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Everything posted by Draecke

  1. @Hermeshow come the elemental resist dyes are not on the exchange list but are on the delete list ? what's that for nonsense ?
  2. yeah cause weapon stones are top reward everyone had to see lol
  3. cause everyone should see this right ? at least it gives me a clear list of ppl to avoid ingame who are supporting prices of 1$ / 1.4bil adena on a loot box
  4. nc having an event to see if we can fill a block list in 3 weeks
  5. the spam is good, now we know who are slaves to nc casino the real reason nc keeps milking is now for everyone to see i know now who to block and shun ingame
  6. watch how Russia & Japan kills those easy peachy, note the avg gear on all their players and then look at what we have
  7. cause it will take them more effort now obviously but he's still right that it will make it even less likely avg players will be able to compete on those raids gotta love getting content on NCWest servers that are mainly meant to counter what's going on Russia & Japan servers, if only we had their level of gear distribution on our servers so the current ingame content would make any sense eh..
  8. it will be interesting to see if @Hermes has what it takes to make a change for our community or if he will just execute what he get told by Korea without listening to our feedback even though he's fresh on the job I really want to give him the benefit of the doubt here so let's see if things will actually improve or if the Hunger Games and the attrition of real players keep continue
  9. take some pointers from ppl who play for many many years
  10. @Hermes will the cookies be tradeable ? as no way I will bother to spend 72 NCoins aka 1.4bil on 1 Cookie and a high change of a bad random reward when I only care about the Cookies.. If not then once again an event me & my wallet will have to pass on.
  11. All the best and take care @Juji ! !
  12. true, the times are trash & useless for Euro or comparable timezones players
  13. fix the server crashes!! if more crashes happens I will stop log till it's fixed and demand time restored on all my active runes that I have running atm on several chars those items are paid for and right now we're unable to actually use them properly, server crashes are not our problem!!
  14. meh pvp is not affordable on ncwest, and to spend so much for the few hrs per week it's w/e - to rich for my blood for sure
  15. obviously it happened to everyone from chronos that went dethrone when actual chronos crashed on that note can we get an answer on what NCWest staff is doing to make sure Chronos will not crash again ? there's no xp event and if the server can't even stay online then why should we bother to login ? seriously got pissed off about it, first 2x crash when I wanted to go sleep last nite and then 15min after I leave for work it crashed again..
  16. @Jujicpr for the hamster is needed also plz stop those crashes really it's getting to become a bad joke now
  17. @Juji no server xp boost settings means this is the worst ever anniversary event since closed beta is korea nuts, do they want ppl to quit ? it's too many negatives in a row..
  18. it's just sad to see how disconnected & uncaring the korean dev team really is and as extra cherry on top they will remove again the +5% p/matt p/mdef mentee effects tomorrow.. god forbid they would give the export regions something nice for free eh.. feels bad man
  19. sounds like ur onto something there, good catch
  20. another lil point which is easy to fix is make the timings behind certain ingame events like cursed swords / swamp / dethrone more balanced as majority of your player base is actually not North American - it was semi ok but then we got summer time change and now we have swamp at 24:00-01:00 and DeThrone running upto 5am.. those are not ok time frames and hurt the quality of life of playing L2 if the korean dev intention is to leave for example DeThrone at that time cycle then add 116/120/124 non pvp zones so ppl can set up and go sleep, expecting players to stay up till 5am is not ok
  21. agreed and just compare the average level / gear of a healthy korean server with what we have and the differences should be instantly obvious as well what needs fixing also with regards to the low average level on our servers when will we get events or perma removed the existing party xp penalty so real party play can happen between any type of player ? I have old returning & new friends that are barely 110 whom I can't party as I'm more then 5 levels higher..
  22. only if u promise to put free code for 30 days vitality maintenance runes if after 6 months still nothing has been done with the compiled feedback like last time such poll / feedback request was done by ncwest staff
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