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Adenas Fix Fail pls recheck

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actually, the drops suck everywhere. i don't know if this is how it was pre-patch, because i switched here from live after the patch hit, but.. did players actually live with, and were content like this? because the "fix" is barely noticeable, if there was even one.

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Should be increased by x5 times if we are hoping to maintain an economy to play the game. You are going outside to farm and XP and you are in debt everytime. How long til people run out of money and quit? Either increase the adena gain or remove Soulshots/Spiritshots from the game, or even merge them into our characters without having us to pay for it

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when players run out of adena, they either quit or buy it back from the bots...that't how it is since beginning.
(Everyone who is telling the opposite has either not faced this issue yet or is an adena-buyer)
With that in mind, NCSoft is just making it worth. With this adena / drop rates (incl. the 70% of mobs that don't drop anything at all) they're even supporting the bots by forcing the players to go illegal and buy adena...
Hard enough for us to deal with bots stealing our mobs, but now we're not even getting any reward for the mobs that are not taken by bots. 
Every move against the bots turns out bad for the players.

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Bot parties are better than actual human players because they are robots and never make mistakes and they are tireless , so they can farm whatever area they want to. The solution to botting is for the GMs to stop being lazy, get inside the game and start banning them every week or so. The bot war will NEVER end in any game because thats their job. The only thing you managed to do is make our lives harder by farming our asses off to gain no money. How are we supposed to buy or craft gear, or even use SS and potions if everytime we try to farm / XP we are in debt?

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  • L2 Team
11 hours ago, Guido said:

we are not getting itens/adenass from hight lvl mobs like catacumbs/necropolis elemental zone i think not drop...! but all other zones yes pls recheck it and fixt  @Juji @Hime

The amount of XP you can earn was increased in Catacombs/Necropolis, but the Adena and drops were reduced. The Attribute (Elemental) Zones are intended to not drop any Adena or items. All of this is in the patch notes.

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4 minutes ago, Juji said:

The amount of XP you can earn was increased in Catacombs/Necropolis, but the Adena and drops were reduced. The Attribute (Elemental) Zones are intended to not drop any Adena or items. All of this is in the patch notes.

Could you tell us where are the places to farm anything in this game?

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14 minutes ago, Juji said:

The amount of XP you can earn was increased in Catacombs/Necropolis, but the Adena and drops were reduced. The Attribute (Elemental) Zones are intended to not drop any Adena or items. All of this is in the patch notes.

There is new thing added, called blessed Soul shot recipe such as this 


The only thing patch notes mention is blessed soul shots s grade, but doesnt have anything about drop/spoil

Could you let us know where to obtain this recipe? For C/B/A grade?

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  • L2 Team
52 minutes ago, CJChief said:

There is new thing added, called blessed Soul shot recipe such as this 


The only thing patch notes mention is blessed soul shots s grade, but doesnt have anything about drop/spoil

Could you let us know where to obtain this recipe? For C/B/A grade?

I need to check with the Dev team on these Blessed Soulshots because they mentioned it was not for overseas regions the last time we discussed about them.

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had you asked players which they prefer, more xp or more drops, what would we have answered?

unfortunately, more xp creates more demand, and less drops lead to more shopping, so it's clear where that came from.

this is shortsighted though, because the economy will collapse, and you'll find out what happens next (want a preview? check giran on server gludio).

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