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XP/Drop Rate and other buggs


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@Hime @Juji

Before people rant and say this is the classic experience. I have played the other classic servers i do know what they felt like. There is misstep at some portion of rate scaling. It may be as intended but it would be nice for them to investigate and atleast let us know if this was intended or not. 

This release seems to have a few bugs. One huge hindrance has been the bug that only gives mages soulshout instead spirit shot. I know this will be corrected at some point. I do believe its been noted as a bug already.

I know this current build is heavily based off the Seven Signs build of the other classic server that build rate definitely vary from this quite a bit.

At current there are several broken areas for xp. For example beginning zones giving 500-600xp a mob for level 16-20 mobs and 20-25 mobs in Dion and various other places given less then 200xp 

Area with broken xp thus far:

Immortal Plateau
Windy Hill
Out Side Dion town - Only bugbears give correct xp
Plains of Dion

As for drop rate. I do believe adena is drastically bugged. The rate at current is worse then the Russian Classic Release. Where the rates were stated "1/8 of what c1 released at xp wise" 1.0 of Classic EU was slightly more then we are getting at current. While i do completely understand this is a Classic experience and am well aware that we wont be affording soul shot for and ever shot cast/ attack method until later game. I do believe its worth investigating. because over 23 levels spending zero adena i roughly have 20k. Im not sure what the the thought is but this maybe should be investigated.  

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5 minutes ago, WutWutWut said:

rates are intentionally reduced

let see the documentation of that? or are you coming at it half cocked like everyone else. Again its understood that this is C1 Like but this is the 1/8 adena rate like Russian classic.

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1 minute ago, Pizzle said:

let see the documentation of that? or are you coming at it half cocked like everyone else. Again its understood that this is C1 Like but this is the 1/8 adena rate like Russian classic.

you think that  admins cant type 1 instead of 0.75 ?

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6 minutes ago, WutWutWut said:

you think that  admins cant type 1 instead of 0.75 ?

Can you please make a valid point and maybe type a full sentence. If you have nothing valid to say please stop posting. Or should i go on your post about DE assassin quest que and start blabbing about things that arent relevant to it.

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Something does seem to be bugged or wrong with spoils and xp from mobs especially.  Incorrect xp from mobs is what really gets to me.  For example when killing the werewolf chieftains on talking island as a lvl 11 give about 650xp per kill without vip and killing a lvl 21 mob as a lvl 20 gives about 250xp with VIP 3 and buff scroll, something seems very off.

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