person is not in range (is in the city for example), then you, the killer of the poor mob, will gain the 100 (mob exp) + 20 (party bonus exp) = 120 EXP only for you, as the person left in the city will gain 0 (zero) EXP AND If you are murdering that poor mob in one place, and at the same time you are in party with other person who is killing another different mob in a galaxy far far away... just for being in party and faaaaaaaaaar away, you will get the 100 EXP of your mob + 20 bonus exp for being in party, and your party member will get 100 EXP of his/her mob + 20 for being in party, in these case both of you will get 120 EXP for killing poor mobs in separate locations... SO You gain 100 EXP for killing a mob in solo , 60 EXP for killing in party with people in range and 120 for killing in party out of range (this is the so called distant party) Regards
  10. Doing your job... https://l2wiki.com/Mentoring_System
  11. You have to be near, for the drop/adena sharing only, but you can be far for the EXP bonus, that's why you will see many "Distant Party EXP" announces.
  12. After some little extra calculations, with "20% less" they mean "10% plus"
  13. I don't know what kind of math NCSoft uses ingame or outgame https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/21395-awesome-ncoin-discount-for-latin-america-really-are-you-joking-right/
  14. https://www.lineage2.com/news/latin-america-ncoin-sale I do not know what do you understand for "Offer 20% Discount" but without too much explanation I just want to share a little conversion table for the case of Chile. 1 $US = 714 $CL Buying directly in $US at L2 webpage 400 = 5 $US = 3570 $CL 800 = 10 $US = 7140 $CL 1600 = 20 $US = 14280 $CL 4000 = 50 $US = 35700 $CL 8000 = 100 $US = 71400 $CL Buying the Hype OFFER 20% Discount!!!! 400 = 3927 $CL 800 = 7854 $CL 1600 = 15708 $CL 4000 = 39151 $CL 8000 = 78302 $CL So, can someone explain to me where is such 20% discount?
  15. Usually the buffs disappear when changing from main to dual class and vice versa, so you have to apply them again, in some cases that means loosing important ones. But sometimes you see buffs that persist after such main/dual class change like the ones given now by Red Libra event. It would be great if all buffs and potions behave tha same way so you don't loose them just by changing your class
  16. May be you should check forum again on Friday 23rd
  17. I Usually you get R-Grade enchant scrolls as reward from instances, also you can buy them from people with stores in Aden, or you can check the Auction NPC in towns But only R-Grade and a few S-Grade are available
  18. Not sure about that as when commenting this with friends, one of them told he received an Enchant Weapon C-Grade in Tannor Is anybody getting these weird drops at Primeval or somewhere else?
  19. You got Free EXP potions and Free BUFF potions with the promo code given... and you are asking for GM Buffs? Really?...
  20. Leveling at Primeval Island I just got a fantastic drop... Scroll Enchant Weapon D-Grade Is that a bug right?
  21. Unequip the Thrower before clicking the NPC, most items do not appear on menus if they are equipped.
  22. Question was posted by Mikeha I answered to SonicHealer who didn't say anything before Now the one arguing is SonicShock... if the three of you are the same person then now I understand why you are so confused with the topic PD: "There is no such thing as a Hybrid in this game. LMAO" Hybrid is something that is a mixture of two very different things, WYNN is a mixture of a mage and a warrior... hence, WYNN is an hybrid, so hybrid is a "such thing" in the game.
  23. As far as I know you cannot disable that specific VITA on/off message What you can do is to change the chat windows settings in OPTIONS by unchecking the system message box, but I do not recommend that as it will disable ALL the system messages.
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