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Tyrr Maestro is asking about dualclass.


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Hi! I have played Lineage II (server Naia) from a few weeks. Now, my main class is Tyrr Maestro (level 97). Do you think that the class Othell Fortune Seeker is a convenient class to select it as my dualclass? Is there any class that you recommend me as my dualclass? Thanks!

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hi, i think its a good choice becouse you get passiv +3 luc asfortune seeker. So you can easy stack dex+ luck on that dual class and use it for crafting.
becouse Seeker is luc based it will also increase your spoil succes if i am not wrong.
The best thing about it you can use Str+cha Dys on main and have better DPS on your Tyrr.

best regard

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Both classes are awful these days even if you dump a truckload of real money on them. You'll see those either used as a crafter shop or as the means to an end when it comes to oe'ing. Besides that, if you really enjoy playing them, then by all means go right ahead, however, don't expect to join many parties on higher levels especially if you are a casual player and not planning on becoming a big spender. And to answer the question you're probably thinking as you're reading this, no, you can't really make a lot of adena by playing main fortune seeker.

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Thanks, GottWillEs and Dargor, for your advice.

I have selected Othell Fortune Seeker as dualclass (Tyrr Maestro is my main class). However, I admit that I am worried due to Dargor's opinions about both dwarves classes.

When I chose Tyrr Maestro as main class, I was aware of that maybe it does not perform powerfully in PvP, and even perhaps it is only an acceptable warrior versus normal monsters and raid bosses, but it seems that their ability to craft is not a very favourable one. 

I suspect that, currently, players level 100+ earn their equipment by defeating raid bosses and picking up their dropped finished items (completed weapons, breastplates...). So, which function or role would you say that Tyrr Maestro class performs in the game? 

About Othell Fortune Seeker, I believe that is a faster damage dealer than Tyrr Maestro versus normal monsters and raid bosses, and perhaps it performs better than Maestro in PvP, although probably it is inferior to the other Othell classes and to most of damage dealer classes in both PvE and PvP. However, if my suspicion about dropped items by raid bosses is true, exclusive plunder/spoil skills do not suppose an important adventage. 

What do you think about my beliefs?




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Hi mate,

As a main Fortune seeker, I can assure you that there are NO money to be earned, unless you solo, and kill as fast as the spawn rate, and then sell all (if any) spoils to npcs.

That money is about your shots or less than that.


Main Tyrr maestro is a novelty character, nowdays people don't craft.

They buy from ncsoft and raid.

Besides crafting low chance scroll of blessing and materials, a tyr maestro main is useless.

It is a mini tyr indeed but useless, so having ANOTHER useless subclass, well, it is time well spent on nothing.

Rerole while there is time.

Have an actual tyr class to enjoy the game and a support dual class.


If you want to keep that Tyr mestro, dual a tank. (same gear more or less)


hope you ditch the dorfs.. 


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No, negative!

Othell is not the proper dual class for Tyrr Maestro.

You should bear in mind equipment (set, weapon) and dual skills to be proper for both - main and dual class.

Your mistake is very expensive, especially when you have to buy Dark/bloody sets & weapons for Tyrr & Othell.

If you are using Stormer (Pike) & Heavy Set, you should chose Tyrr Dreadnought, in order to use the same weapon and set for both.

If you are using Blunt (+hp) and shield, I will recommend you for dual - TANK.

I believe you catch what I mean...

So, choose carefully!


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Thanks you again for your advice, mates. It seems that dwarves are not attractive currently in Lineage II Live. I am thinking about stopping play with them, and starting a new way with another race (changes that have arrived with Fafurion update would let me to advance until level 9x relatively quick, I think). I would like to ask you about this new way.

My favourite races (besides dwarves) are Humans and Elves (white Elves), simply because of role reasons (I always have prefered "light" races), although I think that I could play Dark Elves or Kamaels, even with Orcs or, the new race unknown for me, Ertheias. 

I have to say that during next months, perhaps one year, I will prefer to be a solo player (except a few parties, and never belonging to a clan, in that time; later I would like to be invited to a clan and to play at parties, of course). So, perhaps the best options for me are classes that I suppose can perform easily playing solo (Tyrr, Othell, Yul, or Feoh; and perhaps Iss). Examples of classes I like (without deep knowledge): Duelist, Wind Rider, Moonlight Sentinel, Archmage, Hierophant, Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer. I like very much Sigel classes (Phoenix and Eva Templar), but I suppose that they do not perform well playing solo. On the other hand, I think I read many time ago that Kamael race are powerful race. I do not know almost nothing about Ertheia race.

I know I am offering many, perhaps too many, options. Any opinion would be welcome and grateful. Thanks for helping me!




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About fortune Seeker, i switched dual from tank to seeker lv105 ( main tyrr maestro).
At all Lv 104+ spots solo or party you can spoil Lv.4 & lv. 5 synte ckokes, weapon fragments and durandil.
the way up to that point is hard becouse NC diabled spoil in low lvl areas.
belive me there is a lot of mony in it and you have the profit in enchant of extra +3 luc.

I like realy it and fine with my desicion

Check the Rus L2wiki for spoils

Thanks and GL


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On 7/13/2019 at 8:29 PM, GottWillEs said:

About fortune Seeker, i switched dual from tank to seeker lv105 ( main tyrr maestro).
At all Lv 104+ spots solo or party you can spoil Lv.4 & lv. 5 synte ckokes, weapon fragments and durandil.
the way up to that point is hard becouse NC diabled spoil in low lvl areas.
belive me there is a lot of mony in it and you have the profit in enchant of extra +3 luc.

I like realy it and fine with my desicion

Check the Rus L2wiki for spoils

Thanks and GL


these material spoils that you are taling about are in areas wheren one can't solo, and if you are in a party, i would love to see you try to convince 6 people to turn party from random including spoil, to just random so that you keep spoils for youself..


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If you are not the right lvl ok, if you cant find party becouse you are greedy thats your problem.

For me is the point i have my own party so the spoil is 100% for me anyways.

We both have our own opinion. thats ok for me

Tyrr maestro is fine with tank/dual i lvl'ed like that too, but right now tank hard to XP for sure as solo player more harder then a Othel.
so the only positiv about tank is that you can sare equip if you was using heavy on ur main. if you have light set maybe better a othel / archer class.

GL and Have Fun

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We talked about that ingame allready.
it is always depending on your playstyle. most players are Instance players and not see the profit in a constant party that hunts on field.
For pvp an tyrr is waste like Othel sad but true. the only classes for pve and pvp that is fine are  #1 Archer /  #2 feoh.

A littel example of my farm 10hours at sos with 7 players in party. 2 of them have prestige pack nothing ealse is running.

this is afk farm of 2 spawns SOS party area

700m adena + 500m item drop (sold to npc) + 2100 dmg spellbooks
spoil = 400 lv 4 synte cokes + 14-20 Lv 5 synte cokes + 2 top grade spirit stones
The Othel Seeker only have 46 luc so there is much more in it, but untill now i couldent find enough dyes to add them.

what i get in intances everyday is usaly woth like 30-50m

I promot groupp hunting ground even lvl 103 is fine with drops like in AF. if you can find good trustable players it is better way to farm your gear.


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