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Live Server Maintenance: August 24, 2022


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I dont mind the game being P2W, or even having a P2P paywall..

But come on @Hermes.. the pay wall is broken as all hell.

Items you have to wait on from events that are chances.. what the hell, a chance to get items to even be able to continue playing?!?

Where does all the money go? 

To remove content from the game, broken updates and characters.

Everything seems to go towards top level toons looking to get ultra rare items and an incentive system "collections" to destroy equipment and gear destroying the trickle down effect of the game without providing any way to get those items except thru events..

It boogles the bind that either NCWEST is incompetent, or NCSoft is going to start offering us credit card deals and incentives as they do.

What is NCWEST doing to fix the game? Or do you feel its "working as intended"?

Is the plan to drive down the server population so you dont have to be bothered to actually work?

Are you GMs too overwhelemed with all the games you have and expect us to Boohoo over you having a job?

Seriously look at the latest event.. its supposedly a free event to push up population for your reports.. whats the point if you continue to screw up something every event..

Only 1 reason, to drive up population devided by income to make the game look 1 of 3 ways on paper..

1 supports shutting the game down.

2 supports total player count makes paywall look lower.

3 supports the game is viable regardleas of your lack of vision and involvement in it.

You say you want feedback, and all feedback goes unnoticed except from massive postings about your "clear" screwups for events and is the only things getting fixed or adjusted.

You cant get even bother to login or update us on anything past events or corrections.. 

How is that doing your job. Is the same as driving a car till the wheels fall off.

It really shows not 1 of you are on ourside.

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I believe that what makes us most sad is to see that, for example, @Arctic and @Hermes enter the forum, post some information, and no longer enter to check, we spend days talking, asking, and they don't make a point of entering and checking, it seems that they just enter, post the information and no longer enter.

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1 hour ago, Opticalz said:

I guesss... the secret for Event Red Libra is totaly silence of us. 🥲

In euro server they extend the event due popular demand 😑

 Why we not get only one aswer here?

@EMpulse  @Arctic @Hermes @Hime @LIME 

I swear to God that I would like to know too, and that at least we would have some kind of answer, what seems to me is a total disregard for the players, I am not even talking about the event anymore, but about how they are dealing with our questions.

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18 minutes ago, Fixee said:

I swear to God that I would like to know too, and that at least we would have some kind of answer, what seems to me is a total disregard for the players, I am not even talking about the event anymore, but about how they are dealing with our questions.

I'm not really sure why they keep this forum as they could post maintenances on main page 99% of questions are ignored and people get forum bans for whatsoever reasons when they say something,

In my personal opinion "if you don't want to answer don't give a chance to ask a question (which is forum)"

As people who would like to start playing , goes to forum spends 3 minutes  and basically you know what kind of impression this forum gives..

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8 hours ago, Slycutter said:

That was not always the case if your old school player you remember the old school GMs like HGMSpam, HGM Sliver, HGM Goose etc all played the game and I actually knew who 2 them were on their in game characters.  They knew who was the bad people, they knew the exploits, they had a lot of issues with programs and botters back then too and L2 adena farmers. 

Today you are correct I think I only have met one GM recently that still plays L2 HGM Wraith not sure if he still around.

Well back in the day game used to be different and people were different ,

You could achieve something if you would work together(clans/community) 

so even GM's used to be involved in game , 

Now there is no community even clans are not clans its a solo players with crests  thinking about themselves only , as this game became way to financial . 

Obviously who would like to share with clan Dragon weapons which they get from paid boxes for which they paid 5k $ ?


GM's are no different , 


You get my point, don't want to pour anything out as it may lead to forum ban by knowing expressing opinion is bannable here.

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30 minutes ago, Fixee said:

I swear to God that I would like to know too, and that at least we would have some kind of answer, what seems to me is a total disregard for the players, I am not even talking about the event anymore, but about how they are dealing with our questions.

I think they are 18+ -25 Years old ( a grown man cannot make mistakes at every event or every week, nor can they post Announcements correctly sometimes) If u are over some age Iven if u try  u  cant. Is part of who u are cant make mistakes non-stop. Try to know first with who u are talking  or maybe im wrong.

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31 minutes ago, DwarfXO said:

I'm not really sure why they keep this forum as they could post maintenances on main page 99% of questions are ignored and people get forum bans for whatsoever reasons when they say something,

In my personal opinion "if you don't want to answer don't give a chance to ask a question (which is forum)"

As people who would like to start playing , goes to forum spends 3 minutes  and basically you know what kind of impression this forum gives..

