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PixyLicks last won the day on September 12 2018

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  1. every one is a buffer now you use Spirit Ore to have lvl 1 buffs or lvl 2 if your lvl 100
  2. yep its back , maybe its all the BOT Wynns ,its time to give summoner ONE pet ,just like before when they had Three they cut it down to two
  3. have some one party you for 20 mins and u'll have the SP to learn skills this is a party and clan game not a solo playing game
  4. yes it is getting bad I can do solo K95 on my Evis is 8 mins now its 25 what the hell is that ,its the sane on a ISS the attack is like this 1 2 ... 1 2 .... 1 2 even with BR and SM its SLOW but on my Feoh cant tell if its slow or not
  5. yes there is a lag from the toon pick screen to getting in game is 1 to 2 mins and the first action in game of your toon is lagged too 1 min
  6. The Wall of argos and valley of saints should have lvl 97+ mobs with the same exp as silent valley
  7. this game is and always has been a party and Clan game, the only way to get on is in Clan it has never been a Solo game or a box fest
  8. there was a free weapon in the l2 store 15 adena I think and this post is in the wrong forum its sound like you are doing classic as f2p gives you a lvl 95 weapon at start
  9. try any one you like ,if you don't like it just reset it ,now you get free 95 set with each one you make and its only 1 hr to get it to 86 have a pay with a Wynn as they are fast to lvl and use the same stuff a healer dose
  10. 1. Where you're from England 2. Char name and class PixyLicks Elf Feoh soultaker was spellsinger 3. Original server Bart openbeta 4. Level and % today 99.50 only coz they killed spellsinger off for 8 years or more 5. How many times did you quit and come back? none I have 22 toons some 101 some 99 many 90 + on all servers all from free to play
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