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Posts posted by Rodah

  1. 18 hours ago, Draecke said:

    well it's an open world pvp game and actions can have consequences, like don't go crying about pvp / ganks etc. if you participate in sieges or any other competitive ingame activity as your competitors can easily take the fight back at moments you don't want / expect / find convenient which is how the game has always been intended btw

    the macro system is here to assist game play, not to run it 24/7 afk

    if you're not afk you will not have problems with accidentally opening a war

    also as part of the intended game mechanics if ppl do harass u ingame ur supposed to get stronger or build diplomatic relationships be that for settling peace or find stronger allies etc. and solve your own problems that way - this system works like this in Korea and Dev team has zero intentions to change it as it works fine for them, no amounts of posting here will change that

    only caveat I do want to mention is dealing with topxic ppl and/or those that use RL type harassment cause yeah report such players and get rid off them as no one needs such period.

    oh and in case some may think that's easy for me to say note this: I actually got pked daily by some upset player(s) only for the fact I outleveled them and was higher in the ranking system lol but that stuff is also part of the game, u win some u loose some. another example is my long history of being part of end game pvp clans with real active wars before ppl went the chicken afk macro 24/7 in 14man clans and I used to have to pvp to be able to xp or be smart and know all the places I could easily xp while dodging (myteleports made this so much easier lol) :P

    There are a couple points I would argue illustrate flaws and/or contradictions in your assertions.

    1)  Yes, this is an open world PvP game BUT there are NO consequences when a clan "abuses" the flawed war system to force it on an unwanted target.  This is clearly why most end-gamers have switched to 14 member clans (yourself included).  

    2)  The days of forming informal alliances or "diplomatic relationships" are over.  CPs, p2w, unlimited boxes, a small player base, and content which DOES NOT require large numbers of live players killed that.

    3)  Theoretically no one should be AFK but we live in the real world and literally everyone uses the AFK macro system in some form.  Any arguments which use that as an excuse to "blame" a player/clan are specious at best....

    4)  If you you want to level a clan in this game you have to have two things; larges numbers and AFK macros.  It is impossible otherwise.  Should a clan which actually wants to level up not be able too because of a war system which was meant for what the game was 15 years ago?  Of course not.  

    Having said all of this; you are right, the system will not be changed anytime soon. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Degus said:

    who cares how many in clan, they also aren't flagging on randoms and dying to pvp while afk cuz they don't know how to set up a proper macro. 

    OK, just so we are clear; the situation is a supposedly "PvP" clan is keeping perma war declared on a PvE clan.  Because no one is perfect and/or people want to XP/farm as efficiently as possible, this so called PvP clan is able to trigger an unwanted war more often than not.  Meanwhile, the real PvP clans on Chronos are staying under 14 members so they don't even have to mess with this nonsense.  

    .... and your advice to the PvE clan is to dismiss members and/or tell Tyrrs to operate at 50% efficiancy?  Really??  That is just messed up.  Are you just being a contrarian out of spit?  Why not join with the rest of us and say "yeah, it's a flawed system?"  This is especially ironic considering you are in an under 14 man clan in an ally with two other >14 clans. 

    EDIT:  And just so we are crystal clear, a Tyrrs absolute strongest skill will trigger a war.  I mean how would you feel if you couldn't use Multi-Shot because some jerks just wanted to score easy kills and grief you and your clan??


    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Boil said:

    War system  is not broken just because you guys can't grow up your clans and chars in auto afk mode like tamagotchi. There is PVP, war and other things which make the game not really boring. If you don't like it don't play it. Simple.  War system is ok I think. Just big clan is not flexible. I am happy with that the rules still don't depend on auto afk mode.

    Yeah; war system is fine.  It's not like all the top clans on Chronos are 14 members or anything...... wait, what??

    • Thanks 1
  4. Are people seriously asking which weapon to use on a summoner???  Retributer all the way!  Read their Superior Weapon Mastery passive ...."P.Atk by 122%...when two-handed staff... is equiped" (at lv9).

    Also, take a look at the SAs of the Exalted Retri; it gives ATTACK SPEED and P.CRIT DMG!  Look at the enchantment bonus for r110 Retri; it gives P.Critical Dmg and P/M Skill Power. 

