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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. On 5/16/2021 at 10:44 PM, PadreTigas said:

    Good day everyone... Just want to ask if what will be the Good Trio Class to enjoy in PVE... New Player here....  your suggestions will be much appreciated... ☺☺☺

    Archer / iss / lvl 105 town dwarf to sell stuff on and have an extra warehouse

    If you insist of dragging a 3rd character, a tank is the correct choice, or a tyr but 2 dd's is expensive to run. The tank is a more viable option to get parties with your trio.

    Iss should be heirophant. If you dislike that, swordsinger or overlord. Swordsinger bc Archer song and overlord bc it can buff out if party.

    The dd, yul ghost sentinel. You will destroy stuff. 

  2. i am not the best person to answer iss questions, but i do believe int matters for heals.  healers enchant for power on their heals.  if you are an overlord, your seal debuffs may still be based on int/matk.

    most of your common (all iss have them) debuffs are physical skills and int makes no dif for them.

  3. 8 hours ago, Connex said:

    one of the reasons I quit back in 2015.... and now it seems that you will have to take out the credit card once again for these particular items!

    unfortunately, ncsoft doesnt want us to get anything we need in game on this region.

  4. 1 hour ago, number66 said:

    I have seen this many times, only in crysis. are thre ways to get to the other instanced places in the normal map to test this?

    unfortunately, not many places exist as an instance and world zone at the same time.  imperial tomb, toi, primevil, storm, isle of souls - these places cant be reached unless you enter through the instance zone window.

    this is the only "dual" use zone that i can think of.



    edit: this bug is kind of irrelevant once we figured out what was going on.

  5. 10 hours ago, Kale said:

    Hi ppl, call of clans event question:  I have Exalted character Lv. 108, wich of those Raids can i Make? wich is the Easyest ? wich the next one? Wich the most Hard? some place, link, webpage to find info about these Raids ?  Ty

    Challenge 3of the following Bosses:

    Tauti, Frintezza, Octavis, Antharas

    Antharas is the one a clan could do with your lvls, possibly. It's what they would try anyways. These are raided in aden at the npc's there for dailies. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Get2ThePoint said:

    Which is greater in terms of overall damage output  --  +50 attack element, or +2000 p. atk?

    depends on where you hunt and your overall element attack value.  if your element is under or over the mobs resist to have element matter, then patk is better.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 42 minutes ago, Hellbender said:


    Those circled boxes you showed me says they contain dyes, the same I have in my inventory and that's why I'm getting the full message , "no room for symbol".

    And I can't remove them.




    you should be able to remove a dye at the same npc.

  8. On 5/16/2021 at 6:54 AM, SibuLeoDoG said:

    you can kill anyone , anytime , but i dont think you have enough adenas to buy pk scrolls. maybe you are rich, but i hope that is not harrasment. As ncsoft terms mentioned, pk for spots , adena is consider harrasment..

    I hope gm can let us submit harrasment tiket so people would have more manners inside game. i hope this game would be good community to stay.

    10kk for -3 pk's is nothing

  9. 1 hour ago, Hellbender said:

    If I create a group but accidentally close my group window, how do you make it come up again without creating a whole new group again

    when you say group window, what do you mean exactly?

    the people in your party are displayed in game where you can see their health, mp, cp and name.

    i think you might mean the looking for party window, that has a chat inside of it as well.  this is activated in the menu by hitting the party button.  However, the party leader must set the party to looking for member mode to allow a party member to access it.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Jason said:

    Last night I was pked 5 times , just minding my own business trying to do the 40k quest. I even left the farming spot for my pk, but for some reason he keep pk me. 

    How does he turn me pink and then starts attacks me with no pk penalty? Im very eager to return the favor.  

    if you are using a non target aoe skill, you can flag inadvertantly (barrage of nails  and poison swarm on othel is a perfect example).  They run by you flagged (pink) and you attack them on accident with your aoe, even if you dont target them.  This will turn you pink and allow them to kill you without penalty.

    • Thanks 1
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