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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 2 hours ago, ffs said:

    well my archer could farm about 250m afk in IoP with aoe, now can't stay alive with single target, same gear, same buffs, same set up. Can't say he can safely solo dinos anymore. So same effort, less rewards for same areas for low to mid geared ppl. @Juji @Hime you two can give the under 112 lvl players with moderate gear a reason to log in your game and play? Your presence in the forums and input is amazing. So are the moderators who only pop up to play rules lawyer and contribute 0 to making the gaming experience in your forums and game better. 

    i hear you on that.  many people ive talked to who are 105-110 are saying they are struggling now just to do normal xp.

    unfortunately, ios1 is going to become the same issue it was before we had ios2.  all good spots are perma locked down by top farmers with their gear on alts farming.  this exact thing is happening in neutral zone bc mobs drop a ludicrous amount of adena compared to any other open world spot.

  2. 3 hours ago, CataPvE said:

    well 3rd party software some1 told me in discord it could be..so that's why i ask always to don`t cry later :P

    Anyway thanks alot for making time to write me ❤️

    i personally dont believe its against the eula.

    there has been mutliple responses, some from Juji himself, but they are all on the old forums that cant be accessed anymore.

    Here is a handful of quotes re-referenced from those times.



    itd be nice to get another official response, but atm this is all we have.


    edit: u can submit a ticket asking the support staff if that software is illegal in hopes of getting a better response, but the support staff is lackluster on these types of things.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Ma7aMosca said:

    a new neutral zone was introduced. with approximately 18 groups of monsters, with a drop of 120,000 adena per monster. meanwhile farm areas level 115 drop 20,000 per monsters. could improve adena drop by level.

    they trying to help lower lvls gear up.  the ios1 adena increase is the same type of attempt.  unsure if it will work or not yet though...

  4. if you are intent on upgrading your current set, you will need to get your cry of determination now on this event.  they dont exist in game anymore outside of this current event with gold bars.  1 gold bar = 1 crystal.  this is only possibly feasible because of the current event.  without a way to get the crystals, its impossible to do the upgrade you are wanting to do.


    as to the cost for each piece, go to the head blacksmith in town, and you can check the upgrade costs to turn each piece into R110.  As others have said, you will loose the +10 set bonus.  That will be the most accurate.



    why are you needing to upgrade?  What issues are you encountering?

  5. 26 minutes ago, Degus said:

    Sorry, I dont understand how you read those 4 quotes and came up with the conclusion it's ok, they all in fact state the opposite.  They state you need to be able to duplicate the macro w/ only ingame system, you (not u personally, I dont know you)  are running macros in macro's with timers to hit other macros, no man, that is NOT available in game.  So your "bot" can't run around a rock but it IS completely automated, kinda like a roBOT.    For real man, go back and read those quotes, I can't tell if you aren't understanding them or are agreeing w/ me in a fashion I am not receiving.

    The best way to determine if how you are using these devices is a violation or not is by asking yourself "Can a normal keyboard/mouse combination replicate the same behavior?" If how you are using the programmable device can be done through a regular mouse/keyboard combination, then you won't have anything to worry about

    OK, we agree to disagree. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    Yea it is not consider a bug I did give them a simple solution to correct 90% of the problem but it will never happen, even though mechanic already exists in game.

    Just make equipped items not count against item count - already do it for artifacts.

    Runes also shouldn't count, imo

  7. 2 minutes ago, Goldfinger said:

    thanks for correcting me. you are a good man. luckily we have you and you spend your life time to make very good comments in every single topic even without being asked. so nice!

    Thank you. 


    Did you sort your issue out? If you are a dwarf, the limit on slots is slightly higher. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Goldfinger said:

    until yesterday weight was not considered in switching class. now it is....useless. just useless restriction only introducing pain in the game flow

    weight and inventory slots arent the same.  your original post is referencing inventory slots.  you need to be at 94-95-96 slots to swap class.

  9. On 6/14/2021 at 4:12 AM, LordDragnil said:

    We are wasting huge amount of resources on client and on server side.

    Bring back in game an offline exping. I no need even drop, but do this for Prestige (or Destiny or both) pack users.


    1. Player press button "Move to Training Camp".

    2. Player farm 20 minutes with self buffs(elixirs) and potions(another consumables) with the counter on. 

    3. Server collect info about dps/exp.

    4. Server update every 10 minutes player experience using that base multiplied  by random [0.9...1.1].

    5. U have Purple. Make app for it and simply output data there. 

    6. Profit.



    1. It is environmentally friendly.

    2. It saves client and server resources. Keeping the cloud will be cheaper.

    3. Customers will not overpay for electricity. And they will always be sure that the character continue to level up, and does not lie dead on the spot while they are at work, at school, on a picnic, in a club, on the court, ..., elsewhere.

