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  1. 17 hours ago, voo said:

    they seem to be releasing a lot of options to make your character stronger.  stronger characters exp faster.  just augment armor could add 10% damage...

    Sadly didn't see any damage boost augment but instead ended up with pvp damage reduction which makes me wonder if we are going to see 0 dmg problem in pvp again should others get as lucky with a few -2%'s for pvp damage on option 1 :)

    But yeah overall this update is aimed at people who already reached the end or close to the end in terms of gear and levels, not much in it for the "small guys".

  2. Would be nice if the IOS adena drops can stay increased to make up for reduced time able to be spend inside.

    @iAndouille the high level zone at this time make no sense at all when most server is 110-111 only indeed.

    @Clobberstomp i would rather have ways to farm items/scrolls/stuff that we need to gear our toons with rather then adena.
    Adena amounts are getting so ridiculously high for any upgrade potential that at the moment to do minor upgrades i am looking at ranges of 50-200 bil and up per item.
    I rather be able to get said items or the means to upgrade those items myself with in-game means.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 13 hours ago, TDxDan said:

    You have to be a skilled player to use double jump in pvp situations. trust me theres alot of feohs who cant do it. 
    So its actually smth Pro-Gamers use. not all feohs. and in regards of your Feoh tanking entire Cps on Mana shield. thats not possible unless Feoh has a Huge lvl boost or gear boost on top of what that entire cps are having.

    IF you wanna fix smth than its Othels/Archers 1shotting Feohs Mana Shield :(. Or Eviserator "I cant die for 1minute" Steel Mind

    That 1 minute is only if it actually crits, normal time is 30 seconds + 15 seconds if you got the skill at +20 which not many evi's would have.
    Wish feoh's and archers stop calling for nerfs on every other class that could even potentially counter their "awesome" 1 shot skill power.

    Which brings me back to saying:
    Stop handing everything on a golden platter to the top geared, ranged aoe classes that became so cookie cutter that for every 20 archers and 10 feoh you see maybe one "other" class play the game.
    It's time that other classes get improved, sadly they seem to really destroy tyrr in the future with taking away their level 110 skill and a few other major skills and castrate the maestro by removing their 30%.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Since Maestro and Eviscerator 30% dmg get reduced on 3+ level higher mobs and totally disabled on 6+ level higher mobs i request a similar change for Feoh and Archer.
    When Feoh and Archer hit with any of their high damage skills (including lethals) a mob that is 3+ levels higher it should reduce the amount of damage to a lot less, if the mob is 6+ levels higher they shouldn't be able to do any damage with this.

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    • Haha 1
  5. On 10-8-2020 at 10:44 PM, Juji said:

    Please report to us if there is a player who has abused the token policy for the Shilen Soul Crystals via a support ticket, so we can investigate further. Thank you!

    This is not the only abuse of restoration system.
    Let's show the real situation and the level of abuse going on, you need to launch a full internal investigation because what is going on right now is really bad as of this moment.

    There are players who have blown up multiple times various items and they know they can just go to this system and request for specific GM's.
    What you need to do is find out specific GM's who have repeatedly been asked to handle very specific restores and players, start with taking action here.

    While you are at it also have a look at GM's who have a playable in-game character.
    Look up their character(s) and check which clans or groups they are part of.
    Now verify this against their ticket history and you will come to the shocking discovery that similar tickets have a totally different outcome depending on which group the player making the ticket belongs to.
    In-game friend & enemy status actually has a very big impact on the outcome of these tickets which is very unfortunate.

    Sadly it does not stop here.
    Now this is a rumor i have not been able to verify myself entirely since it involves elements i will never touch (RMT).
    There have been several high level very geared characters which have traded hands, it's not just one it's several.
    As of this day these players go untouched, personally i don't really care much about it since the new owners usually are friendly and kind.
    What however disturbs me is that i hear recently a mention that one of the GM's might be involved in this.
    The characters are cleansed, sometimes renamed if they are not too high profile and no trace is left about their existence.
    I have seen this particular incident happen with a few characters disappearing and a new name showing up.
    Normally i would say this was the result of a ordinary name change, however name changes leave a few significant footprints, one of which that the name changed character remains in your friend list with the new name and another being that the name changes only happen on Wednesdays.
    This could possibly be the harassment system - name change policy being abused to quickly launder characters outside of the normal system of name changes plus on top of that this way it does not cost them any additional money which is charged for a name change.

    @Juji Good luck with your investigations to all these things.

    • Like 2
  6. Quite honestly need to show them why NOT to abuse, a pat on the back with a ban isn't enough these days when they just repeat another offense tomorrow.

    Remove the entire item or items if they did for multiple items, no matter if it's a +20 weapon and no matter how much ncoin they spend to get it up to that point. Time to make them feel you can't get away with exploiting to make them stop exploiting.

    • Like 1
  7. So what if they fix this, people would just drop tag and what is next then? Non clan players should automatically have a war with everyone? I think trying to fix this is like trying to dry up the ocean with a mop and a bucket.

    Also this "abuse" as you define it since we do not have any official word on this is simply a response from the war system abuse, the non stop grief fest and plain blackmail to threaten someone with war to give up their xp spot.
    War system was designed to be a consensual battle between 2 parties, both pvp oriented and equally matched. Not as a tool to use against a clan of exalted gear, afk toons, to prevent defense for "xp spot pvp" and retaliation.
    Another problem is the abuse with trigger wars with the lindvior reflect bug, the normal reflect damage bug, flagged in hide naked toon who step into aoe'ers damage, certain skills/items that still switch target no matter what setting you use or many of the other real exploits and abuses that really were not designed to be used this way to exploit war triggering.

