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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. This event was a sayha talisman event. No other reward should be expected. The goal is lvl 8 on this box event before the next "sayha" event gives safe enchants to 9 and 10. 


    Everything else from this box is utter trash. It doesn't even give detons at any good rate. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Degus said:

    a 110 iss can go to toi w/ me in exhaulted gear, not any of those dd you mention, cool, set your toon afk and check it next year.  I reread it, he said play.   a healer in exhaulted can do dailies w/ me, not an evis in crap gear, healer/iss/tank all welcome in varka, not the dd's mentioned

    and 50b will get an iss to 110 in how many months?  and in what way will it xp?

  3. 38 minutes ago, Degus said:

    song of archer alone beats a 50b dd, so no

    what is a 50b dd gonna accomplish?  will probably never hit 107 and never start farming more adena.  yes, support requires help to level but its out there. 

    A 50b evisc can afk farm somewhere. A 50b support will still be standing in town for 16-18 hours a day asking for a party.


    We clearly interpreted the OP's question differently. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Degus said:

    sorry you feel that way,   so you're telling him a cp is a bad idea?  people play for different reasong but think most people join an mmo to party, not solo 24/7

    he asked for a useful class, i wouldn't party any of the above classes and good luck at siege.  50b on support is amazing gear compared to dd, hell, they don't even need R110 weapon!

    I did not say a cp was a bad idea. I said 50b on a support class won't go far. You talk siege, no one is sieging on 50b.


    I don't disagree with you that support is needed. But the question was 50b, best bang for the buck. Sadly, a support class in the current state of the game won't go far. 


    But maybe we play different types of siege. A low lvl 50b support toon isn't making a difference in the pvp's I encounter on sieges. It will literally die non stop. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, Degus said:

    you are all recommending a DD, 50b on a dd isn't gonna go far if you wanna do more then alligator island for the next 2 years

    Nobody parties support outside a cp and dailies. All xp zones are solo zones and a 50b support won't go far in a cp.


    If this wasn't true, you wouldn't see a shortage of tanks, iss and healers for pug groups. 



    Edit: I don't think a 50b support would get past alligator island either without ncoin or something else. It has 0 solo ability which is what you need for 18-20 hours a day. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Draecke said:

    well basically all Tyr classes are decent farm now, even a meastro will do fine and those dont need crazy gear

    ofc if u go pskill damage set up then things are more costly so it does pay off to observe the market / AH what gear is affordable and go with best class tied to that gear

    Anything based on p atk crit dmg will be cheaper because of the rings required to do dmg. 

  7. On 2/8/2021 at 7:38 PM, Draecke said:

    this, it will be part of l2 anniversary and the 2nd stone of destiny

    Yea, must like server transfers right? 


    Also, no one with full forgotten skills learned is going to use that stone of destiny. That is, unless they like burning 1000s of dollars for fun...

  8. Just now, Rolling said:

    What must be the sensation of having spent that sum in an event and the objects obtained are so despicable. How much should be spent to obtain a decent object, surely Tevas has its LUC up to the clouds, with which it only remains to deduce that the content of the events no longer depends on the LUC.


    Events never depended on luc... 

  9. 2 hours ago, IMoonLight19 said:

    For one they did not say anything in the patch notes they were going to change the enchanting or the lady luck. So how do they get away with doing so without saying anything? They always say us the forms but it dose nothing. Because it does nothing they don't care as long as they are making money they don't care about are problems at all. 

    Their product, their rules. 


    I'm amazed no one has noticed the changes to vop yet... 

  10. 3 hours ago, Arsh said:

    They nerfed it with the Sayha's Grace. They want you to spend more adena / real money in the game. They should just add an option in the l2 store where you can outright buy adena with NC Coin, its being done now just differently.  Do away with subterfuge and make it plain as day.



    Blade and soul (an Ncsoft product) allows this exact feature. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    Collection was not made for us neither was the mob damage increase.  Korea has to start to learn to regionalize their updates since we do not get all the same events, drop rates, etc Korea does.  We had the worst xp tables for years nevermind that issues.


