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Comparing AP Setups


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I just propose a simple comparison based on an old discussion, the idea is to talk about different AP setups, focused mostly on defensive ones. Most of the strength of our char is ofc largelly decided by the gear it wears, but APs are a quick and cost free option for fine tuning.

The conditions are simple: Knight Lv1, Melodies Lv4, Sonatas and self buffs. No extra temporary boosts such as Roses, Valiant, Stews, etc

Screen your stats alongside the APs applied and let's get a feel what would be better, overall and in specific scenarios. Here are my 2 cents, please spare my weakness xD

HP Setup: https://imgur.com/a/Bkq9yR3

P.Def Setup: https://imgur.com/a/8hfSOve

This is one of the sanest part of the forum, so any positive contribution is welcomed. Cya shieldy broders!


Edit: Just tagging @Draecke, @Norbit, @Irlumir, @Irlumir2 (who's you?)

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Good morning. Now i really like this thread. Im not savy on this forum stuff. So i dunno how to upload pics but once i figure it out i wil. I will say this though. My exact set up is the same as your defencive one. I just got 3 aps in crit reduction instead of mdef. Now in my clan the tanks debating about the crit reductiin being only for pve. I think differently. Bsed on my test i recieved less damage. But they twll me its only pve. Outside of that, i can post my numbers with buffs. Lwt me find out how to upload pics. I have 3 tanks. Do u want katrise numbers, and does classes play a roll? 

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On 6/5/2018 at 12:32 PM, Keoz said:

I just propose a simple comparison based on an old discussion, the idea is to talk about different AP setups, focused mostly on defensive ones. Most of the strength of our char is ofc largelly decided by the gear it wears, but APs are a quick and cost free option for fine tuning.

The conditions are simple: Knight Lv1, Melodies Lv4, Sonatas and self buffs. No extra temporary boosts such as Roses, Valiant, Stews, etc

Screen your stats alongside the APs applied and let's get a feel what would be better, overall and in specific scenarios. Here are my 2 cents, please spare my weakness xD

HP Setup: https://imgur.com/a/Bkq9yR3

P.Def Setup: https://imgur.com/a/8hfSOve

This is one of the sanest part of the forum, so any positive contribution is welcomed. Cya shieldy broders!


Edit: Just tagging @Draecke, @Norbit, @Irlumir, @Irlumir2 (who's you?)

Both Irlumirs are mine.... was a bad languague issue :P ... 
Later i will upload the screens.   I have a differente arrangement that maximize AP Pve (phys) surviable.


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22 hours ago, Norbit said:

Good morning. Now i really like this thread. Im not savy on this forum stuff. So i dunno how to upload pics but once i figure it out i wil. I will say this though. My exact set up is the same as your defencive one. I just got 3 aps in crit reduction instead of mdef. Now in my clan the tanks debating about the crit reductiin being only for pve. I think differently. Bsed on my test i recieved less damage. But they twll me its only pve. Outside of that, i can post my numbers with buffs. Lwt me find out how to upload pics. I have 3 tanks. Do u want katrise numbers, and does classes play a roll? 

I'm also not that learned in this forum, I wanted to post the image directly here but didn't figure out how and just used another site to upload them xD

The defensive one is a copy of what you posted before, the pic of you showing off with 1000+ Ele def. I guess you are talking about Crit.Dmg reduction, since having shields up already give us -100% Receiving Crit.Rate and in both cases I fail to see why it should it be used in PvE, since Crits are a major factor in PvP. I've been using them here and there for PvP, but never actually tested its usefulness. It would be great if you could post similar pics with all your tanks, since you would be sharing most the basic gear, we could see the basic differences between each one of them because they DO play a role and of course other AP setups are welcomed to be discussed

As for the conclussions from my own stats; I would say that HP is the "de facto" rute to take (15k HP vs ~2k P.Def) until one hits some milestones. For example in my case I only have 2 of 4 HP SAs, missing 25% from Dark/Bloody and Sigel SA. Getting these SAs will ease the need for extra HP (as well as better buffs and boosting items) and having a better base P/M.Def will increase the gains coming from APs, in a way moving gradually from my HP setup to your Def setup as one gets better level/gear/boosts

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was playing tank I never run with an HP setup I also didn't have a con dyes, There's no "best" AP setup your AP setup relies on what your gears are,your party setup is (if you have PoW or not in your pt) and lastly who you're fighting against from there you tweak and adjust your AP/Dual class skill depending on what will make you even more productive during PvP/PvE :) 

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5 hours ago, Jinkariya said:

When I was playing tank I never run with an HP setup I also didn't have a con dyes, There's no "best" AP setup your AP setup relies on what your gears are,your party setup is (if you have PoW or not in your pt) and lastly who you're fighting against from there you tweak and adjust your AP/Dual class skill depending on what will make you even more productive during PvP/PvE :) 

It's cool to say "it depends", yeah, that's the case most of the time. The idea is to discuss in detail tweaks that would benefit in each specific case. HP is the most straighforward stat, because you can simply max it out (or get really close to it) without investing any AP or Dual skills on it (I reached 132k HP with a 2 SA Sword (missing 25% HP) and without PoW). Then comes the question, what's the next best thing to invest into? How would your AP setups look like?

