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Down lever and lost skill??

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On 29.1.2019 at 7:47 AM, drhoanglinhanh said:

My friend give me one char lv 55 with CDL skill, but my all suppost now lv 40, I want to down that char lever to 47, will I lost skill CDL or it's will become CDL lv 1?

Any GM can anser this, thx ^^

on lvl 47 u will have cdl lvl 1. if u delevel to 46 u will lose cdl at all

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On 4/2/2019 at 9:07 PM, FORMina said:

omg dont do this. sell this crap suportes and got ohter on the same lvl. Oo. i THING delevel char 5 or more lvl u LOST the skill so u will lose the BOOk ( expansive one ) 

thx man, i do it from 55-47, lost 1 lv CDL, and now can be happy, sometimes, it's the only way ^^


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