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Clan Doom pk-ing all my characters without reason

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Hello! I would like for you to take some action because the clan members of clan Doom are killing without any reason all my characters. Seems I am not the only one affected by this, all server is getting PKed without reason. I died like 5 times in one hour. I do not have war tar against them or nothing else for that matter. Thanks!

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11 minutes ago, drhoanglinhanh said:

Pk is good! But if pk use scrip and gm not ban is end game!!!!

In this Game/SV ban for script/adrenaline/botting ect it's just for 1/2 week as much ppl know.. If they don't do nothing on tops players in " Live " Server for over years cheating.

 what did u guys expect happen here...

If u want to pay a Game for have a suport staff/GM services avaible change Game wow , league... 

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This is getting really stupid, 1st Epic, now Doom. Where's is all the GM?  We're getting PK's by High Lvl players every 15 mins. If you guys want to compare who got bigger sacks. Go fight your  clan war bs. elsewhere and leave the rest us out of it. We're just trying to play the game.  

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Again as per NC Soft response PK is part of the game (even if you PK once or round the clock).

So good luck with their PKers. From now and on my farm style will change. I will go with my 80lvl and just sit all day in started areas. PK anyone so they will quit game as they cant progress the game. After all PK is part of the game. 

So good luck NC soft making new players.

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