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Wissp advance


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@Wissp isn't going to give updates, because if @Wissp had any integrity and actually told the truth, it would force them (an NC Soft West employee) to openly admit they were not able to make any actual progress in free to play. All it would do is reinforce everything we as a player base have been upset about. 

And if @Wissp decided not to actually tell the truth everyone of us would know ... so they will do what they always do, ignore the player base and ride it out, rather than make real changes that could benefit both the player base and the business.  

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Yes, I know he won't speak at any time... we know the result of this "research" of him and it is not today, but there is no point in us coming here to give feedback, because we are never heard, on the contrary!

But it is "cool" to see how much they care about their "customers", because if we pay for something soon we are customers and yet we have no fair return let alone "attention" with the problems suffered in the game 😃

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