    Sorry this may not be what you want to hear but due to player abuse and exploiting the game became like this. So thank those who went too far and made the game into what it is today, a dead macro manager online - report people game. (this is my definition for l2's MMORPG current state xD)

  8. is there even any competition left?

    i thought most of the big players left already and there is virtually no pvp anymore.

    also in my personal opinion i think others without maxed out gear should also have a chance, right now any pvp content is monopolized by whoever spend a fancy car or even 2 on this game and the ones who are 5 years behind in terms of gear have no chance to catch up already. Don't think the gap should become even bigger.

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  9. I would really like the option to teleport to any of the daily instances (kamaloka, ashen, baylor, etc) from the teleport menu that we have for porting to field areas.
    I would also like to be able to teleport directly from the field without being in a peace zone into any of the timed zones that i have access for.

    As cherry on top: i would like that when the instance or timed zone is over it port me directly back to the spot from where i came, COC / olympiad still do this? if so copy that mechanism?

  10. Block characters below the following level from whispering me:
    Input box for a number

    Restrict whispers to the following characters:
    [ ] Characters that share the same clan
    [ ] Characters that share the same alliance
    [ ] Characters that are my friend
    checkboxes that allow multiple selections

    Hero chat need to be filterable again, it is NOT a solution to just /block all of them even if that is the easiest solution!

  11. This problem could be easily solved making prestige pack giftable, opening up a new market and still generate (more) revenue for NCWest. 2 birds one stone but i don't think they will even look at this. Payment options are always difficult due to some countries not supporting the available options at all and credit card becoming the only one and not everyone want to get a CC specially not for just for 1 single game.

  12. On 18-7-2020 at 7:08 PM, RoWn said:

    1: The game became a different type of MMO, namely a Macro Manager Online. Think i've said pretty much all that is needed to be said about this topic.

    2: And worse, sometimes 1 year or longer periods between the store promotions which meanwhile leave no options to even catch up for those willing to spend $.

    3: That will not be the best solution, in fact prestige pack should be opened up as a gift option to make it accessible to people and create a little bit more market movement and alternatives for adena spending. In the end NCSoft still get their $ so it's a win/win?

    4: Game is pretty stale at this point, not much else to say about it.

    5: Difficulty scales extremely poorly in this game. Harder mobs, virtually no xp increase nor improved drops. Raids are made harder and harder that it becomes increasingly difficult to keep groups going because everyone feels the effort and difficulty does not scale at all with the rewards and abandons doing it entirely. 0.00005% drop chance is a terrible not even remotely funny joke.

    6: The problem for sure is the cost of any of these items wether defensive or offensive. They are extremely rare and limited to sometimes once a year or even less frequent store promotions. You can't get any of these items by normally playing the game. There is no way to catch up at all without spending a car into this game and if there is NCSoft is very quick to nerf it into oblivion. The real problem is the NCStore and morals of how this game is milked.
    I understand running a business but you do not need to run a game into the ground, put it in a coffin, put nails in it and shovel dirt over it to bury it by making it inaccessible for the majority. There are more honorable ways to still make big $.

    7: There is too much pay 2 win that even with someone willing to put in the $ due to rarity and sometimes never returning items it is virtually impossible to fully catch up in at least a timely way. War system is grossly abused as a grief tool and grieffing low geared clans, until that can be fixed the other problem is a fact that will never go away because not everyone want to deal with the stupidity that is the current war system. NCSoft p2w system is directly responsible for killing pvp also.

    8: It is simply sad that this issue has been going on for so long and even as of this day no one received any compensation even while the issue is nearly 1 year on-going now.

    9: Support is horrible, i been trying for over half a year to get over 500$ worth in lost xp items back when ncwest had a whoopsie and somehow managed to delete the contents of my entire warehouse. As of this day nothing is being done whatsoever.
    Also there are support who are actually players in the game, their actions however only benefit who are on good terms with them, anyone else gets screwed in the bureaucracy of NCWest and receive a completely different support experience without any help whatsoever. This really needs attention of anyone in NCWest who may still care to make the game fair for all and not just for a small selected group.

    10: Nothing new, best idea is to play or have a char on other territories server and keep an eye on them. This is your best bet of having timely information like with the homunculus update. The improved situation over there might be a eye opener and actually make you go and play there instead as what is happening on a large scale right now people are abandoning ncwest for other L2 territories.

    11 to 14: It's sadly a known fact abusers, cheaters and exploiters are rarely banned while the victims and affected parties loose all their enjoyment to play.

  13. 1 hour ago, Juji said:

    It was related to a server that stores information that was becoming overloaded with redundant data. The fix removes the redundant data to prevent further overloading and outages.

    I really hope that does not mean server backups to restore in case of catastrophic failure.
    It was bad enough loosing contents of my WH, i do not want to find one day i miss pieces of gear because of a server "whoopsie".

    And to bring it up yet again since it still is not being looked at:
    Lost the contents of my warehouse with over 500 euro worth of xp consumables.
    I am still trying to get some meaningful answer and a resolution half a year later but so far the only thing i got was confirmation i did not access warehouse for over 3 months at the moment i put in the request.
    I might not be a top spender and this lack of service really sucks!

  14. @Juji how about the missing items that are gone from my warehouse now since around december?

    i have ticketed gm's they confirmed i did not access the warehouse but regardless the consumables from compensation bundles and store promotion discounts were gone!
    They refused to restore/fix anything since then and i'm tired to wait over half a year for a resolution for this!

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