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Ruler's Ring of Authority Stack?


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4 hours ago, FatherFortuitous said:

I saw the answer to this somewhere, but I forget where, so I'll ask again. Does Ruler's Ring of Authority stack with...?

1. Ring of Authority

2. Ring of Truth

3. Ring of Truth-Seeker

4. Ring of Creation

Yes they stack, as long as it's not 2 exactly the same rings eg. Ring of Authority + Ring of Authority won't stack.

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On 13/07/2018 at 5:03 PM, Draecke said:

not quite: ring authority & ring truth or it's seeker versions don't stack either

only creation & final stage rings stack or a mix of seeker & authority stack

Creation and Authority do stack too.

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that's true, forgot that part - basically creation ring will stack with any other of those rings

btw for daggers & archers and maybe even mages next update all will be using the 30 days Olympiad ring as that one is kinda overpowered nuts and good news it's totally ingame obtainable

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4 minutes ago, Draecke said:

that's true, forgot that part - basically creation ring will stack with any other of those rings

btw for daggers & archers and maybe even mages next update all will be using the 30 days Olympiad ring as that one is kinda overpowered nuts and good news it's totally ingame obtainable

Whats this new Olympiad Ring?

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go check EU/RU forums or wait for NCWest to start doing their job as it's a disgrace how bad they're at communicating.. we're the last Region to get the next update and there's no news or anything about it yet here..

I will give you a hint thou as why it's nuts, it gives bonus to skill power..

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