Yeah, that's what I can't understand, the forum is usually a place where we have communication with the staff, but here is being a bit different, and I also don't know if they really want to bring new players to Lineage2.
I agree every day the people coming to play, but I believe they are people who already know the lineage, imagine a new player who never had contact with the game, as Andouille himself said, there is no support from the gms on the forum, then or that player will adapt and will look for things in the game with other players, or on some other site, or he will simply abandon the game!

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7 minutes ago, Fixee said:

Yeah, that's what I can't understand, the forum is usually a place where we have communication with the staff, but here is being a bit different, and I also don't know if they really want to bring new players to Lineage2.
I agree every day the people coming to play, but I believe they are people who already know the lineage, imagine a new player who never had contact with the game, as Andouille himself said, there is no support from the gms on the forum, then or that player will adapt and will look for things in the game with other players, or on some other site, or he will simply abandon the game!

Well you are 100% correct,

There is no new (not familiar with L2) people here even new starters usually people who played in illegal (pr1vate servers)

and most of them leave for two reasons insane paywall and 0 communication.


Sadly it will never change and in near future it will get worse than it is now,


So lets say Hermes will stick around for 2-3 years 

Just imagine what will happen after Hermes,

Guy who will get dev position in NCwest as Lead Dev will have 0 knowledge about game as nobody who is in their 19- 20's  haven't heard about this game now...

As Typical reply from Gm's is:  We might not answer to all questions as we don't have right answer at this time.

What kind of communication we can expect?


Well guys I express my opinion so if I won't reply and my post disappears you know what's happened.. 


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6 minutes ago, DwarfXO said:

Well you are 100% correct,

There is no new (not familiar with L2) people here even new starters usually people who played in illegal (pr1vate servers)

and most of them leave for two reasons insane paywall and 0 communication.


Sadly it will never change and in near future it will get worse than it is now,


So lets say Hermes will stick around for 2-3 years 

Just imagine what will happen after Hermes,

Guy who will get dev position in NCwest as Lead Dev will have 0 knowledge about game as nobody who is in their 19- 20's  haven't heard about this game now...

As Typical reply from Gm's is:  We might not answer to all questions as we don't have right answer at this time.

What kind of communication we can expect?


Well guys I express my opinion so if I won't reply and my post disappears you know what's happened.. 


I totally agree, but will it take 2 - 3 years for that?

From what it seems, the gms are seeing what is happening, and what we are posting, because if you look at their profile, they entered about 15 minutes ago, I don't know if they are trying to talk to Korea and see what can be done, or if they just didn't give a shit =/

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18 minutes ago, BENTEJUI said:

guys I already have more than assumed that this will close before seeing changes in our favor

remember that it is a company and it only wants benefits if it does not have them they will close and something else

what has happened with lineage 2 is that most of the people who play it are over 35 years old with life and family and this game, at least in europe, is no longer attractive due to the dependency on being online 24/7 L2 core has a much cheaper store and its population is low that is if those who are are very well equipped more or less not at the level of korea but fine

so at least I have assumed that this will go down each month that passes and if there is a lot of population now it is because of the coin event 1 person can log in up to 50 accounts

And if the majority of the comments are from people depressed by the game, it is because they like it, and what they have achieved in many years matters.

I think that only those who only care about filling the collection are happy

Well core spends loads on ads at the moment on YT and FB,

But that weird domain doesn't help them also to attract people ,

They have better gameplay than NA servers cheaper store , but game context and concept itself is same as NCwest

pay to win and ZERO in game activity.

Just Lineage itself cant keep up with trends in gaming 

Nowadays people pay for skins and looks rather than opportunity to be superior against others look at new mmorpg which roll out..  

Our MMOAFK (L2) game is targeted only to us,                 we grew up with it and sadly we will see it go...


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16 minutes ago, DwarfXO said:

So lets say Hermes will stick around for 2-3 years 

Just imagine what will happen after Hermes,

Guy who will get dev position in NCwest as Lead Dev will have 0 knowledge about game as nobody who is in their 19- 20's  haven't heard about this game now...


Hermes is not a developer, and probably, outside of communicating the forum complaints has no actual decision making power. Don't beg him for stuff he will not be able to approve anything.

Developers don't care what they are instructed to do. So even someone who is 12 could do the job if they have the skill and can follow instructions.

The biggest issue is that whoever is making decisions on how promotions/events/approach to the player base work on ncwest servers is just deaf to the player base requests because that person is just an accountant pushing numbers - or not even that, sometimes its really hard to see what the actual direction of whoever is making decisions for ncwest is. 

