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Nobody is doing nothing about the bot? 50 pj are boting in sea of spores and not with auto attack with external software, anyone can see them, in just about 2 min you can realize it, the admistrator and the gm are asking for proves. Please login and 5 min per day and you can realize immediately

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Sea of Spores and Ketra Outpost was a favorite spot for botting amongst others when I played live. Telltale sign is actually going to town and watch them run to the gatekeeper over and over. That's your proof if anything and not them farming. It's them running in a straight line over and over to a gatekeeper or dying over and over in death valley. 

They have been doing this for ages on live so surely they know. When I was farming at Ketra on live awhile back though, I noticed those bots actually started to disappear when I moved into the area. It's like bot's own protection. 

By the way, loop macro is nowhere close to real bot software. There's a lot of problems and limitations in afk macroing. You can also pk bots. I am pretty sure there are bunch of people who intentionally pk botters, but then seem to leave you alone if you a real. 

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should extend blessing of protection to lvl80 at least and introduce special item on L2Store with 'pve mode on' where other players can not do us harm and it only applies as our character can not attack or be attack by another player character for a certain period of time or can be turn on and off like auto macro LOL


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Macro afk is a dream. You need good gear, good farm location, without buffs its even more of a pain. You basically need many players.

I've died way to many times as a mage trying to figure this crap out and it just doesnt work, or wastes to much SS. Without SS its impossible, maybe only if I had TOP ++ gear something could happen.

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