  5. As crazy as it sounds I switched to healer main during the current event.  Just wanted to share some thoughts about my experiences so far.

    First off I switched to help my clan out and I joined a CP which needed a healer.  I was a 115 Tyrr and wanted a change.  I directly switched all the gear I was able to and bought/sold other stuff as needed.  I wanted to see if I would be able to heal, contribute some damage, and solo if necessary so I went SE.  We are almost exclusively PvE so PvP didn't factor into my decision.  

    It's hard to guess where my gear falls on the spectrum so let's say I am roughly a 900b toon (could be more with the crazy inflation).  I have a +16 Limited Buster and other gear which would correspond with that type of weap.

    With Rose I have 2.3m M.Attack.

    In Ketra/Varka I leave Inquisition on and just rotate AOE/heal/AOE/heal/AOE.  No MP problems what so ever and no skill delays either.  I realize it's not crazy damage but I crit the mobs for 40k~ and 100k+ with procs/BR up.  

    Soloing In FoW I clear the mob groups easily (green mobs) and I'm sure it will be the same in Sel Mahum.  Field mobs die in one M.Crit so I "3-shot" them (1/3 crits).  This sounds bad but healer nukes have virtually no down time.  I've been in a group most of the XP event so haven't had a whole lot of time to tinker around solo but I'm not really worried about it if I have too. 

    I can also do k115; it takes a fair amount of time but it's not challenging at all.  

    Anyway; just thought I share this in light of all the despair surrounding the class.     

    • Like 2
  6. 10 hours ago, Tyrr4Ever said:

    I don't know where you get your information from,

    but 6 of my friend (and or clanmates) and I, did the exact oposite (Tyrrs to Feohs). No more melee lag :) We finally enjoy the game for a change!

    Perfect party trio: ISS Dominator, FEOH Storm Screamer, Sigel Phoenix Knight. 💥

    Skill Crit Tyrr doesn't have too much lag.

    Even if we assume your group is the perfect trio your classes are wrong.  Should be Heiro, STS, ST.  

  7. 3 hours ago, Goldfinger said:

    I heared accessory augments are not working, or at least the effect is not what the description says.

    @Juji Can we please get a clarification on this?

    I expect and accept nothing other than to get the effect as per description. Because we gamble until the description contains the desired effect.

    If you have (or can get) a Skill Crit Dmg aug then you can test with Mega Strike.  Even if it's just a +1% aug it will show up (or it won't lol).

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Draecke said:

    maybe he also meant elcyum, who knows

    regardless its a fact markets are messed up atm and NC can easily influence the current shortages by setting up flash sales or l2store promo's that has such items in abundance like bloody/dark armor stones and buff potions etc

    without that in the current hyperinflation prices will only go up and products only get more scare..

    I honestly don't even think this will work anymore.  As it stands there are simply TOO MANY L2 Store exclusive items to space them out with promos/flash sales etc.  We literally have to wait 6+ months for items to cycle through the store.  even if this was cut in half there would still be a scarcity of items.


    The solution is a no-brainer; the Einhasad Store which, EVER OTHER REGION has............

  9. I have 1350 unbuffed;

    r110 weap - 450

    Circlet - 50

    +5 Navari - 35

    +8 Angel Earring - 30

    Anakim Charm - 30

    lv4 Opal - 70

    Agathion - 50

    Seven Signs - 50

    lv4 Artifact - 50

    Clan Advent lv13 - 25

    +3 Top Grade Book - 80

    Armor Augments - 190 (50,50,30,30,30)

    Advanced Dual Skill - 50

    AP - 130

    Top 10 Class - 30

    +6 Bless Angel Necklace (collection) - 30

  10. On 3/21/2021 at 8:12 AM, Jokerzz said:

    Hi Rodah

    May I check which Tyrr got the highest P.skill Crit Rates?

    Maestro actually has the highest P.Skill Crit Rate because of 1H Blunt Mastery (+30%).

