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Loop macro is amazing thing but as for now for most locations, it does not allow for afk.. monsters just re spawn out of /targetnext range and that's it, your character just stands there..
You could somehow make this situation better , easiest way would be reducing monster random spawn from original location so mobs spawn in +- the same spot, this already would be enough to afk on loop macro on every quest, every location.
Loop macros are there for one thing and one thing only, to even leveling and grind field between casual users, nolifers and bot users, it was a great idea to implement it but it needs more work, cos as it is now you cannot do basic thing it is designed for - afk exp due to mob respawn range

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Also, why would I buy exp boost if I don't see that my character is constantly exping? If you can exp afk sure exp boost if useful, leave character at night and it works, but if it just stands there - exp boost and money invested are wasted.. just saying, there is a reason why mobile games with afk option make so much money. People who have no time to play and still want to see how character is progressing are willing to spend cash, take away afk option and your income goes down, adults have no time to grind ;)

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3 hours ago, SMFC said:

Loop macros are there for one thing and one thing only, to even leveling and grind field between casual users, nolifers and bot users

This is incorrect, a macro loop feature was never intended to support full afk farm. There were official statments on that from Community Managers in the past.

Other than that, if you expierment with your macro you'll find out it's quite easy to make it target mobs that are out of the '/nexttraget' range.

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1 hour ago, Helv said:

This is incorrect, a macro loop feature was never intended to support full afk farm. There were official statments on that from Community Managers in the past.

Other than that, if you expierment with your macro you'll find out it's quite easy to make it target mobs that are out of the '/nexttraget' range.

hmm ok, can I get info for what they were made then?
I'm using /target "monster name" as a last line in my current macro so after killing one he runs to next one

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22 hours ago, SMFC said:

hmm ok, can I get info for what they were made then?

For automating the Sonatas resp. Drumbeats of boxed Buffers who follow a live player around so that he doesn't have to switch windows every few minutes and can concentrate on the actual hunting.

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1 hour ago, Yidao said:

For automating the Sonatas resp. Drumbeats of boxed Buffers who follow a live player around so that he doesn't have to switch windows every few minutes and can concentrate on the actual hunting.

Explain to me logic behind that.

1. Ncsoft introduce new update with shorter buff times
2. Ncsoft make loop macro so people do not have to click on buffs that often


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That's it in a nutshell.

1. Ncsoft introduce new update with shorter buff times so that the few remaining Girlfriend Buffers (an Asia-specific internet-cafe phenomenon) don't feel useless.

2. Ncsoft make loop macro so that those players whose girlfriends have left them for Lineage 2 Revolution do not have to click on buffs that often.

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