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Dragon Claws


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21 hours ago, Genkahi said:

We need events to inject into the market tons of dragon claws. 
They are bottlenecks to increase the usage of DW. At the moment a lot of type of krishna weapon +20 are much better than the corresponding DW weapon

We need a lot of things injecting in to game , since there is no drops quests whole game relies on sales events , even common things like "silenite" are rear at the moment  when people use to have hundreds of them from "adena treasure chest" same with PI scrolls , since they put Augument Box and reduced scroll drop PI scroll prices sky rocketed

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13 hours ago, TROTAMUNDOS said:

hello regarding the dragon claws they should only be obtained by killing epic dragons

Dragon weapons are a luxury available to few and if they put more dragon claws there will be more top players with stage 3 and the gap between players will skyrocket even more

It is true that the game has many shortcomings

        but the game has become totally individualistic that's why they only launch crate events

Those of us who have been in the game for a long time are also responsible for it working like this

for not stopping everything when this got out of control with the sale of adena and items

now it's too late... there is no game anymore there is no community anymore there is no market anymore

Now whoever has money plays and enjoys the game 100% and whoever doesn't have to put up with it or leave ......... sorry for being pessimistic but it's what I see every day


PS: I've always thought launching events giving away DW or cursed weapons was a big mistake
They should have encouraged more enchanting weapons at +20 or more


Except for the part where they've taken out 2 of the dragons and then are planning on taking out more next update. Even if you drop 2 per week right now it takes over a year to make a stg 3 from stg 2... NCWest is the region lacking most in All end game gear. Stg 3 is vital for end game farming and pvp. Not to mention all the other end game items or even consumables we're missing compared to other regions. +20 weapon will only get you so far.

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On 12/30/2022 at 7:48 AM, TROTAMUNDOS said:

hello regarding the dragon claws they should only be obtained by killing epic dragons

Dragon weapons are a luxury available to few and if they put more dragon claws there will be more top players with stage 3 and the gap between players will skyrocket even more

It is true that the game has many shortcomings

        but the game has become totally individualistic that's why they only launch crate events

Those of us who have been in the game for a long time are also responsible for it working like this

for not stopping everything when this got out of control with the sale of adena and items

now it's too late... there is no game anymore there is no community anymore there is no market anymore

Now whoever has money plays and enjoys the game 100% and whoever doesn't have to put up with it or leave ......... sorry for being pessimistic but it's what I see every day


PS: I've always thought launching events giving away DW or cursed weapons was a big mistake
They should have encouraged more enchanting weapons at +20 or more



5 hours ago, TROTAMUNDOS said:


Yes, I know. you are right they eliminate the epic dragons

that's wrong too that's why i say they should keep them in

daily instances would be great and parties of 7 out of 105+

but if the way the servers are now they inject only dragon claws as requested by this thread

Only those who have DW will stay playing, the others will not reach the damage limit that you mention to farm and will leave the game

That's what I mean... but it doesn't take away your reason, you were right in your diagnosis of the game

In the fewest of words. That ship has sailed. Dragon claws are needed, and getting them from dragons was never gonna happen for 90% of the server. 

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Right now there are 6 claws for sale at Naia. 150b each.

Even if you get them for 100b it would be 6t in claws to make stage2 + 12t to make stage3.

The Elcyum is some we might be able to save up to get, but not the claws. Whoever has stock on claws is nowadays dirty rich

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7 hours ago, TROTAMUNDOS said:

I'm sorry, I'm still in my position...these servers don't need more dragon claws

they lack ortas many more things than increasing the dragon weapons

Those weapons are only valid for those who are in the final stage and they are not even 1%
it is my opinion


Define final stage in L2 please! if you are the type of player like most players, which needs some time (weeks-months) to buy a top item, by the time you believe you reached "final stage" you are back to square 1 as new items will place your "top gear" as medium.  Claws are needed to revive the game, balance the pvp. Final stage has a long way to go, years, there are another x3 dragons which are not in game at the moment.... so I do not think L2 will die in the years to come.

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they ruined the game, period.  there shouldn't be ANY stage 3 weapons, only reason there are is nc needed money and put them in loot boxes.  it should take years, and was meant to to make them. same with insanity talisman, that was supposed to be the end.  "You would have to be insane to try making 1 of these"  was their thought.  Then they needed a way to make money, walla, let's let them combine 2!!!     Remember now, originally dragon weapons were NOT supposed to be able to be used in oly, another thing changed for monetary reasons.  Balance is long gone and can't be restored.  How do you compete with..1 guy gets lucky 7 times in a row for a stage 7 splendor and the next guy gets unlucky 7 times in a row and still has stage 1, that can't work.  There is no end game content requiring DW's, what higher xp spots, thats not a need, competative pvp, nope,  youre only making the gap larger.

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May i ask about your lvl and gear and where you are hunting?


