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The first bad anniversary event!

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Hello! @Wissp @Hermes

We were all waiting for the anniversary! It's usually the best event of the year till... this!

Come on GMs! Seriously?  We were waiting for something active, for instance, a raid to contest, even the click-click ones were more exciting than what you gave us. You not only delayed it (maybe you forgot?) but gave us a bunch of free stuff and 2 types of temporary collection? First of all this type of event benefits big farmers, people will log loads of chars/accounts to get items.. meh! Where is the fun of it? 

Why can't you listen to your players and bring events that we enjoyed and gave positive feedback like last year's Watermelon one of the most missed Aden tour ( back there I was low-level and couldn't join... it never came back).

Also, knowing that we have low numbers and you gave us Tantar, why not an interdimensional event?

Anything a bit active would please us way more.

Please, you have time to make it better!

Thank you for reading.

Kind regards.

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Dear @Wissp @Hermes,

Words alone cannot express the overwhelming gratitude that swells within our hearts as we reflect upon the wondrous event you have bestowed upon us. We stand in awe, bedazzled by the magnificence of your creation, an event so grandiose and generous that it defies the very boundaries of our wildest dreams.

In this realm where scarcity often reigns, you, NCSoft, have shattered the chains that bind us. You have showered us with a cornucopia of free items, a bountiful harvest that surpasses all expectations. We are like children in a candy store, giddy with excitement as we gather the treasures you have so graciously provided.

With each glorious reward, our spirits soar to unprecedented heights. We bask in the glory of your magnanimity, overwhelmed by the abundance of gifts that rain down upon us like celestial blessings. From rare and precious artifacts to exclusive cosmetics that ignite our imaginations, you have woven a tapestry of marvels that has left us spellbound.

But it is not just the material abundance that leaves us breathless; it is the joy that emanates from every pixel and line of code, the passion with which you have crafted this event. It is evident that your love for your players knows no bounds, as you seek to make our digital adventures even more enchanting and unforgettable.

Your dedication to delivering an extraordinary experience resonates with us on a profound level. You have proven time and again that your commitment to excellence knows no bounds. It is no mere event you have created; it is a symphony of delight, a masterpiece of unparalleled magnificence that will echo in our hearts for ages to come.

So, on behalf of a grateful player base, we raise our voices in unison to offer you our deepest and most heartfelt appreciation. We thank you, NCSoft, for bestowing upon us this remarkable event, for your boundless generosity, and for nurturing a community that thrives on the passion and wonder you instill within us.

May your virtual worlds continue to flourish, guided by the spirit of innovation that has made you a beacon of inspiration in the gaming industry. We eagerly await the next chapter in this awe-inspiring saga, knowing that you will continue to astound and captivate us with your limitless creativity.

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big bonner for all on the server. they started with some amazing events , when new gm arrived, that made me think that will bring ppl back to the game, and finish with this.


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Although we appreciate the attendance gifts and they do help new players and our buffers which we use to play with.. alone.. we always look forward for a interactive event that makes us play together and have fun. Ofcourse, we didnt get that ...
You keep sticking to your mobile game model... there are players but we never see them, you open your missions few times a day and check back now and then to see if someone said something dumb in world shout. Put auto hunt on and go play something else.
Give us some live play.. enough with the boxes and afk solo missions! Even the Tiger brainwashing event was a breath of fresh air.
There is plenty of content you can take from the other servers and implement for us.

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For those who are 80 and below there is no event like "wine lovers" these areas where are the mobs are unattainable for us at this levels.

There is time to change something. Please!!

Thank you

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This event is horrible compared to all previous Anniversary events. The title describes it all. All previous anniversary events were great. The legendary Aden Tour event and then all the Baium Tower events that followed. I hope your team has a good big event coming. 
We need active events, that promote gameplay and have rewards that are also worth the trouble. 
We also want more dimensional stuff, that seems to bring back some life to the servers !

