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Everything posted by Slycutter

  1. If I had to guess and they will never admit it is server load. They built to be one continuous zone unlike other MMORPG but that does put limits on it only way around that is instances which they can do but that hurts the interactivity of the game too so eh.
  2. Most of the development of the game has stopped if you haven't notice. There is almost nothing tied to the lore of the game anymore. The water dragon I believe was last thing they added that had to do with lore. Things like catacombs and necros were closed which was a huge lore thing, nevermind when they towns were destroyed by the Goddess of Destruction then poof they are all fixed one day no explanation. The seeds were big and fun change, but they were closed for the most part. Raids are not even done anymore except by the top players. Field raid bosses are too high level and require too many people for even the high level people to do because of their barriers. I don't care how much patk you have but 1050 hits in 15 seconds who thought that was a good idea? I am starting to feel like I am playing an old Nintendo game when you beat it starts back at level 1 just a harder version nothing changes just levels are more difficult. I went to go visit the Ant Queen but the ant nest still on the map has disappeared.... Beleth side of hellbound is gone no way to enter. I mean like whats the deal with this stuff. Towns like Dion, Gludin, Gludio (after starting quests) all the starting villages including Talking Island, most of Giran area, all wastelands of nothing. There are lots of dragon weapons biut they are horded by the top clans because they are considered game breaking weapons and you have to be lucky or extremely loyal to get one. These weapons sell for $$$$ on the black market so its also income but they don't want these weapons to go to their enemies either so sit in warehouses they do. I know of people on my server that have multiple +15 or higher limited bows sitting in their warehouses to control the market themselves. The crafting system right now is broken and useless because of Ether, common mats you can farm and buy but you need ether thats not sellable or tradeable to craft. The people who have lot of ether are usually their mains that dont have high luck like their crafters or alts because you need STR Dex and Cha to level not luck.
  3. Unless you want to do something specific with you dual most people dual their class with something that shares gear with the main. IE main is Yul Ghost Sent like me i sub a Yul Sagi just level it quick to get the buffs not to actually play. So thats is actually a personal decision for you, some have a fun sub class they use to just enjoy stuff not worrying about leveling it too fast. Rodah advice is good with the maestro you need that 106 skill and if you can get to 107 before this event is over your sanity will appreciate it, 106 is a terrible level lol.
  4. No Chanix... Whatif got it, Get2thepoint both did. Nothing to do with macros. I understand what your saying Whatif, even though its just a game people want to win even if they have to cheat to do it.
  5. I said evi duelist and maestro. Titan if geared right.
  6. to be honest with the xp event might be better to do a reroll instead of playing with gear etc. Yea only a few doombringers left on the server honestly there isnt that many kamaels on the server that are active. Top 100 for race on Kamael start at level 106. Top 15 is only 110 on my server. To put things into perspective for you. Also in that top 100 almost none are actual kamael classes. If you want a good melee DD go with a Evi or a Maestro or even a duelist but duelist need higher level and good gear to get to their high damage output. Tyrr Titans are still good if built the right way. You can go from 1 - 100 in an about an hour with this xp event. 105 in a day or two depending who u party with. I made a healer she is now 105 main 103 on dual she was leveled from Thursday to today and I am not an extreme leveling some people probably could do that in 24 hours.
  7. Did I miss something what the heck is Tyrr Domi? Is that a new class? Do you mean Iss Dominator? If that is the case you need a sword and shield, or blunt and shield because dominator's get a huge bonus to shield like a tank does. Also if you have a dominator you better join a clan with your toons or kind of waste of a dominator. Dominator are good for pvp or aoe debuffer. They are meaty tanky iss not DD iss. I built mine up with high pdef and hp so it can survive an assault and keep clan members alive with clan buffs cp heals and debuffs. Also as an archer helps with balance life when someone in the party has high hp keeps me a live lol. Your not going to level either iss without a constant party or a dd main. Unless you plan solo or duo stay away from Iss Heirophant it is the worst of the iss classes.
  8. 1. Did you read that? Where do we get EoD from? No way for us to get that in NA - Answer: NC Store 2. Yea great all those crystal of dawn items.... Where do we get crystal of dawns from? - Answer: NC Store 3. I cannot read that one so idea. So you answer to changes is add more items we need to buy for IRL cash?
  9. You do realize they are only the producer of this game not the developer? They doing what is in their power to help along their population while waiting for the developer to make long term changes. They cannot change hard content that has to come from developer so they are trying to buy time till these updates come through to balance it for the population of these servers. We have showed when we are happy everyone is willing to pay a little. As much as they like whales just like in Vegas or any major gambling mecca they need the average people to attract the whales. Whales like to show off and if they have no one to show off for they do not come. Economics 101. They got Korea to push out the update to Ketra and Varka ahead of an official update to help our population and it has more xp when in an actual real party is actually very good regardless of an xp event. What this event is helping is to level up the classes outside of DDs needed to xp in areas like that live healers, tanks, and iss. There really isnt that many none live iss healer and tanks at higher levels because its so hard to level them now with xp event im adding clannies into my parties to xp them even though it may slow down me a little im still getting way more xp than I would before the event and I helping them for my long term plans. So b0uff0s im am using these events to advance my long term plans.... What your long term plan to help yourself with these events? Don't ask what the game producer can do you for you, ask yourself what you can do for the game producer. ( I know i know but you get the point)
  10. Hence the question. Anakim and Rare accessory come in trade able and non trade able versions. so that doesn't help.
  11. Ok I want to spend these coins best I can so if i take another Bloody Rune and Vital rune 30 days start running on the day we buy them because they are not in a pack that I understand. Rare accessory can I save that or do they start running the day I buy or are they tradeable/sellable? Anakim outfit appearance stone - is that char bound tradeable sellable on account transferable? Hourglass, freya, and honey beer items all are removed on 11/11/20 correct? Thank you in advance.