For spots like Fafurion, Dragon Valley and especially Dethrone (120/124 Area) you will do nothing without a Dragon Weapon. Some classes are highly in need of the DW (like Tyrr to get the lousy skill crit rate up) or Iss/Healer/Tanks to get over the 155k HP Limit because the monsters hit like a truck even with limited set, etc.

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5 hours ago, Siri said:


May i ask about your lvl and gear and where you are hunting?


For spots like Fafurion, Dragon Valley and especially Dethrone (120/124 Area) you will do nothing without a Dragon Weapon. Some classes are highly in need of the DW (like Tyrr to get the lousy skill crit rate up) or Iss/Healer/Tanks to get over the 155k HP Limit because the monsters hit like a truck even with limited set, etc.

dude, these people, w/ dw's,  still won't step foot in those  areas.    ya think suddenly w/ a dw your toon reaches the next level?  more then half the parties in dethrone aren't killing fast enough to make it worth it, but people think look, im in good area, i made it.  no, you are smacking mobs for 5 minutes before they die.  my dw gives me 50k more hp, that's nothing, won't save you from anything/one, and I also lost 15% pve damage and a ton of ss damage making my ruby just ehh.      

you and your friends want stage 3 to accompany your other 75k$ of gear that is really helping farm those areas.  saying tyrr need dragon weapon for MORE damage, gtfo, I know you can't mean that.   And dw to farm xp, is that so you can get into the higher instances?  oh ya, there are none!  there is no real reason to continue xp unless you are chasing ranking, 1 more way to sucker people into continuing.  





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17 minutes ago, TROTAMUNDOS said:


hello look if I'm TYR Doombringer 112

armor equipment r110 +10

weapon limited slasher +21

artifacts +7

brooch jewelry GRuby GDiamond Gaquamarine G opal red cat lvl 4 emerald lvl 5
  layer +10

shirt top cuff top baraclet lvl 3

Great leo aries taurus cancer

and little more...

I hunt in plains of lizerman alone...and without roses I die fast

Yes, with that equipment I can hardly hunt in zones 112 or 114

I remark that I don't understand very well nor do I dedicate 24/7 to this game, I'm looking at websites and asking to equip myself well (it's increasingly difficult to know how to equip your toon well in lineage 2)

but @siri understands that it is not fair that they inject more Dclaws into the game if there is nothing below it just to satisfy a minority with DW

but I do not take away your reason ... you have it if you are at levels 120 or 125 already have dw stg 2 or stg 3

but it is not the majority ... the majority is in 110 and 116

If they put dragon claws ingame at a more affordable rate then it's possible the tons of fragments that are just being stored in warehouses will become non-obsolete. Right now with needing 50 dragon claws to make stg 1 from fragment it's absurd. But say maybe 10 bil per claw it's actually not bad. And makes dw available for a lot more people.

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I am a lv 120 Tyrr and i tested Stage1 DW with 2x Kain and Shilen vs. +30 Limited 2x Kain and Shilen. And yes. I did more xp/h more adena/h with the DW Stage1.

Also having the DW which adds +30% pskill crit rate you can adjust your jewel augments etc. Ofc if you still doing normal attacks, then yes, DW ain't superior. But for max dmg output you will switch to pskill cd build.

And if you get your DW to stage2 or a Cursed Weapon its another 450 Ele attack compared to Krishna. Result: get 6x +3% patk aug on the Armor Set instead of +ele attack, switch augments, maybe change red artifact ele attack to +15% patk red artifact.


I have no idea how you saying DW is not needed. Especially Tyrr benefit a lot from the unlocked HP pool. Once you go for higher spots even with a lot of Pdef/crit dmg reduction etc. mobs hit quite much.

If you still hunt in zones like cemetary, hot springs, frozen labyrinth, then Krishna still performs. But enjoy farming Beast Farm/TOI higher floors/Dragon Valley/Fafurion and especially Dethrone where you need what i mentioned.

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I am 120 dagger/archer, also have DW and +30 weapon.  I can tell you the opposite, the +30 did far more damage in pve then the DW, and why wouldn't  it?    You honestly think that +30% skill crit rate on the weapon is doing anything?  You've been at your cap for a long time buddy.  With the 2 kain 11's its much closer to the +30, but still not nearly as good (on dagger).  30% atk speed, lawl, crit rate, lawl, hp, lawl,  Christ, even the extra damage to dragons doesn't work. I can't even believe you are telling some1 to use a red element artifact!  And dude, having more HP is not gonna save you from a 500k crit!  Again, you are saying toons with end game gear need claws  while 95% of the server would not benefit from them almost at all,  not nearly as much as common items.  If you need claws to afk xp in higher areas, well, that's the game you choose to play so I can't knock ya there.   I wanna see mass pvp, every clan at siege again, 1 party actually taking down a top player, not top player taking down entire clan w/ ally, that's not fun, that's just dumb!   I would 100% disagree with Siri except for the fact we need tomes now, and they only come from toi/dt.  Another huge gap in the making btw.  

