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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 1 hour ago, Ganealf said:

    Yes Bethra they are still missing the point. They are focused on what they feel is lies or something. and not getting the point of what it "cost" to try to keep up in this game. And even after spending 8k in a short amount of time he's still a 1 shot. It doesn't matter if he didn't "QUOTE"

    What I would do:

    1 grand on artifact event

    1 grand on cloak event

    3 grand on la vie

    1 grand on agathion

    1 grand wep/armor

    1 grand vitality/xp

    What matters is the amount he spent and the fact that he had to spend it and still needed to do more. FreeToPay is obviously a thing now, and he's FreeToSay the reasons why he's choosing to move on. Don't get why anyone would think he's lieing about something like this. But, i also don't really get why i continue to play. Must be the joy of the people that i hang with i'm guessing. 

    Free to play gets the free 2 play experience.

    If you want a p2w experience, u p2w

    They literally just added a means to get a ton of recently p2w only items in game. You guys need to look into how to farm PI to upgrade stuff now.


    Also, p2w players keep the servers online for you f2p players.


    But by all means, keep posting negativity and hate towards people with money who spend it on a game because they can. That tupe of jealousy won't get you very far in life. 




    Edit: also, nothing changes the fact the guy blew his 8-10 grand in the most idiotic way possible. If he truly went into credit card debt for L2 while planning a wedding, I just feel bad for him. He's starved for attention, and I don't believe 90% of what he says in his videos. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Ganealf said:

    Check the video, he's talking about hitting other players in PvP for 10k after spending 8k dollars , not mobs. He's quitting because what it would take to hit PvPers for 1m is going to cost him wayyy more than he's willing to spend and a dedication that he's decided isn't worth it. Thats the thing about this game, if you come into it wanting to be top in PvP you can kick that "free to play" concept out the window. I'm a PvE person that does PvP in castle sieges and only randomly when my clan is warred for whatever reason. I've, over the time that i've played this game, spent a sizable amount. Been here 17yrs and i'm sure if i ever looked into it i'd cry at the amount i've spent...so i never will lol. But, that being said i'm a total one shot even on a lvl114 evis with gear that 3yrs ago would have made me a God. Today it doesn't even remotely compare. You go from Lindivors to God jewels, lv4 emerald to Greater emeralds, lvl10 cloak to lvl18 cloak etc etc. To start this game and stay in this game DO NOT decide right off the bat that you're going to be a PvP God unless you have unlimited funds. Dont think that when people tell you that they got to were they are by playing the "market" that they are in anyway telling you the truth. You have to "Pay the cost, to be the boss" in this game. Now a few have...did questionable things to aquire a large amount of wealth, but believe me when i say that those peeps are very very few. Listen to what i say "YOU HAVE TO PAY THE COST TO BE THE BOSS". "This Guy" is choosing to get the hell out of this game before it cost him more in RL than any game should. But he has no one to blame, and he pretty much admits it, except himself. If you choose PvP thats all well and good, just know that if you want to be up there with the big kids...open up your wallet. 

    If you gave me a fresh account with a lvl 1 yul and 8 grand of ncoin loaded and 6 months, I would hit ppl harder than he is claiming. 

    The guy claims to be in a top cp, the clan he references isn't top nor is his cp. He complains about cost, but clearly has no clue about the game mechanics and didn't even bother to look at past events or educate himself. He's a fool with his money, and he publicly showed everyone that. 


    What I would do:

    1 grand on artifact event

    1 grand on cloak event

    3 grand on la vie

    1 grand on agathion

    1 grand wep/armor

    1 grand vitality/xp


    If he did that, he wouldn't be hitting people for nothing while wasting a ton of money.

    Before you claim rmt, I'd get adena by seeing ncoin event items on events I don't need. Otherwise I'd buy the event items to make stuff.  Learn to market. 

    14 hours ago, b0uff0s said:

    so you gonna pass the matter of spending 8k+ on a game like it's a normal thing? or that he is the one needing counseling coz he is like a unique case? you got a pretty good idea what ppl spend here on their addiction. This person was just the 1st (as far as i know) to actually articulate it in a vid.

    All p2w games have extreme cost curves if you want to be top 100 of a server. Top 50? Even more. Top 10? Even more. 

    This guy's 8 grand in 6 months was poorly spent. I also think he's full of it on half of what he says. He's full of himself and comes off like it in his videos. All he does is talk about himself and how much he spends. 


    13 hours ago, mixa said:

    A pay2win clown, that got beaten by the system that he abused himself.

    That's like shooting yourself in the foot, more than once.


    Well said like always

  3. Who is this guy? 8 grand on a yul and he hitting for 10k dmg? 

    If he played 6 months, Dude is missing artifacts for sure, and a proper cloak since he quit at Christmas event. 



    Edit: guy dropped 10k and then says it's too expensive? Sounds like he needs some addiction counseling. Going into debt for a game is poor life choices. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Get2ThePoint said:

    Can't confirm until tomorrow, but the herbs were needed because of element defense of mobs. But the new update is supposed to decrease the p.def of most mobs, so maybe that is why the herbs are no longer needed? We will see.