Some people say go complain on korean forums, what for? They are not involved in the day to day of ncwest, so as long as the manager who just looks at the excel char with the summed up revenue numbers is happy nobody will do anything to change the situation.

Unfortunately the ncwest player population has no power to exert any form of influence just because there is not enough of us and the ones that are here are just perfectly happy investing into milking events and pointless promotions. That's the sad truth, the player base of L2 is toxic as bleep and cant unite to exert some influence because everyone just thinks of themselves.


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3 minutes ago, Fixee said:

I totally agree, but will it take 2 - 3 years for that?

From what it seems, the gms are seeing what is happening, and what we are posting, because if you look at their profile, they entered about 15 minutes ago, I don't know if they are trying to talk to Korea and see what can be done, or if they just didn't give a shit =/

Don't put false hopes , usually they got a warning when some thread is more active than usual in case of spam bots or ads

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3 minutes ago, DwarfXO said:

Just Lineage itself cant keep up with trends in gaming 

Nowadays people pay for skins and looks rather than opportunity to be superior against others look at new mmorpg which roll out..  


You are completely wrong, the trend in gaming is exactly wehat L2 is doing - just look at the massive profit Diablo Immortal has.  The glorious p2w is here and here to stay. What L2 is doing that no other game is doing is hard pay walling content - taking the Diablo example you can either pay to go faster or sit for 5 years to eventually complete things. In L2 there is NO WAY to get, i would say, 80% of the game unless you pay, and pay ridiculous prices. L2 has evolved into an online cassino with extra steps.

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14 minutes ago, aelian said:

You are completely wrong, the trend in gaming is exactly wehat L2 is doing - just look at the massive profit Diablo Immortal has.  The glorious p2w is here and here to stay. What L2 is doing that no other game is doing is hard pay walling content - taking the Diablo example you can either pay to go faster or sit for 5 years to eventually complete things. In L2 there is NO WAY to get, i would say, 80% of the game unless you pay, and pay ridiculous prices. L2 has evolved into an online cassino with extra steps.

Well I would want you to be wrong but there is some truth also

But about diablo you are right, but what kind of publicity did it get from gaming community and gaming news as a game to be avoided?

Obviously people would give away they  kidneys for L2 to be at least similar to diablo in which you can eventually with deep grind get something , 

But I was talking to about other "popular" games not about the game which have bad publicity even if you would take LA or NW or any popular FPS mostly they targeted to attract new people and kind of fun gameplay.



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14 minutes ago, BENTEJUI said:

Guys, all you have to do is search YouTube for current videos about raids, sieges, final bosses or new Lineage 2 quests.

and they are all from more than 5 years ago that also says a lot about when people disconnected from this game

I feel sorry for @hermes and the others but I think they are only there to receive complaints from those of us who remain in the game

and I understand and empathize with the fact that they are also people and I think that it also affects them to be 24/7 receiving complaints and sometimes insults

Well that's about time when Lineage 2 died as we know it,

The only new videos you will find on YT how people open sale boxes and get's roses and pots...

I really would like to throw this game away but I grew up with it and obviously financial attachment to this game makes it hard as if I wont play all money which I paid will be thrown for nothing.. 

Well about 24/7 I would disagree as this maintenance have been posted on Wednesday so 2+ days and more than one person works there. 

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32 minutes ago, DwarfXO said:

Well I would want you to be wrong but there is some truth also

But about diablo you are right, but what kind of publicity did it get from gaming community and gaming news as a game to be avoided?

Obviously people would give away they  kidneys for L2 to be at least similar to diablo in which you can eventually with deep grind get something , 

But I was talking to about other "popular" games not about the game which have bad publicity even if you would take LA or NW or any popular FPS mostly they targeted to attract new people and kind of fun gameplay.



Diablo set a very public precedent that even with game studios behaving like utter assholes in the end it does not matter because profit is profit.

OF course I agree a game should be fun, but end user fun means nothing to the executive who is charged with quarterly growth, to them only numbers mean something. And in the end it doesn't matter if players are hating the game as long as the cash cow brings, well, cash they don't care about why the money is coming in.

No money no honey.

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2 minutes ago, DwarfXO said:

...  obviously financial attachment to this game makes it hard as if I wont play all money which I paid will be thrown for nothing.. 

This is exactly why we are where we are. Ma boi need to understand that the money you put in is gone no amount of you wishing it be there makes it real. You think you will RMT the money you invested back when you quit one day? Let me put it to you like this:


Accept you gambled in the casino and lost, you spent some time having fun and stop paying money to people who don't value you as a customer.

