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Everything posted by AshesOfAden

  1. Maybe they want to quit thats why they are doing this , redundancy better than quiting job:D
  2. @Hyunkel could you pass our crying voices to wissp or hermes
  3. I hope everyone smart enough will run.. amazon as a publisher sounds more promising than NcWest
  4. Its just a disgrace... would say more but obviously after i ended up banned.. need to surive a bit longer in this game while L3 comes out.. Just no words... simply no words... ignorance.. zero communication.. and team which doesn't give a ***...
  5. I dont know if they make these sales with these rates on purpose just to make everyone leave? geez... faster that thrones and liberty comes out.. sick of this..
  6. That's how house fires starts! I throwed my old one to recycling , Don't bother about L2 anymore if it crashes it crashes, if I'm not busy I will log in again if not I don't bother If I'm to lazy to log in , these crashes kind of saves me some money on electric bill so kind of win win
  7. Hi everyone just sharing if someone will see this interesting(seems summoners will get some attention) translated via app so a lot of "typos" but we got used to typos Sad that Hermes is not interested at all to communicate with player base only wissp does a bit of "posting maintenances" Source: https://lineage2.plaync.com/board/l2awknupdate/view?articleId=63b7e88bac7c7e50dfd31a7a (zoom it in) By the way Koreans had proper events during Festive time.. @Wissp @Hermes shame on you guys!
  8. Don't let your client to crash open only one window of L2 Move your tables/skill bars where you want and exit game via alt+x, it will save user.ini file in your game folder, after reopen game and even if game crash which happens a lot your skill bar location will remain in last position which user.ini saved it
  9. They wont remove buyable NCcoins they need to make money its they job and its common sense that they need income to keep everything working , Best solution from administrators/GM's would be option/ability "to place limits on spendings per account or per card" if user request so. With limits per month/week or something similar.
  10. That part when you call people names is not nice, person have addiction is like smoking or drinking you shouldn't call people names its not nice, With first part I agree changing Gambling addiction to In Game gambling is not smart but who we are to judge person , addiction is addition it is mental illness which need treating before people bankrupt them selves and end up in streets.
  11. I know addition might get people in to trouble , but 20.000 in to debt in Lineage 2 is new to me also I feel sorry for you I know its not easy to live with debts I had hard few years also (not because L2) , Not sure where you are from but there is helplines across the world in each country I presume , also like someone said NCsoft feeds on people like you that's why this game model was introduced in first place, NCwest wont help you probably they will put next sale with more promising rewards just to push you to buy more, My suggestion is put a spending limit on your cards like (40$ or 50$ a month on online transactions) to try save yourself from bigger debt and try to find some kind of hobby to distract yourself from having a lot of spare time. Additional studies helps in this case (like start learning java/python/C++ and etc.) Helped me when I couldn't sleep due to overthinking my financial situation also got better paid job due to new acquired skills Hope you will get through this!
  12. Welcome to the club , I dont bother login in sometimes with random crashes Slightly more stable after win 11 insider update but still crashing as hell
  13. That's actually sad rewards... only bottom rewards from reward table out of almost 1300 tries... Hope you made something useful out of this sad to see 0.0005% chance for mid tier rewards
  14. Agree as delay between skills in makro is insane on mages , while melee, archer or other DD class have basic attacks between cooldowns and way more damage on skills and crit rate is also obviously higher
  15. This weeks attendance should be on , but obviously its not working, needs fixing, Probably no one will complain as reward "6h rune" is not that important as I haven't even noticed that it doesn't work , Most of the days I forgot to collect it anyways
  16. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/25492-special-monthly-gift-–-october-edition/
  17. They said these codes are only till end of the year so thats it last one was Decembers , Only amazon now hopefully..
  18. Enjoy new years eve guys and have a great year
  19. /allblock and /allunblock command or smthing like that
  20. probably he meant on fail box should remain on +6 if it fails on +7, my guess?
  21. Nobody plays Aden , same people play Live so they dont rly care about Aden toons
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