  11. 1 hour ago, Degus said:

    go play an archer, you have no idea what your talking about.   the top 50 tyrr are prob on ToI 2 or 3,  not on 1, thats why you don't see them.   wtf good is multi shot in IoS  if there is 1 mob left,  wake up!  there is a max on a pit  for adena,  dont tell me archer can farm more, thats a straight up lie.   Survivability is only pvp, again, wtf are you talking about, you want proof?  Come watch me and exos side by side in swamp, see who lives,  gear doesn't matter?  lawl.   same toi, you want side by side comparison, i can give it, you wanna compary 107 archer vs 107 tyrr, again,  i can side by side that too, just drop them in ivory  crator, gl archer!    tank in toi, not sure where ya got that but....  

    Kinda tired of arguing with you so this will be my last response.

    Tyrrs are a relatively small population class so we know each other.  There are 9 Tyrrs on Chronos who can farm TOI 2.  I can name them if you want.....  There are MAYBE 10 more who can solo TOI 1.  That is it.

    Earlier in this thread one of the Archer benefits mentioned was the ability to do 2x pits in IoS; that is what I was referring too.  The reason is 2x dash and multi-shot.

    OFC a stacked nuker can solo swamp; that doesn't really invalidate my argument about Yul being tops in PvE.  You are comparing yourself to Exos; I don't really know what you're gear is like now or if you die a lot.  But, I know the Dragon/Cursed Bow archers solo Swamp easily so.....???

    Who cares about 107 toons??  I mean really, what does that have to do with the crux of this thread? 

    Anyway; I guess we can agree to disagree.

  12. 1 hour ago, Degus said:


    Does it matter if you PvE in order to PvP?  Do you NOT PvE 95% of the time?  I kinda know that you do so.... how is this my opinion?

    Every archer in the top 50 full solos TOI with a buffer (they don't need a tank).  I mean this isn't event debatable; you can see for yourself or PM them for verification.  So I'll ask again; how does this adhere to your ideas of knowing your classes role?

    I already said Tyrrs were better at PvP; did you even read my full statement?

    Do you even know how Feoh AOE works?  Multishot hits more mobs than nuker AOE in IoS.....

    Do you think there is ANY difference in top gear between Archer/Dagger/Tyrr other than weapon type?  Honest question; maybe you just don't know how those classes work that well. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Degus said:

    why does every 1 think every class should be as strong as the next,  rhodah, i've seen you destroy dino island, you're in for a huge upset if you switch to archer.   i've seen plenty of tyrr/dagger clearing ios pit and my cp mage is also clearing it almost max speed, with a few books he should be fine.  aren't all classes  100x more survivable then archer too?   i think people have lost track of the role their toon is supposed to play in the big picture.  daggers crying about aoe, i mean.... thats not your job, get in a aoe grp and leach like the rest of the specialty classes, idk, i see an obstical and i try to over come it, not change it so it's easier for every1 else.  imagine if half these cry babies had to do exhaulted the old way, lmao!

    added :  im dagger/archer, if wasn't for melee lag i'd be playin dagger a lot more

    OK, so a few points here; this game is literally 95%+ PvE.  This means any talk about "survivability" is irrelevant. 

    A stacked archer can "tank" Ketra/SoS/ToI.  Should they be able to do that?  You mentioned the "role" a class should play so.......yeah. 

    Again; no one is arguing here that all DDs should be the same.  We're arguing that Yuls should not be the BEST at virtually everything. 

    You're comparison with Exos is flawed.  He is probably as stacked as you so in IoS he can make "almost" the same amount of adena because you can both 1-shot everything.  But he can't make near as much XP in SoS or adena in ToI.  

    The only way to overcome the "obstacles" EVERY OTHER DD faces is to spend more $$.  There is no other way and that is terrible.

  14. 5 hours ago, Excommunicated said:

    On the other hand the tyrr 112 is killing from 1 sonic star to another DD 116 (both with good equipment but not TOP). They should also receive nerf from that skill to balance it out with other classes?.
    The feoch also resist the attacks of other DDs too much, you must first lower their MP to be able to lower their CP and HP, no other class can do that .. they should also receive nerf to balance them with other races?.