Forgotten books, Rulers belts, greater jewls, artifact frags/crystals, kain weapon/armor scrolls,  splendor frags, dawn crystals,  that's what we need, not claws so the same 10 people get stronger and the rest quit.   Think about the rest of the server, not just the top 5%, they have enough, let others catch up.  

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3 hours ago, Ballkain said:

I am 120 dagger/archer, also have DW and +30 weapon.  I can tell you the opposite, the +30 did far more damage in pve then the DW, and why wouldn't  it?    You honestly think that +30% skill crit rate on the weapon is doing anything?  You've been at your cap for a long time buddy.  With the 2 kain 11's its much closer to the +30, but still not nearly as good (on dagger).  30% atk speed, lawl, crit rate, lawl, hp, lawl,  Christ, even the extra damage to dragons doesn't work. I can't even believe you are telling some1 to use a red element artifact!  And dude, having more HP is not gonna save you from a 500k crit!  Again, you are saying toons with end game gear need claws  while 95% of the server would not benefit from them almost at all,  not nearly as much as common items.  If you need claws to afk xp in higher areas, well, that's the game you choose to play so I can't knock ya there.   I wanna see mass pvp, every clan at siege again, 1 party actually taking down a top player, not top player taking down entire clan w/ ally, that's not fun, that's just dumb!   I would 100% disagree with Siri except for the fact we need tomes now, and they only come from toi/dt.  Another huge gap in the making btw.  

Forgotten books, Rulers belts, greater jewls, artifact frags/crystals, kain weapon/armor scrolls,  splendor frags, dawn crystals,  that's what we need, not claws so the same 10 people get stronger and the rest quit.   Think about the rest of the server, not just the top 5%, they have enough, let others catch up.  

Archer and Dagger both get max skill crit a lot easier than tyrr does. Dagger also gets a lot more benefits from +30 than a tyrr. All these things being said are class relative. Make a DK with a stg 2 and a +30 wep and tell me the +30 is superior. And as far as end game areas the attribute is needed from 999 wep. And like previous person said you can change artifacts to pattck instead of attri and also change ring/earring/neck augs from pskill crit rate to dmg. And I agree it's not just claws needed but everything. 

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I guess I just don't understand this game any more.  The rpg aspect is gone.  Dragon weapons were supposed to be special and near impossible to obtain, not a necessity to xp.  xp in areas that require 999 element weapons, come on, that means the daily stuff you actually play live for is so ridiculously easy, why bother.   It's very hard for an old school player to try fitting in here, it's just not the same game.

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Tell me, wouldnt Claws also help all ppl? I mean make all these DW Fragments -> Stage1, Stage1 -> Stage2, Stage2 -> Stage3.

Why should it only benefit the top 5%? If you do not need the 999 ele on the weapon, you can even swap Opal for any other Jewel.

L2 has endless ways to optimize the char depending on your hunting zone.


And ofc, we all need tons of other gear too. Not only claws.

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3 hours ago, Siri said:


Tell me, wouldnt Claws also help all ppl? I mean make all these DW Fragments -> Stage1, Stage1 -> Stage2, Stage2 -> Stage3.

Why should it only benefit the top 5%? If you do not need the 999 ele on the weapon, you can even swap Opal for any other Jewel.

L2 has endless ways to optimize the char depending on your hunting zone.


And ofc, we all need tons of other gear too. Not only claws.

no, as seen in the past, the lower level will have to sell to the higher level for the adena to buy the things they really need, which are being sold too high by the people trying to buy the claws.  same people end up w/ them.  not saying the 5% should only get them, saying they will.    swap your opal for what, these are average players we are talking about, the ones where a greater obsidian is a joke in pvp, won't help 1 bit.  Its ridicules the only reason i'm hearing about needing claws is to xp.  Again, I do apologize for i am commenting on a game i remember, not what it's become.  

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awesome, we can do the same daily's we've been doing for the last 6 years faster.  are there any plans to bring any game play back?  anything to actually DO when I sit down to play?  Any goals to reach that can't be bought?  any long term quests or factions, any creativity like the tavern where ya didn't know what instance you would get?  maybe a bad ass xp spot where you need to play live and kill certain mobs in the right order to make it worth it, idk.  I guess,  imo,  if ya wanna inject claws, do it so every one, and i mean every one can obtain.  Make them the new norm like +12 r99 weapons were, and the elite had +15...ooooo.     That's the difference we need back, not 10 million damage vs 65k damage in 1v1's.   Toons that are stronger then raid bosses to 80% of the server, how did this happen.  

I wonder what the OP of this thread is wearing, top grade +5 book, shirt, brooch, seed, top dyes, ect? I mean, w/o these, you can have all the claws in the world and they aien't gonna help ya.

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