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Everything posted by Draecke

  1. read what is in the screenshot i posted
  2. @Juji is the Oriana's Spring Energy Scroll tradeable ?
  3. weren't those coins tradeable ?
  4. the update is enjoyable for the players that are kinda on par with the average korean player aka 118+ with solid gear as in way above avg gear on ncwest servers sadly enough there's zero consideration from the Korean export team about the disparity between their player base levels / gear and ncwest's in particular this update wrecks havoc & frustration among the lower tier players
  5. it should should be learnable also on dual class as explained here: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/24267-about-quest-exalted-7th/
  6. @Juji this should be learnable also on dual class
  7. skill oe only stays if using chaos essence and only if the skills were the same aka identical on both if u used stone of destiny u failed to read the description properly as it's clearly explained it will remove all skill oe
  8. zero apologies, this issue wasn't caused by us and if there had been still a PTS server it would never have happened to begin with c'est la vie
  9. if only we had still that much support on this version of L2 I estimate they will be done later today, from the ppl I know only 1 person has not been reverted yet so like I said they're almost done
  10. yet, u did see that it's being done manually by ncwest staff right ?
  11. so much crying over something that didn't last 12hrs, fyi almost all cloaks got reverted back to original state. again the issue was on all servers, got abused really badly on RU servers and general fix was deployed by Korea to stop it but the fix didn't include the legendary cloaks so those were reset manually by NCWest staff Juji's team did their best under circumstances and actually went further then Innova as on EU/RU servers those legendary cloaks have not been fixed yet as they decided to wait for fix from Korea aka they get to use theirs for at least a week. if ppl want to discuss morality of the few on NCWest that decided to test this issue out after it was known everything would be reverted by all means continue I for myself just wanted to see the difference between a +18 and a +20 and nothing more, other ppl wanted to have a +20 cloak once in their life, if its even only for a few mins. Those that tried to abuse the situation for financial gains I do agree are very wrong on the ethical / morality scale.
  12. this was discovered on RU servers at least 2 days ago, not NCWest and news got out before fix could be deployed if anything the Korean Export team was to slow to inform NCWest staff of the issue
  13. confirmed to be dropping in toi so drop runes and pick up loot will matter there
  14. lvl 3 buff is where the extra dps boost is added for party members that receive pom just xp pom iss to 120 and voila
  15. Mine too but that's ok they know they're still stuck in the Matrix
  16. top rewards were given out that fast which ends the event so yeah.. but as it was indeed 3 Star rewards list 2 I have to admit it's not bugged and there was a noticeable delay in clicking for the rewards I take back my negative initial feedback and looking forward to tomorrows
  17. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/23951-steel-guild-event-2-star-1-billion-reward-correction/?tab=comments#comment-165498 sadly enough
  18. hence what I say is that today we should see then 3 Star item list 2 available as if not and it gets skipped something is borked period and 3rd party tools like clickers should be auto ban for these type of events as that's the only way thousands of rewards can be drained out of the server in a matter of seconds, anyone arguing that that is a non issue is pro cheating/exploiting - this is very important to have that dealt with sooner then later as in the near by future we get the same logic on the new crafting interface which will be based on NCoins/Einhassad coins aka paid for items!! @Juji best you take notes here or at least get yourself informed on what's coming from Korea
  19. it is true and you don't fully understand what actually happened yesterday, go read what I posted in general section https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/23950-steel-guild-event-bug-exploit/?tab=comments#comment-165506 @Juji I will be logging support tickets if this happens again today and seriously NCWest should be auto banning accounts that click faster then humanly possible period.
  20. no after the first ended there was a timer that showed it would open again at my 1am CET and that had a new item list which then closed near instantly it will be very clear when it happens again today, for starters if it shows a different 3 Star item list we know for a fact something is going very wrong yesterday we could participate at 3 Star item list 1, atm it shows blocked out & completed 3 Star item list 2 so if today item list 2 isn't available this event is fubar.
  21. @Juji @Hime nice event for 3rd party soft users u made, all rewards gone in 0.01 second no human players were able to participate, hope u guys auto ban ppl who do that else delete the game already or fire ur GM staff
  22. Anyone home ? @Hime @Juji If it doesn't exist just remove it or put up thx!
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