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Why adena drops instantly in pocket (inventory)


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Hi all.

So question is:

Why when you kill mob, the adena drops instantly in your invetory? Why they removed that it drops on ground and u go pick up it.

Why I'm asking this because it will make BOT adena farmers live harder. Less adena gained in hour since they need run to the corpse and pick it up.

I can't see any " - " here only "+"

P.s.also it is fun to see area filled with adena and u just go and pick it up ?

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5 minutes ago, Sinkest said:

Helps decrease lag on the server

Not really. The adena coins still drop on the ground for a second but are instantly picked up.


It's really weird since if you spam the pick up button you can still actually pick it up sometimes before it goes into your inventory :D



Silly response - it doesn't go directly into your inventory. The adena is magically transported to @Juji's inventory, he takes 3/4ths of it and magically transports the rest of it to your inventory.

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13 minutes ago, Bastor said:

Not really. The adena coins still drop on the ground for a second but are instantly picked up.


It's really weird since if you spam the pick up button you can still actually pick it up sometimes before it goes into your inventory :D



Silly response - it doesn't go directly into your inventory. The adena is magically transported to @Juji's inventory, he takes 3/4ths of it and magically transports the rest of it to your inventory.

Before they did it a ton of people would just leave adena laying around while they were grinding and it would clog up space. At least this is what I understood back when they decided to do so. 

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It decreases server load and, remember, the adena would disappear after 10 minutes anyway, not like in the old days, when it stayed around until someone picked it up.  So, it's unlikely you would see fields of adena even if they let it drop.  BTW, I'm sure the bots don't care.  They have bots that do nothing but wander around and pick up.  Used to irritate the heck of me, when they'd try to pick up my drops.  They'd get them sometimes, too, if I was fighting multiple mobs and didn't have time to immediately pick up.

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