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Blessed Exalted Leather Armor, screenshot... add the others if anyone wants to.

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Just letting everyone know... the Consumable box and Challenger Tickets are Dimensional Items. The stats seem like Transcendent Eternal R99, here is screenshot:


Gifts of Enchant scrolls (to +8/9) welcome 😜  Chronos.

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@JujiCould we get screenshots of Blessed Exalted sets for all race models? specifically, I'd like to see the Light/Robe sets on Kamael and Ertheia, since they have limited textures(which may be used for multiple sets)

P.S as these armors are L2store Exclusive, which can't be gifted... why not allow Appearance modification so we can put our favorite App on them, even if we could just use the 1-piece Appearance stones on the Top armor.

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