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Addressing some real issues and the elephant in the room


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soooooooo.... first of all lets address the elephant in the room, what is this new figure with dual blades kinda elf and kinda dark elf on the loading screen? im sure you have seen it, new class?? anyone?

secondly and most impostant is the ether for the daily DT stats. I get why the restrictions apply but shouldnt we get an inrease after a certain level? with the current and fixed amount of 120 per day, there is no progress that can be done on the "fire totem". 

Maybe add another 400 per day while hunting in DT or even 280 for a total of 400 per day? since there is content that is affected by that? 

Im sure most of the people playing have a surplus of that but now with the new stats, i think its time we do something about that.... 

( yeah... really not counting on anything, i just ahd to say it)

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Everything's fine, you just need to learn how to adjust. The game is designed to be challenging and you are not supposed to get things fast, learn to deal with it. I remember back in the old days it took ages to... blablabla, people want everything fast nowadays blablabla... 

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4 hours ago, Helv said:

Everything's fine, you just need to learn how to adjust. The game is designed to be challenging and you are not supposed to get things fast, learn to deal with it. I remember back in the old days it took ages to... blablabla, people want everything fast nowadays blablabla... 

its one thing to want to get to the endgame in a month or two and another to try and follow the game with trivial things like ether...

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44 minutes ago, Connex said:

its one thing to want to get to the endgame in a month or two and another to try and follow the game with trivial things like ether...

u wont have to wait much for ether when they put it on store :D

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2 hours ago, Mete said:

korea had events that raised the limit to 1200 from 120. We, as usual, get the shaft events. 2-3 months/year of libra plus here's some boxes to buy, see you next wednesday I mean tuesday

NCWest have the regional settings here.. unfortunatly.. region setting for NCWest is GREED!!!! :/


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21 hours ago, Connex said:

its one thing to want to get to the endgame in a month or two and another to try and follow the game with trivial things like ether...

Finally we get something that players can advance in without L2Store and in this aspect the gap between haves and have nots in not as huge as it usually is, as both groups are able to farm the same amount of Ether.

Overall, this is actually a nice change. I myself am not able to farm DT (well, I can, but killing one mob takes me about 30s and if somebody pulls a group to me, which happens very often, I die from AOE*), but I am still able to enhance my DT stats and have a sense of progress.

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