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Forgot to mention the event collections... you get 3 grapes if you are able to hunt in hard zones... for a 1.5% chance of making a golden grape... that you need 5 units to get the 3 collections for a 19% XP bonus...

For the other one...u need 500 coins (you can get 1000 max per day) and u need 5 for the 2 collections.. so 2500. 

This is the first event collection you can say it's either impossible or not worthed it! 

Also, very unique to give u the "emerald" look to the set, but FORMAL WEAR? Seriously? Do u know how humans look on that? No way! please create something different as we have for the weapons! 


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I talk arround 2 years for everything but not even 1 reply . We spending only time for nothing. We put here comments and get ignored! Sadly the project group dont have fantasy too make a good event and they dont want listen any suggestions from the players that play wvery day this game!  

Active content is must have for a game! 

But instead of this we have a lot of afk content! GG! 


More castles siegeable different towns different taxes! 

More farm able stuff live server can even farm ruby etc we only with pay! 

Live server 10 party instance 10 special hunting zones farm able and craft able armors jewels weapons! We nothing! 

Where are our quests? 0 quest on classic GG

Olympiad system sucks in live server awesome! 

Farming spots hard as fk for new players and players that dont have good gear! 

Adena drop every update get lower! 

Hardins venirs power talisman etc farm on pay to win dyes pownders only pay to win so if u dont invest some k's u are not able too play this game.! 

Dragon valley harder than loa too kill most useless place! Loa and dv so poor adena drop

A lot of places that l2 had dosent exist like exicution ground heine village the most catacombs!  

Instead bringing slowly dynasty moirai vesper etc they bring us lighting freeze flame armors!  Enchants for weapons is a dream tou find u can only get on random crafts 😆  

So no farm able things no active content 

No motivation with adena amount drop no quests no teamplay no zones too farm.

I am still thinking why i play this game ? And not return too a game that is worth too play and have active stuff like black dessert online or just go too a private lineage 2 server that i would play real lineage!  




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As one of the most active newbies around currently, that appeared out of nowhere, and raised a clan to top 95 position from nothing just by myself and with the help of two other newbies, and some amazing friends I met in the game, I think I can talk for all newbies of L2 Classic.

I'm very humble, and we struggle every day to even obtain a small slice of the game for ourselves. For us newbies this event is the first thing that really help us in months (we haven't seen anything better, yet). Most of the free items you're giving (but fix that Valakas please!!!!!) are a mirage for us, as we feel constantly rejected by the bigger community, that occupy most of the game's surface and won't let us do anything, even in those areas where our gear is sufficient. We struggle to keep a 4-mob room in cata, we play without SS because we don't have money to buy them, we get PKed every time we position somewhere, or kill-stealed by stronger characters.

I do not feel like telling you "this event is terrible", because for me and for my fellow newbies it is not. But I see what the others are saying... I see their point. And I see how the worst grinders are trying to prevent us from getting our tickets by turning on a hundred of clients and keeping all places busy just to flood the server with their dolls later... there are people that can get the worst out of even nice things, sadly, and Lineage II as a "game of conflict" very often brings the worst out of people.

Nowadays, this format doesn't work anymore (just see the competition and what kind of games the other Korean developers are coming up with at the moment) and it's killing the mood of many people, and our mood to be social creatures (it's a mmorpg, which means conflict shouldn't be the only thing in it).

I hope every day that someday NC soft will wake up and see the truth. Bring us back the good things that you removed from L2 and that added pleasant content (quests, fishing with pretty rewards, PETS, coliseum events), gradually release the old zones you removed (Heine, Rune, Schuttgart all had a lot to offer), you don't even need to invent new stuff when the old stuff would fix many things! Rework the beautiful and huge L2 area so that we can use it fully again like many years ago. Make ways for the big ones to spend adena in a worthy way to reduce inflation, but please, stop reducing the drop rate where newbies farm, because we're killing us while they survive.