  12. I haven't notice in years i guess since I wasn't actively playing as much as now but now that I am creeping more towards the top end players I see it more and more and honestly it makes me not want to play. PvP grudges etc can be fun against real people but when no matter how good you get or how good your gear gets you will never win, its kind of pointless endeavor to keep playing. I know when NCSoft hammered that top clan that shall not be named it up ended up upending lot of things but brought a little sense of maybe glimmer of hope but I see someone new will always replace top cheaters and sadly that I believe is the death of this game, unless you let everyone freely use 3rd party programs then it will never be an even playing field.
  13. I am not asking anyone to admit personal use but lets break it down. You have the levels, you have the gear, and you still use automated programs to remove any chance of losing. When you see top people fight sometimes it watching whose computer has a faster response time because neither is actively playing their toons. So I simply ask why? Why even keep continuing to play a game that you hardly interact all in ? I cannot understand that point it is a game but your not playing.
  14. Yes I seen that video and 3 years ago that may been the case but there has been a whole I mean a whole of changes since then, elemental damage been redone, lethal and half kills been redone, skill cooldown formula on some skills has been rework limits on max skills have been raised if you have certain runes or buffs so not really sure if that really applies anymore. 100 Dex on a GS is also a dream on MS maybe not but if dex was more important than STR why are almost all Archers GS and not MS? Skills are pretty similar except the base stats. MS are suppose to crit and be faster than GS. So why not more MS if thats the case?
  15. From my understanding and my test in game there a break point which is (75 dex) that doesn't further improve an archers core damage. I am at max run speed, max attack speed, max crit rate and Skill damage is added to your Patk so where the Dex issue arises I am not sure. I am going off my personal experience and even if helps crit rate you need the patk to do the damage that doesn't change.
  16. Reading is fundamental: Swap your bow to +12 r110 at least enchanted (than go dark and after that put bloody to get limited r110) 3sa ( at least 2 stage 8) You compared a +12 R110 bloody to +15 R99 Bloody. Now compare a +12 R110 Enhchanted to +15 R99 Bloody. Do you even read?
  17. No one should ever go Dex instead of Str for an archer unless all skills in the game have been redone. Can we stop telling archers to go full dex it hurts your toon you only need a min level of dex to maximize its utility now that whole full dex thing is old news. If you have 75 dex or more your fine. Rest should go to Str. Also if has a +15 bloody bow why would he swap for a +12 r110 enchanted? He can upgrade it to +13 Bloody then use dark to make it limited. Dark bows do nothing to help you level its pvp only and cheaper if its not already bloody. R99 Bloody +15 > +12 R110 Enchanted on all aspects..../smh Also Tauti Ring is not really effective for archers. There are better rings for archers. I mean your all over place with the recommendations here and nevermind if you do not build your toon right with the right dual skills or points in the right special abilities gear is irrelevant. Do you even play an archer?
  18. No artifacts? Level 3 artifact book will give you a lot of pve/pvp damage and +1 to all stats. Armour? Elmore cloak at least +5 +7 better +10 would be great of course +15 but that is very expensive.
  19. Not complain their toon is less than 30 days old? Lol I have suffered for 16 years, when you have come talk to me.....
  20. Well i my toon im still playing is a member of the 6000 day club. How many others toons that still play are from May 1st 2004 (or early if you were a beta player)? Can only be a handful of left active (I know I have a few in my clan)
  21. To be honest a tank should never solo post 105 your foundation of CP's upgrade Armour before weapon to make yourself a better tank.
  22. Amazing we get exactly what we were requesting and people still complain. It not an xp zone you can do unless you actually know how to play your toons effectively. As some posters said with the right setup and no cutting corners you can do really well here. 8 - 10 trillion an hour is 240 trillion a day... id say thats good.
  23. Difference is old GMs use to play the game and once something like this was brought to light they would ask you for the additional information but would ban those accounts. This was back in the day before F2P. I loved HGM Spam he has dungeon he use to put botters in the confirm they were botting. He put there once on the test server because I was joking with him and told me I got a time out lol. It looks like a doorless castle dungeon room where the warehouses for the castle is but nothing it but GMs can spawn mobs to test your targeting etc. So they would teleport a botter in their with mobs appearing and re appearing and see if they would stop or keep running around like little idiots lol. Couldn't soe and if you delogged and try to log back in you still be in the dungeon with no way out but to petition a gm. He explained if he had to do with all botters there was not enough hours in the day but you pick off a few alphas it scares the rest for awhile. Kind of herd mitigation lol
  24. I am no way saying not to add dex, but you do not deduct str to add to dex as a building archer. You need a strong base patk to level as an archer all the half kills in the world dont help because that was nerfed in the last update if your more than 3 levels below the mob thanks to evi and maestro skill use so until in your in the 108/109+ range str outweighs dex. Once you get to the higher levels thats when you find ways to increase your dex. Also if your DE archer which 99% are now being above 75 dex is never a problem..
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