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Nice ninja nerf on the protection tali rates!


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I can confirm the nerf.

Took me about 50 Energy's to get to Stage5. Another 30 EOP later max i got been 2x to Stage8 - failed to 9...

Also like 2h ago i saw a shout of some1 on Naia Worldchat asking about the nerf/bug since last Maintenance. He used 45 EOP and couldn't make lv5. Dunno if he had luck by now.

My wild guess:

Server reached a certain amount of high Lvl Talismans and now the rate got nerfed.

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They did the same on all items , ANGEL items, any weapons,armors,not sure why... but they keep nerf enchant rates and nobody really not saying anything, whatever. we all just give up on enchant and we stay with what items we have aleardy. And after a while they will wonder why nobody plays anymore when a +10 set will be 250b and a cloak +15 500b.

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Parts r110 armor from 1b each went to 500kk each lol. They all fail , i failed 30 parts in a row from +5 to any .. with 20% extra chance.

Tryed 4x gold tickets all failed, lady luck gone. Rates gone,wtf? Isnt like before was a flood on market with parts +10 and weapons +30 lol

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