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Screen shot 1 is without rose buff and normal buffs   https://imgur.com/a/BMJwBMR

Screen shot 2 with rose buff and same normal buffs https://imgur.com/a/7ywr4lz

Screen shot 3 is my AP tree that i still mess around with to this day. https://imgur.com/a/ITlyJro

I am an all STR build for instant skill reuse and double duration on skills, helps alot, i dont need the con as u can see with my HP i can get to 150k easily with pow or cov.

hope that helps ya some bud 

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49 minutes ago, KeepthePeace said:

Screen shot 1 is without rose buff and normal buffs   https://imgur.com/a/BMJwBMR

Screen shot 2 with rose buff and same normal buffs https://imgur.com/a/7ywr4lz

Screen shot 3 is my AP tree that i still mess around with to this day. https://imgur.com/a/ITlyJro

I am an all STR build for instant skill reuse and double duration on skills, helps alot, i dont need the con as u can see with my HP i can get to 150k easily with pow or cov.

hope that helps ya some bud 

150 STR, that's a lot for a tank. I also didn't go full CON because I realised STR was also useful for that same reason, double duration mostly as I think almost none of our skill works on instant reuse. I guess you are also using Offensive type armor, I can see the STR stew and I'm guessing also +4/6 STR Bracelet... I'm still missing around ~15 STR, possibly better Venir, Shirt and Emerald than me, but still that doesn't explain the gap

Btw, even if you are not using CON, you are still using 7 AP points on HP, something that for example @Norbit doesn't. So you might reconsider adjusting that

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This AP settings are for PVE. On Siege i switch things a bit to grap extra mdef.. but lately im  busy with RL on weekends so...
And also the Frenzy + Focus Shield is enought to stand against magic atacks when you get to agro mages...

- Normal Buff, no stew  ( iss, turtle, own aura) https://imgur.com/SA7Sjpe

- With Divine protection ( cheap rose, will not use a guardian rose for a screen :D ) https://imgur.com/LUXROLs


- Raise Shield ON https://imgur.com/yeOaMD8  

- Frenzy + Focus shield  ON https://imgur.com/7dyRFqv  


For the cheap gear i own stats seems fine...  and @Keoz the cheapest and best improvement on tank is switch to Evas :D , maybe with @KeepthePeace gear you will able to farm pve with the char  OK ( i guess he does that due his giant crt damage augment) but HK and SK demands much more gear to perform equally as their defensive conterparts on this update...... 
BTW Check the AP Keoz, cause for PVE you only trade 9% HP for 12% more PDEF.... well also 2% or reuse time that for me is unnoticed, at least for how i have the char (on heavy tanking raise shield is ready to use as when it is expiring ... have it +12 on time)

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@Irlumir I mean, I already farm everything up to Elven and Superion, which is about the top PvE can get at the moment. Of course it can always be easier, but it's not like I can't perform properly. I'll admit I'm a bit jelous about the improvement in stats, amazing cubics and fricking broken Elemental defense, but I was born and will die a HK xD

Sacrificing Cooldown and HP in the first row for P.Def seams quite legit tho, I'll try it on my own. You also have more HP with that setup that I do with full HP, damn I need the 4SA HP Cutter QQ

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@Keoz I have 3 SA HP weapon. Like i say i have "cheap gear" xD no eva rune (Keeppeace have eva run and all the shiny shiny jaja) 
Just put the mystic SA on your 2x HP weapon, very nice boost for little, is very cheap now the crystal. 

On dual skill i have 4x HP.  And CON CON CON ( for cheap bleep is the way to go)  
Besides i also try the str, around 143 i reach and nah no big deal was almost the same as 120 str .....Sure for extra damage can be nice xD 

Is not much cooldown, that 2% at lest for daily activity.
 use to have a ST, i really like it, but the difference in class, like i say a lot of time, is just absurd to not consider ....the 150 more element is just insane , is like having a pve / pvp armor on v/s offensive tanks.  And the pulls skill are also nice :)   I started with the HK when goddess just arrive, then with diversif came in use it then change to ST, now Evas.  I do miss the "dark" sensation the off tanks have, but i do like more free stats jaja. 

Now i do agree that is not that much needed the extra resistance BUT it also works fine on pvp.. i can switch between anakim to lilith or pdef +con to mdef +con hair acc if required. Also phys rez shirt to magic rez shirt...

Next update is around the corner and i bet the sea of spore area will demand more resistance and will give better rewards, for sure will be welcome to add all you can to endure.  

You wear a normal/bless +8 or pve/pvp?



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Well, I adjusted my setup to be just over 100k HP with Rose, moving my points from HP and Cooldown to Defense. It's not a big difference and kinda works better, also it's not like I miss 7-10k HP

I wanted to buy a Mystic Crystal for my weapon when they were about 3-3.5b, but ppl got emo after it was removed from HC rewards and are asking close to double for it, so meh

My armor is +10/9/9/8/8 full Blessed. +10 prices are going down so if I get the adena I may move to simple +10 and work from there

Talk to me about PvP when they fix the bug that let nukers hit for over 100k dmg while UD is on >.>

Every new update is time to adjustments, like adjusting to new skills for us in the last one, so I will see what I'll do when the time comes :P

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