    WTF??  Sonic Star has 30s Base Reuse......  Even with MAX skill reuse you can only get down to 8 or 9 seconds.

    Back on topic; they problem, as others have articulated, is archers are superior to EVERY CLASS at EVERY ACTIVITY with 1 exception!  Tyrrs are stronger in PvP ATM but that is it.  And when it comes to farming adena, archers are 2x-3x better than everything else.  A 1t archer can farm more adena than a 2t Tyrr.  That is crazy!  

    Don't get me wrong; I'll probably switch my dual to an archer just to farm adena.  I don't even want to do this lol.  But if you want to be reasonably self sufficient you have no choice; that is also crazy......  

    EDIT:  To Degus, I get your argument about boosting other classes but I just don't think it's possible.  Almost every other class would need a complete revamp to be as all-around strong as archers.  

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    how does Red libra help people catch up?

    First off, Red Libra has traditionally been every 6 months (you can go through event archives and verify this).  The extended lapse between the last two was caused by a compatibility issue with our update (new Libra could not be introduced until we received update).  This was verified by Juji in Discord (maybe on forums too; IDK).

    As far as catching up?  The last 2 have had free 24h Rose; I guess that helps lowbies?  Increased access to weapons/armor too.  I really couldn't say.  Maybe people switch to the current FOTM to XP faster.

    • Like 1
  16. On 3/13/2021 at 1:11 PM, allparts said:

    How do you get 2120 ATT? 

    I understand Opal/Armor Augs/Bracelets/Lvl3 books/ Atrifacts /Circlets/Wings of Splendor what else is needed to get to 2120?

    Stage 2+ Dragon Weapons and Cursed Weapons have 999 Ele Attack.

    Also end game players run Perma Freya Rose and Dragon Pot (+170-270).

  17. I understand you think L2NA should be run differently (I do to) and that Juji is responsible for the state of the game but....

    I am 100% certain NCWest is doing EVERYTHING they can to maximize profits!!!  🤣  If/when they make changes to the store (like introducing the Einhasad store) it will be because they think it will make $$. 

  18. So if I had to guess I would say that items are cycled in such a way as to INCREASE the scarcity and therefore promote more consumption during the promo.  Yes, there is a bottleneck with actual brooches but not the gems.  As far as books are concerned; are you referring to Forgotten Books?  If so then they drop in game now and Whales will buy overpriced from L2 Store anyway so....????  Did you make a Stage 5 (or greater) Advanced Protection?  Because some people have and they dropped A LOT doing it.  

    As far as "giving Juji a pat on the back," how did you get that from my statement..... at all????  I'm just not going to trash him for almost certainly doing the job he was hired to do. 

    Your wrong about the micro transactions though.  The player base is too small in L2. 

  19. You're both half right and half wrong.  While there is no way to "prove" this; I have come to believe L2NA has purposely evolved into a "boutique game" for rich people.  Think about it for a few minutes.... 

    When Awakening hit and the L2 store was introduced there were only XP Items, Passes, and Cosmetic items.  The first truly P2W Promo was Elemental Shirts.  Do you think the Devs of a multi-million dollar company are stupid (some of you mistakenly do)?  They have had YEARS to observe the profitability of the L2 Store.  They know what makes the most money, that is why more and more EXPENSIVE P2W items keep getting introduced.  They know that with an 18 year old game with a SMALL player base (this is key) targeting a small amount of big spenders WILL generate more profit than the model some of you are advocating for.  How do they know this; years of observation.........  This is the same model they have adopted in Korea were actual millionaires spend tens of thousands on L2.  This should be self-evident at this point.  Take the current Promo; horrid rates but, there is ONE crazy overpowered item which a few big spenders are dropping THOUSANDS of dollars trying to obtain.  We know they are doing this because of the HUNDREDS of EoPs in multiple alt sell shops in Giran.  So while most of us would like lower prices in the L2 store it probably won't happen. 

    Juji is aware of this too; he is doing his job as dictated by his superiors.  I truly don't understand all the vitriol directed at him?    

    When you come to understand the true nature of this game it's easier to just accept it and play or move on.  I have chosen to limit my spending and enjoy the game for what it is.  I realize I can't compete with whales and I am OK with that.

