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1 minute ago, Khania said:

just empty all your bank account, and put your house as payment, and enjoy the game, good luck, go for vip lvl 1000, maybe work.

don't think that helps, plenty VIP 1000z complaining about the insane ques

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3 minutes ago, MrPingwin said:

Selling your organs is option too

that sounds nice, also you can add to d.a.r.p.a. project to be a cyborg for free as experiment of laboratory, then with that, you pay your organs to get vip lvl 2000 and try to avoid the queue

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13 minutes ago, MrPingwin said:

Doesn't being cyborg make you BOT?

dont discriminate to the new movements of human cyborgs, they have rights, they will soon cut a street asking for my rights, and asking for diversity to accept they in jobs and in society

the cyborg is good

the cyborg is for all

cyborg is good

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