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9 minutes ago, aelian said:

This is exactly why we are where we are. Ma boi need to understand that the money you put in is gone no amount of you wishing it be there makes it real. You think you will RMT the money you invested back when you quit one day? Let me put it to you like this:


Accept you gambled in the casino and lost, you spent some time having fun and stop paying money to people who don't value you as a customer.

Well there is no talks about RMT I was always against it , people who spend time(in this case= in L2 money and luck) to get something shouldn't be sold in either case , 

If(edit:when as it will happen eventually to all of us ) I will leave I wont even bother to sell my gear for Adena in case I would decide to comeback like others do ,

I doesn't matter to me if I comeback after 2-3 years and my gear will be outdated like A /S/ S80 grade is now , I paid for it even if its useless and worthless in future period.

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1 hour ago, aelian said:

Hermes is not a developer, and probably, outside of communicating the forum complaints has no actual decision making power. Don't beg him for stuff he will not be able to approve anything.

Developers don't care what they are instructed to do. So even someone who is 12 could do the job if they have the skill and can follow instructions.

The biggest issue is that whoever is making decisions on how promotions/events/approach to the player base work on ncwest servers is just deaf to the player base requests because that person is just an accountant pushing numbers - or not even that, sometimes its really hard to see what the actual direction of whoever is making decisions for ncwest is. 

Some people say go complain on korean forums, what for? They are not involved in the day to day of ncwest, so as long as the manager who just looks at the excel char with the summed up revenue numbers is happy nobody will do anything to change the situation.

Unfortunately the ncwest player population has no power to exert any form of influence just because there is not enough of us and the ones that are here are just perfectly happy investing into milking events and pointless promotions. That's the sad truth, the player base of L2 is toxic as bleep and cant unite to exert some influence because everyone just thinks of themselves.


They  have the power to change things if they want ( remember the bug with enchanting Cloak  + 20   6-8 month ago?  somone leak the information and they restart the server asp.Now the  Events and Promo  that have more problems whit Mr Hermes  leading) My personal opinion they dont know yet how to do the events or promo  and what do we  expect from 18 year teenager and  in the actually game  Juji  bleep it up  not korea  he have business here ,  The nerfs  incredible they just come for specific classes and after losing  Castels  in 2014 -2016. To tis day i still remember the blessed  wep + 16 bonus that dont work on dagger with mr Juji saying the work coz they test it. Tested where  in korea?  They are the ppl that  run the server  and if they are bad nothing works. And i dont know way i  come back to play, Maby corona virus give me to much time. Hope ppl can have another perspective why  the game is like tis. If Korea  was runing the server  the server was full!


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2 hours ago, Trivak said:

They  have the power to change things if they want ( remember the bug with enchanting Cloak  + 20   6-8 month ago?  somone leak the information and they restart the server asp.Now the  Events and Promo  that have more problems whit Mr Hermes  leading) My personal opinion they dont know yet how to do the events or promo  and what do we  expect from 18 year teenager and  in the actually game  Juji  bleep it up  not korea  he have business here ,  The nerfs  incredible they just come for specific classes and after losing  Castels  in 2014 -2016. To tis day i still remember the blessed  wep + 16 bonus that dont work on dagger with mr Juji saying the work coz they test it. Tested where  in korea?  They are the ppl that  run the server  and if they are bad nothing works. And i dont know way i  come back to play, Maby corona virus give me to much time. Hope ppl can have another perspective why  the game is like tis. If Korea  was runing the server  the server was full!


Ok fine, lets go with the idea that Hermes took over all tasks that were assigned to Juji when he left as he explains in his intro post. As a game producer he has not really shown any vision of what his L2 will be and we are now 3 months in. In the contrary his posts are less and less with only "managing" our expectations when they mess something up.

Even in his intro post Hermes says he is a new hire, how many hours did he play as a free to play user spending his own money? :)

As I said many times before, we have an issue of transparency where the game team does not communicate with the player base outside of announcements. The player base is not being heard and that is in part because decisions are being made by people who have no understanding of this particular region. Now is Hermes - a forum username who nobody know who he is in real life -the one that has the power to make decisions for ncwest... i doubt it. Even Juji - a publicly known person - with all his glory, had limited reach in decision making.

Do you think an anonymous will bring joy to the player base when one Juji could not? :D

We should all just accept that L2 is a forgotten game even by its publisher. You can see for what projects they are hiring people if you go to ncwest website. Its just in service mode and no effort is really being made to progress it outside of copy pasting things made for other market.

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