  20. On 2/26/2021 at 6:52 PM, Draecke said:

    the ppl behind EU/RU servers disagree with that statement Rohdah so no it's just a matter of time and if anything patience has always been a feature of L2

    regardless the stone of destiny is nice for certain players but useless for others like me

    now if they removed the restriction on certain classes being locked to specific races I might actually change my main to Evi as why not, that would be funny :)


    Until I see it happen in Korea I'll continue to call it "highly unlikely."  This is such a specialized service I simply can't see them believing it will be profitable in any way. 

  21. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    @RodahDo you even understand an EVI or how to play one.  Obviously Extase does but I do not think you have a rented clue.  My evi was fine could solo many areas before the last update, now I have to upgrade its armor and elemental defense for it to go back to those areas.    Those macros were given to me by 114+ evi's so I guess you know more than them lol.

    So look, I really do apologize if I came off as an a$$.  I can see now why you suggested that macro.  But I'm going to be honest with you; that 114 Evis did you a massive disservice.  I have a 110 Evis which I use to farm; it has average gear and cruises in FoM.  I would guess my Evis is much closer to yours in gear as opposed to the 114 you spoke with.

    So think about it for a bit.... unless an Evis is STRONG and WELL GEARED (like a 114) ALL of our attack skills are debuffs, that's it.  They do garbage damage.  AND, this 114 told you to do FIVE debuffs before you even start attacking????  What kind of sense does that make?

    Compare that with keeping Inside Position up non-stop; +40 Crit Rate, +20% Crit Dmg, +15% P.Attack and then add the benefits of more Heavy Punch Procs. 


    EDIT:  Imagine if I (115 Tyrr) went into the Tyrr forums and told a new Maestro with Exalted Gear to use skill macros.  I would be doing them a disservice because their damage would be horrible with skills.  That's what this 114 Evis did to you.

    • Like 1
  22. 12 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    Ability points up to 108:

    Row 1 4 might 4 element

    Row 2 3 focus

    Row 3 2 Skill Mastery 3 in crit damage

    Row 4 2 might 2 skill power 1 skill cooldown

    Row 5 2 stun 1 elemental attack  - 109 go elemental attack again and 110 get combat master


    Skill Power???????

    Go read the Description of Distortion :(

  23. WOW!  I'm "almost" speechless LOL.  Really What The @#$% !!!

    I appreciate you giving this guy advice but..... do you even test DPS/XP per hour when you are making your macros 😬

    OK, so here is your solo macro:

    /useskill Right Sidestep


    Here is your IT/Group Macro:

    /useskill Right Side Step


    Here is your Callista Macro:

    /useskill Right Sidestep


    AND do Lateral Hit Manually every 20 seconds.....

    The reason these macros are superior are;

    1) Inside Position will be up permanently.

    2) At your level, with your gear, a big chunk of your damage will come from Heavy Hand.  You can't proc Heavy Hand with skills.....

    A few things to note in preemptive response to the nay-sayers.  In a group with an Iss they will be using Cripple/Assualt and Chaos; additionally it is almost certain others in group will be doing some type of debuff.  So, in IT for example, the mobs you are fighting will already reach full debuff without yours; so why use it?  Lateral Hit is a SLOW skill; you can get off 5-6 hits in the time it takes to "cast" it.  

    You should be hunting in EV, SV, or Crater with your toon (if solo).  

    Lose the Istina Ring; it is only 10% Crit Dmg.  The free Paulina Crit Dmg is better. 


    • Like 2
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  24. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    Maestro got buffed really well last update.

    Evi's are cheap to level but costly to take to next level.

    Dreads I already said

    GKs are lesser Evi and need to built a more than a Evi does.

    Titans are good and can be built gradually to continue to scale.

    So Evi cheap to level but costly to break to 110+ content

    Titans can hold their own and can slowly be built up and scale the best with their level and gear.

    This is kinda misleading; EVERY class is costly to excel in 110+ content.  Evis is still cheaper than Archer/Tyrr/Dagger.  Nuker is probably the only cheaper class going 110+.  (excluding support ofc)

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