    I know the 3rd is empty sound for you, but think about 2nd.


    1. Need to do something. 

    or just put the dps dummy back in aden


    also, u can calculate your own xp/hour via initializing the restart window and timing it

  10. Just now, Goldfinger said:


    can you finally fix the inventory bug plz!

    I have 150-180 slots on both main and dual class and need to go down to below 90 items to be able to switch.

    And you bring one inventory spam event after another.

    It's so ANNOYING for all the years already!

    its working as intended per the dev team unfortunately

    see here: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/12488-serious-game-mechanic-issue-inventory-limit-when-switching-class/?do=findComment&comment=140834

  11. cant edit my post, but long story short, if you arent decoding or injecting the lineage 2 client, it is not a bot.  a bot has logic and reacts to the environment present in game, reads health, etc, not just repeat the same key strokes.  to lump mkb software in the same conversation as a true bot is just sillyness.  they are not even close to the same thing.

  12. 2 hours ago, Degus said:

    Show me where he said that.   I go by the rule your macro keyboard doesn't work till you download its software,  where do ya draw the line?  That's why I said it gets ugly.  Multiple actions are being done by non-supported software.  It's an advantage over others,  plain and simple.   Ignored doesn't mean allowed, I mean,  why ban any sort of bot if this is allowed?

    I'm not going to waste time finding a post by him from years ago.  if you dont remember when he posted that, maybe you weren't playing then.  


    riddle me this one batman, if mkb is illegal, why are all the top streamers for core/ncwest/etc not banned for showing themselves blatantly using mkb macro?


    also, mmo's arent supposed to be a "level" playing field and fair for all.  if you want fair and level playing field, go play an fps or something like guild wars where they normalizes all gear during pvp.  why you still play this game when you despise so much about it is just unhealthy...



    edit:  heres a link with some old quotes referenced on the subject.  the old forums are now gone and cant be linked, so if you think these are fake quotes, not my problem.


  13. 1 hour ago, Degus said:

    exactly, that's not supposed to be supported, if you can't do it w/ ingame macro's alone, that's against the eula, that's why I said this could get ugly.  That's botting.


    dude, juji has stated mkb software wasnt bannable on these forums.  im kind of over the hole mkb macro isnt legit stuff.  every person who makes a video or streams is using mkb macro to do this stuff.  if it was bannable, ppl would be banned for it.


    the fact you all still hold this as some super terrible action is just sad.


    mkb isnt injecting the client, it doesnt have logic, it is literally the same as in game macro just more lines.  once the macro software injects the client and reads packets, its bannable.  this is such an old complaint...

  14. 1 hour ago, Degus said:

    ok, well sure, or 2 geared toon with out swapping gear too, pretty sure that's not what we talkin about here though

    i dont know exactly what the claim is, thats why im asking.  people can do 3-4 spots with mkb macros, pending they have enough pets to put, so anything is really possible.  the map area's layout is the limiting factor and the toon used as a dd.

  15. 1 hour ago, Degus said:

    correct, but you can't make 6-8b in 2 spots either, still lookin to see how people are doin 2 spots afk w/o 3rd party software involved, this is where it gets ugly.

    if they do 2 spots, swap gear to a 2nd yul, repeat, its easy...

  16. 2 minutes ago, FoToMoTo said:

    3b per hour at ToI for single target? :P How? i was thinking is 1.8-2 max :)

    Toi2, deton, br rose, normal dragon, beer, pom, healer buff.

    I made a couple upgrades on chronos ;)


    If I drop deton, adena drops to about 2.3b/hr

  17. 2 hours ago, Discreet said:

    1 month = 30 days, more or less, 10 billion a day you make? I call BS!

    As an aoe character, yes that's possible.

    I'm a dagger, so single target. ToI = 30b/week. Ios2 = 2.5b/day. That equates to about 7b/day I make.


    You would be disgusted if you knew what is possible on toi 3...

  18. 5 minutes ago, voo said:

    swamp only great xp for those at top/solo it...this nerf slows them down.

    u havent been in a proper fafurion group im guessing


    my swamp solo (i 1 shot mobs as a dagger) max boost with deton vit etc is 330 tril/hour or so.  fafurion no deton cake group comes in at 180-200 tril/hour.


    swamp is a waste of time to move to if you are perma farming fafu, which the top people are.  this will just hurt the 115-118 ppl trying to catch up.

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