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Its jist like 3 weeks ago when were ppl creating topics that exp weekends are unfair and shouldnt be in game, because it makes disadvantage for a players, who cant play during weekends. I feel bad for our GM team, whatever they do, community of server will be still moaning, at least the minority.

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1 hour ago, Sieger said:

If things are so easy why are people botting?

because they want the easiest way ever! they want to go to drink coffee with their friends and the machine do all the work! FOR EXAMPLE! if there was a robot who could do the real life job for you and u get paid your salary every month with spending just 50 euros for the robot wouldnt u do it? u could wake up whenever u want go for a walk whenever u feel like having sex when u wanted and the robot bringing u the salary every month! u would do it :3

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46 minutes ago, Pennystocks said:

I would do all the work and let the robot live my life.  That is how to really achieve your full potential in this game.

u can have the same potential by playing your same char to a high rate server and when the robot do his job u can kill others easily! just accept the fact i told u :D

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21 hours ago, Warendo said:

Its jist like 3 weeks ago when were ppl creating topics that exp weekends are unfair and shouldnt be in game, because it makes disadvantage for a players, who cant play during weekends. I feel bad for our GM team, whatever they do, community of server will be still moaning, at least the minority.

What about people that can not play during the week because have job?

Weekends with doubled exp, adena and drop rate would bring some balance and be fair for people that have job and can play longer only during week - what means maiority of paying customers.

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On 1/26/2019 at 6:50 AM, Warendo said:

I feel bad for our GM team, whatever they do, community of server will be still moaning, at least the minority.

Agreed. There is no winning with the people on this forum. 

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