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Maximizing DEX stat for Archer


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I am trying to find the best combo to maximize DEX on my Archer, without losing lots of STR.

After all, double of low dmg is still low dmg.

My toon is Human with +15 DEX dyes and the stats are 112 str - 77 dex. Only exalted 1 is finished, so +1 for all stats. With exalted 5 finished i expect to have +5 so stats will be 116str - 81 dex.

To reach these stats i use r99 armor set Enchant option (+3 str), dex hat (+3 dex), old elemental shirt (+1 all stats), str +3 bracelet, emerald 3 (+1 str+dex).

Items that i know of which increase stats are Lindvior (+3 dex), Blessed Valakas (+3 str), evolved agathion (+1 all stats), freya agathion (+1 all stats), longing (+2 all stats), etc

I would be interested in listing all possible items with the value they offer for str or dex stat and their estimated price. I mean, if 1 item costs 40b and offers +3 stat value while you can buy 3-4 other items to get more stats maybe it is preferable.

Also, it would be useful to point out which items are tradable, which are not and which have the sealing-unsealing option (tradable but at a cost).

All opinions are welcome.

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insanity  , venir , or you can you use talismans dex 2h , dex Bracelet , lindvior , Fish stew dex +3 stats , but you of course dex needs p.skill critical dmg even if you reach more than 86 dex without p.skill critcal dmg you still will have low dmg! 

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35 minutes ago, ChiChele said:

insanity  , venir , or you can you use talismans dex 2h , dex Bracelet , lindvior , Fish stew dex +3 stats , but you of course dex needs p.skill critical dmg even if you reach more than 86 dex without p.skill critcal dmg you still will have low dmg! 

btw for Str Radiant Circlet +5 , Elmore Cloak 15+ , abundance lv 4 , Rulers Ring of Authority Stage 3 , also you if you need more STR you can Put on your dyes +5 Str but you cant have both str and dex , the build is str only or dex , so you need to choose what is the best for you , usally all archers increase dex and not str cause like i said before p.skill critical counts even if you choose you will have str and dex but 1 of this will be More up ( Example you increase dex you loose str , You increase str you loose dex) 

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  • 3 months later...

Ok, imo better start with the basic stuff, do you rly want to play as human with humans stats and maybe pick the top DMG class, im telling you that as a human/Sagittarius! There is a difference when you are dark elf and ghost sentinel, dmg will be better, survivability will be less, but we play a version of the game where in pvp 1 shot is common. 

Items are not cheap now, so if you are on a budget, choose wisely, try to get the best item for best price, if you are not efficient with archer you will not be able to farm fast, while using aoe, I am sure about items you will learn all on your own.


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