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Everything posted by AshesOfAden

  1. I think you might be right , about hunt boost , Rather I would have hunt pass than hunt boost
  2. anniversary have been cancelled , 19th is not a round number we will have to wait till next year
  3. Doesn't matter what's the issue is "ask on forum" and no one will reply or do anything
  4. Thrones and Liberty ( meant to be Lineage 3 "L2 sequel" ) got renamed three times in past 10 years https://tl.plaync.com/ But finally NCsoft is launching it under "thrones and liberty" name. Publishing through amazon games this year , best thing that is not published by NCwest , so hopefully game will deliver some fun not just pay to win and zombie grind 24/7 autofarm
  5. I think they know that people are leaving as Q1 sales at NCW for Lineage2 is not looking good
  6. Lv1-lv4 Upgradable with Shadai "Lv5 and Greater brooch's" are upgradable with regular blacksmith for Crystal of Dawn (similar as shirts/circlets)
  7. With events which we had if he was lvling free to play char he probably managed to reach 108-111 before he got fired
  8. Yeah open field is not a best option to run this makro , thats a makro for grouped mobs like (tanor/aligator and all above 104 i guess?) Nah its not very new thing , try to get Greater Blue Cat's and Saphire to start , after try to get other gems , 300% m atk every 15mins helps a bit , even tho somone sais m atk is not priority it is true , but any extra damage output counts so , building up little by little should help, I'm kind of Nab also , as I dont bother spending anymore as game just become worse from time to time (waiting to move to project TL will be hard transition from L2 14+ years) , but still with basic stuff I can pretty much solo farm 2-3 lvl lower zones w/o roses and etc
  9. its still closes when u have 3 clients open , 1client is slightly more stable now with win11, another 15 years they might add win 11 compatibility
  10. There is 2 reasons why they made instances harder 1.In korea everyone one shots 105 bosses as equipment is cheap and available to all. 2.NCW implemented same difficulty to promote more sales (which already backfired) Quite few staff in NCW already got laid off and Primali is next in line to go as soon as revenue will drop more , which will drop , But that's not NCW fault its Korea which sends us 1/4 of the content for the game compared NC Japan or to 3rd party (Innova)
  11. No nothing , So you haven't missed anything, hermes doesnt like to give freebies
  12. Yup and place zariche/aka bloods and fragments to NC store , dont give them ideas
  13. Loss of DT could be compensated by extending time rest of the week, obviously that wont happen , Anyway I dont go to DT as i'm from UK so weekend hours and weekday DT hours doesn't fit Just came to support people who do go
  14. Use BD and make this makro on your BD , if you use tank + BD +Feoh (thats pretty much my combo for small pt if i want to go above 114) BD will run around debuff and heal , drop it in skill bar (not autocombat) right click on it and ur tank will be healed and debuffs for your feoh to increase dmg , at 108 with your gear and bd+tank u can easily do trio in tanor/aligator island. Also try to get greater gems (at least x3 if u can for brooch BR) if not at least sapphire and blue cats u will see huge difference in dmg , hope that helped
  15. Wissp got laid off and hermes dont care , so we will get nothing
  16. Fixed an issue where the Rewards and EXP tables were set incorrectly in Fioren’s Crystal Prison and Jamoa’s Camp. Jamoa's Camp = drops from 2pieces per 900mobs reduced to 1piece per 900mobs Fioren's Crystal = from exp worth going reduced to not worth, Beoras pot's drops at lower rate than PI scrolls. Hope it helps.
  17. @Duardin "The only one option is deleting the character/s and create a new one, in order to receive a new Blessed Exalted set, enchant it and place it in the collection, which is dumb." Unfortunately deleting char wont help ,its account limit not a char limit So to get new bless exalted set for collection you need new account + new char so its like starting from 0 which is pointless
  18. Its pretty comon sense what they did with it , Bought x9(all three types x3 times) just for consumables given with set and obviously they have deleted sets as you can imagine ( 9 sets x 5 armor pieces=45 spaces in wh or inventory) for sets which you never use as even +6 bloody r110 is miles better than bless exalted +20 obviously if people can afford it, so kind of silly question what people did with sets bought it ,used consumables sets deleted as they taking space, Now new collection gives 5% skill dmg and etc for bless exalted sets so its kind of a lot
  19. They could fix random windows 11 crashes from the beginning even with one client , as it cant leave even shop in giran for a day
  20. @Connex we all know link is in a bio for this server but dont post it here you might bet banned obviously not intended advertisement , you might get away with deleted post by forum gm's but usually they put ban for few weeks , delete or change your comment before its to late
  21. As I said I saw myself Shinning skill box rates also unfortunately I have not took screenshot but they were lower than free event , so my point is its a scam
  22. unfortunately I cant reopen offline sale box % chances which I saw, but someone managed to take screenshots of free event rates https://i.postimg.cc/hGvHwWc8/1.png https://i.postimg.cc/BvzdfYnr/2.png https://i.postimg.cc/bJ24yxGs/3.png
  23. Hi guys , Just want to share(bring back memories ) and kind of ask does anyone uses alt+b anymore? It was a thing back in a day when Administrators and GM's used to write update info for us in game ***Before they used to log in to the game , not just once a year like now
  24. There is eu server , but people spent 15+ years here so probably they dont want to migrate to eu server , and as a guy said majority here are from eu , i would even dare to say about 70% of both servers, But I agree changing time is not a solution , 3rd server in eu time zone with free transfer option for everyone(limited time obviously) would be great
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