    Korea has stated they want all regions similar.  The only problem is all other regions dont milk their customer's with insane prices.  Korea, Core, Japan - they all give out items way more often then here.  Japan is the only regions similar to us in that they have cloaks and god jewels.  but everyone there has top items because they have korea's cost model, not ncwest's cost model.  Japan looks like a illegal server it glows so much.


    I think this item register book is the beginning tip of the iceberg on how our cost model is going to change to allow more oe'd gear easier.


    But, it is ncsoft, and this version of Lineage 2 is a joke compared to all other regions when it comes to what your money gets you.




    edit: to put kore/japan events into perspective.  A chest simialr to our current event chest gives stacks of gold/black tickets as a low end reward.  People in korea make +40/50/60 weps bc they literally have 1000s of gold tickets available to use for cheap.

    i think our version will slowly become that.  shiny weps sell and attract new customers, and theres a major gear seperation from f2p and p2w players.  making armor/weps more easy to enchant will do alot to aid in how these 2 player types compete.

    This update just turned Dragon Shirt, Kaliel Bracelet, Artifact Book, and a few other items that were strictly p2w only into no longer p2w items (all upgrades are drops from mobs).

    People are completely passing up on how major that change is from a cost model standpoint for ncwest and what it may mean for our future game experience.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, mixa said:

    The collection is really made for maxed out toons. The mere mortals can get few things collected, but that's about it.

    I think our cost model will change to support the collection system. In 6 months, ++ wep/armor will be a norm. Watch black/gold tickets become very common.


    Our current cost model doesn't support this system for the cost:reward ratio.


    Obviously early adopters will spend max to use it on day 1

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Bethra said:

    I do not and will never "hate" people who invest  in the game. Sorry you see it that way. FYI I have gone further in life and in this game community then you ever will. It's toxic innuendos like yours's that make this game a garbage mound.

    You talk about no hate and me having toxic induendos while throwing out a personal attack. Oxy moron much? 


    My history in this game speaks for itself. I don't need to boast about what I spend or have done for people to respect me. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, Degus said:

    dude, you just listed 2 events where you can drop a grand on each and end up with nothing.   No one cares about the other 99% of the players, he wasnt getting hit for 20 mill by them.   What are forgotten skills, 1 grand ea?

    I just took a forgotten from 1 to 30 and yes, it's about a grand, +/- 100 bucks. But hey, forgotten ch 1 books are also now obtainable in game. 

  15. 12 minutes ago, Feryl said:

    So, do you think a toon with a barrier with 95% damage reduction and celestial, AoE debuff with low reuse, AoE Damage Skills which doesnt be affected by terrain and two jumps (with stun and damage), should be able to land 100% critical skills?

    I think ppl always take top yuls vs average mages to make his comparison. Same gear Feoh > Yul... maybe in End Game Yul > Feoh but that story just can tell ya a small group of players from each servers.

    You forgot aoe crowd control too

    • Haha 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Degus said:

    Not sure what server your on, but that gear you listed will in no way be hitting top players for anywhere near what he's talking.   And how will you survive the 30 seconds of invincibility followed by the damage reduced to 666 damage.  8 grand is nothing

    8 grand spent poorly is nothing. The guy played 6 months which didn't have 3 of the 4 main gear events. 


    An I'm on naia, our market far more expensive than chronos. 



    Also, what you're saying just isn't true. 8k won't 1 shot top 10-20 ppl who have stage 2 dw and God jewels, but it will kill the other 99% of players. This guy expected his 8k to mean the same as 30k and 15 years of playing. He should have been smart with spending. 

    1 grand on artifact event = all balance +10 and all fighters +7

    1-2 grand on cloak event means a +15 top top elmore

    1 grand on wep/armor = +8 dark r110 and a +15 limited bow


    I know u aren't this daft of a player. Come on. The dude is a fool with his money. 

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