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  1. random disconnects at random times here too, usually just 1 toon who either goes super laggy then catches up later or dc's.
    i can see this toon from another toon fighting as normal and then suddenly dc.
    this is a ncwest problem but what else is new they dont fix anything here, see you next week for 5 minutes on forum @Juji for maintenance notes and maybe 1 or 2 cherry picked replies...

  2. 500 top stones here for 0 15% crit dmg... the worst part is the stupid irritating design of this crap system... every single time got to go back into 1 dialog to remove then add it is one of the most irritating stupid designs i ever seen.

    But what else is new its ncsoft who are the worst game programmers ever...

  3. 1 minute ago, Hime said:

    Our Customer Support team are going through tickets as quickly as they can. They will get to yours as soon as they are able to.

    They have ignored numerous issues that have been reported only for a large forum explosion of epic abuse of exploits to then get the proper attention.
    Do you even know how bad the effects are right now on the market with all the cheated adena on there?

  4. 1 hour ago, iAndouille said:

    They are using Nostromo for the archer super fast killing part


    Sorry Andouille but a Nostromo wont use forward/backward moves to get in perfect positions following all mob groups.
    If using macro targeting no matter how and what you always going to end up in a bad spot occasionally, these archers are running it constantly without any flaw even when intentionally killing a stream of mobs to see how they deal with that and they react to it.
    I've tested this same one several days at random times early morning, midday, evening and night and it never makes mistakes to be "less efficient" so it's doubtful there is a actual person controlling it unless 24 hour play for 7 days is totally human.

  5. Noticed that lately more botting became visible both with the increased activity from RMT spam as well as archers on some super fast speed target not possible within normal game limits using even their forward/backward moves in directions to follow "mob paths" with no delays and no mistakes.

    @Juji are you investigating or is this another "feature" of Botage II ?

  6. The deletion date for 16th Anniversary consumable items has been extended until 6/24

    • The following items will be removed from players’ inventories during the maintenance on June 24:

    Shining Dragon Attribute Tonic (XP) - Event

    Freya's Ice Rose - Event

    16th Anniversary Guardian Angel Juju Agathion Charm

    Freya's Scroll of Storm - Event

    Honey Dark Beer - Event

    Shining Dragon Attribute Tonic (XP) - Event

    16th Anniversary Lilly’s Special Transformation Candy


    @Juji @Hime What happened with the 16th Anniversary Cake? because they are gone...

  7. 10 hours ago, iAndouille said:

    Originally L2 is a game that provides a lot of interaction and pvp for spots,

    It happens very often that strong players uses big spots by exemple in primeval to farm as much as they can, and peoples just come over and steal mobs on the spots they are farming,  So here it comes, they must pvp, grief eachother to fight for that spot, this is totally Correct and a part of L2

    The problem with that nowadays is the fact that there are only Top geared players (50k$ toon) vs people without 200b worth of gear,  so the competition and the pvp is no more a challenge, The most geared toon will annhiliate anyone,  it's more like a Dictatorial system, there's no balance between players.  

    It was not designed to be like that in L2 but the paytowin system decided that if you won't spend alot of money to gear up, or farm it somehow, you will not fully appreciate L2 competition as it should be.

    The War system , and everything is just fine,    The PayToWin is the problem, and they won't change the systems because of the unbalance, they will probably put up more store items over time and people will probably catch up over time. 

    Obviously the easiest and cheapest solution for them to band-aid fix the problem would be just to allow to cancel war at any time no matter if someone is in combat.
    Heck if they have to just give it a 1 hour cooldown where war can't be taken off immediately so there is still meaning for wars and a consequence for triggering one.
    That way would be a middle ground for both sides.

  8. 11 hours ago, Juji said:

    We are planning to run the Red Libra event in a few months. It was planned for the 16th Anniversary event as originally intended, but there were some issues that prevented us from running both of the events at the same time (hence the abundance of 16th Anniversary coins).

    So we can make a ticket to redeem 16th anniversary coins for rewards through support since the in-game "intended to be there" means were left out?
    How is this going to be fixed?

    • Like 2
  9. Just now, Nymphadorae said:

    NCSOFT Lineage Ii actually had a huge increase in profit last year (2019 comparing to 2017 and 2018), and with the pandemics taking over at least a trimester of this year, I doubt they'll have any losses any time soon.

    Obviously, so it wouldn't even hurt to put it up then and they wont fix it any faster.
    At least for us players would make it a bit more bearable, with the high xp settings i did not like the lag at all but at least there was that to compensate for it so in the end it played out ok for all.
    Now we have no xp boost at all and seeing xp numbers that are so crappy that mean even a simple level is going to take double the time then it should.

  10. 12 hours ago, Out said:

    4 hours pvp per month for a castle can be done by any clan , even pve clans. 

    Why should these 4 hours have to be escorted by daily war, or PK or whatever? 

    Thats one of the reasons, why ppl doesn't participate also in sieges. 


    Meanwhile they cry about how the game is dieing out there is no pvp and no one pvp's anymore...
    well rocket scientists, this is exactly WHY!

    • Like 1
  11. 42 minutes ago, mixa said:

    Compensation for what exactly?

    Due to lag xp is reduced to like half or even worse.
    Then there are bugs that only NCWest has and as of yet still not fixed even if they are aware.
    On top of that lately the disconnect issues causing messed up dailies, raids and what not.
    It's killing whatever enjoyment was left in playing and reduce it to nothing but frustrations all the time, not a good way to retain the few remaining active people.



    23 minutes ago, Nymphadorae said:

    Seriously if we have to wait for that, most of us will be dead due to old age...
    Actions from @Juji @Hime are needed now and they need to make the korean overseers feel the losses and that there is actually a pressure here to fix these problems in a timely fashion.
    8+ months is not acceptable and is should never be acceptable.

  12. War system is broken and used to exploit, gain unfair advantages and parts of it are entirely broken
    War system is abused on castle sieges to declare on clans to prevent pvp and to prevent being killed, clans that are not registered to a castle as attacker or defender count as war kills while they shouldn't.
    War system is used to harass and be "invulnerable" to retaliation in field pvp, it is used in a way to extort for a spot and get a unfair advantage.
    When trying to take off a war it is supposed to say who is in combat, this is NOT working (works on other territories!)

    Request for a fix for this broken war system and allow to remove a war regardless that anyone is in combat before this game dies even more from all the exploiting and abusing.
    @Juji @Hime

    • Like 1
  13. @Juji

    Also another thing innova / 4game / NC EU whatever you want to call them had this update at or before 28 march 2020, how can a setting for a event 1 month later even be active or span across all territories when the celebration period is not even the same?

    These type of answers only raise more questions, concerns and unbelief.

  14. @Hime @Juji @Cyan

    What about the bugged IT instance that is supposed to give us 40 tril since the base xp is 20 tril?
    We already missed out on 280 tril xp so far, server lag is further reducing our xp by about 50% so having a working IT bonus would be the least you can do!
    So now we going to go another week without fix which means another 140 tril added to lost xp.

    • Like 1
  15. Is the imperial tomb quest double xp going to be fixed next maintenance?
    Would be nice as it would kinda off-set the huge xp loss from this terrible hit lag...

    So far we miss out on 140 tril (first week 16th anniversary shouldn't have been up but was)
    Then another 140 tril this week :/
    Not to mention having xp effectively cut in half or worse due to hit lag...

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