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Because they don't want PKers. You have the option, with very heavy penalties. Back in the old L2, a Pker could lose 3 items from their inventory, including the weapon/armor you were wearing. If you want to grief people, you also suffer for it.

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i seriously, souriously hate this type of gamer.

Come here to winge and cry trying to change a mechanic of a game that has been there since the game was first made 15 years ago. Just deal with it and adapt to make it work. Exactly the same with people wanting offline shops. This ISNT A bleepING L2j illegal server ffs.The game is what it is, and if you don't like it you can leave. It's stayed the same because it works the way it is (mostly)


/rant over.... for now.

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Karma is skyhigh, i pk 64 and i died like 7 times (some ressisted to be killed), still like millions karma left. :D

i did a small extracurricular activity at the event raid boss spot

i started with a few:


then more:


Then more:


then even more:


and the lucky number was 64 pks all there to afk players :)



Karma is a B...

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On 10/18/2018 at 11:40 AM, TayirSx said:

i seriously, souriously hate this type of gamer.

Come here to winge and cry trying to change a mechanic of a game that has been there since the game was first made 15 years ago. Just deal with it and adapt to make it work. Exactly the same with people wanting offline shops. This ISNT A bleepING L2j illegal server ffs.The game is what it is, and if you don't like it you can leave. It's stayed the same because it works the way it is (mostly)


/rant over.... for now.

Wrong they are asking for it to be like it use to be.  They fixed 1 type of griefer, and totally opened it up for a different type.  The way the game is right now, anyone can come to where you are doing an AOE party.  Hit Spoil Festival and start swinging the pole to steal XP, and drops, and you can't do a thing about it.  They won't flag, so it won't be a PVP issue.  If you kill them, you have about 800 mobs you need to kill to clean your karma.  They can return, attack you as much as they want, and they don't flag even then,   It's a KS'ers paradise.  


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