    150 element is 15% dmg bonus and can give up to 24% bonus at 240 over the mob' resistance.

    A pdef reduction won't be close to that type of boost. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Draecke said:

    you know u could have asked that months ago on 4r4m right ? to my knowledge no changes there but then again I don't really care about that aspect as well it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things that cost adenaz..

    No, I didn't know that. I also probably wouldn't have thought of it then. 

    The cost isn't irrelevant when you go for 5x 50 atk element augments. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Draecke said:

    what has bloody runes to do with the melee lag compensation ? also that herb was main introduced to deal with the insane huge elemental defense all mobs got, doubt the mobs all of a sudden got that lowered in tomorrows update ;)



    i am very dissapointed in the herb loss as well.  this will affect quite a few people. 150 element is substantial.

  7. 6 minutes ago, ArtaX said:

    you know that when noone can farm prices get higher, the "owners" of both servers are keeping the market in their hands with bots that control the auction house and the greedy chest drops, is not a case if the jewels in Naia disappear from auction when there is a certain hero shouting to sell them at really HIGH price. I have read the patch notes in korean, but i'm sure here will be different to help the gamble boxes from l2store

    Those same ppl will also farm less adena. Toi gets nerfed per rumors. The same ppl who mass farm ios don't have their farm chars all 115-116 to do the same in the new area which is about 3x the Adena. 


    We also don't know the store update. If Ncwest finally repurposes hero coin to being useful (similar to L coin store in Korea) and adds lvl 5 la vies etc to it, things will change. 




    Edit: also, it seems like Ncwest wants us doing timed instance zones all day which = more income. Multi char fsrming ios will phase out as ppl push mains in the new areas. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, ArtaX said:

    Don't worry GMs, your friends in game have bought everything needed to make profit, now you can also let us poor random people know what will happen, don't worry we will not destroy the market of top players, if is waht you are scared of

    Things will get cheaper bc less ways to farm adena, more upgrade options drop from mobs such as crystals of dawn

  9. 49 minutes ago, iShilen said:

    This would be greatly appreciated across the board no matter what class or party size.  It is already done for adena, please consider doing it for all other drops.    With the addition of greedy chests and unwanted non party players running by and picking up drops I feel like this is necessary now more than ever.   This benefits whole parties and solo hunting and would decrease time spent picking up and increase time spent attacking and gaining exp and drops.

    I still disagree with a range char getting auto pickup. If you do this, adena should be boosted for single target classes. You don't get 2x adena farm plus 2x drops, sorry, I don't agree with that. You cannot remove adena farm rate and range from the same conversation as drops. 


    What they should do is give a yul's bird summon the ability to move and pickup drops based off an aura the yul has around it, say 600 range. Thus would be an appropriate meet in the middle type of thing.

    If a yul decides to use the bird as a target to farm 2 spots, sorry no drops except on the circle the bird is at. If the yul farms a sigle circle, they get drops. 


    As always, ideas such as this will never be implemented. 




    Edit: also, auto adena pickup is the single biggest reason why aoe range chars are op for farming at the moment. If anyone doesn't understand that, they either play a yul or are oblivious to game mechanics. 


    If you remove auto adena pickup in general, you would see a decrease in yuls. 

  10. On 1/15/2021 at 1:41 PM, Trankah said:


    I know it is very difficult and it demands many many time but you never know...

    Basically, I would like to request a new class for Orcs which is FEOH. Would be nice if they can control a new element and have their own Feoh skills, actually I am not sure why Orcs have 2 ISS. 

    Because orc had overload and doomcryer before, clan iss and pvp debuffer vs party buffer.


    Ncsoft destroyed that and the bard (bd sws). Bd/sws was totally dif than doomcryer which was dif than overlord. Prophet got boosted tho haha.


    As for orc Feoh, lowest int race doesn't need a Feoh class. They just need to properly make the iss's unique again, but that won't happen. 

    • Like 1
  11. 59 minutes ago, Andomiel said:

    @Hime You do understand that now, all this flaming about the release notes is pretty much justified, right? You mentioned "before Wednesday", its Tuesday and we are still without release notes with only assumptions on what is going to be delivered in 24h... I do not know what to assume for this delay, but whatever it is, it is not good, it shows a bad image for you and your company and this becomes a vicious circle now...


    To the rest, from what I read from Juji's post about soulstone/spiritore, nothing significant changes, it does not say that the ores cannot be bought by the grocer, it says that they cannot be sold to other players or exchanged in any way between players. The only impact I see on this, is that when you are field hunting and your iss runs out of ores, they will have to go back and restock instead of trading with you or you dropping some ores to the ground to give them. Unless I missunderstood what Juji said, I do not see a huge problem there.

    Everyone knew @Hime post meant Tuesday night. We been aboard this train a while now... 

  12. 50 minutes ago, Draecke said:
    52 minutes ago, Draecke said:

    @Juji & @Hime there are a few things you should let the players know way before the actual update

    - the fact spirit ore & soul stones become non tradeable and can't be sold to npc etc. anymore is quite a big thing

    - the removal of the Mysterious Attribute Herb is something almost all players got used to having so removing it without any warning is not cool


    Where u get info they remove the herb? I haven't read that anywhere. 

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