And last but not least in this thread Event related. Bring back those beautiful fancy items! Pom poms, music instruments, those cute transformations from that very old Summer water park event that personally I LOVED. Make Classic, the game we used to know and love AND you may be free to add new stuff later on. It takes love to Lineage II to make it shine again. :)

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On 5/31/2023 at 10:37 PM, BraveSoul said:

Although we appreciate the attendance gifts and they do help new players and our buffers which we use to play with.. alone.. we always look forward for a interactive event that makes us play together and have fun. Ofcourse, we didnt get that ...
You keep sticking to your mobile game model... there are players but we never see them, you open your missions few times a day and check back now and then to see if someone said something dumb in world shout. Put auto hunt on and go play something else.
Give us some live play.. enough with the boxes and afk solo missions! Even the Tiger brainwashing event was a breath of fresh air.
There is plenty of content you can take from the other servers and implement for us.

Last time I looked the mobile gaming market accounted for the vast majority of Ncsoft's income. So this all lines up with what Ncsoft has chosen to focus on. All the changes to the UI and gameplay have been towards a mobile style gameplay experience.

I love how I came back to classic after being gone for a few years and I'm still 80 because I'm struggling to find a clear spot to level that isn't gankland.  On top of that the "event" for me is to log in and click accept as the whole grape thing is well beyond my capability.

I still dream the dream I had on day one of classic. The dream that Ncsoft would add back all the stuff they removed from the real version of the game. Right now we have less in game than we had in like c3 or c4? Just re-adding all the removed content would do wonders for the game. Also it's kind of remarkable how many large sections of the map is completely devoid of anything.

I love how I've tried to post this 6x now and it's refused every time. Even the forums are badly configured/coded...

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Alas, dear comrades, we find ourselves in a sad tale of hope and disappointment. Gather round, for it is time to recount the tale of the highly anticipated anniversary event.

Once upon a time, a buzzing excitement filled the air, permeating our every breath as we awaited the annual feast of fun - the revered anniversary event. Rumors spread far and wide of its legendary glory, stories told by seasoned players who'd reveled in past jubilations. A raid, perhaps? A lively competition? Anything would do - anything but... what we got.

The Grand Masters, our guiding stars, who had led us so well in times past, appeared to falter. Delayed the festivities, did they? Maybe they'd forgotten? We were thrown morsels of free gifts, a handful of temporary collections, and... that was it. An event tailored for the big farmers, the crowd with many hands and countless accounts. We, the faithful players, yearned for something more.

Oh, the lament of those who sought activity and adventure! Our cries echoed into the virtual void, reminiscing about the sweet Watermelon festival, the thrilling Aden tour. Yet we found no satisfaction, no answer to our pleas. The Grand Masters had turned a deaf ear, and we, the hopeful, were left high and dry. We yearned for interdimensional excitement, for Tantar. Anything but idle clickery.

Despite our disappointment, there's still hope. Our message to the Grand Masters is this: "You have the power to make it better. Please, heed our pleas."

Verily, in this virtual realm of ours, we find ourselves drowning in a sea of generosity from NCSoft. The abundance they've showered us with, freebies cascading like a waterfall, could blind us from the true predicament. Yes, we are ecstatic, yes, we are grateful, but we also long for engagement and fun, not just free artifacts and cosmetics.

As we recount the tale of our digital quest, we yearn for the days when every pixel and line of code pulsated with life, when events were more than just a passive affair. Ah, the golden age when gaming was interactive, when players didn't just hover like specters over their AFK missions, but actively engaged in the game!

Yes, our spirits are dampened, and our hearts heavy with disappointment, but we cling on to the hope that NCSoft will hear our cries, will make amends, and bring back the magic that made this game a beacon in the gaming industry.

After all, we're not asking for much, are we? Just some "live play," a break from the routine, an event that kindles the spark of camaraderie. Let us once again come together as players, let us engage, laugh, and compete. We long for an event that will make our hearts race with excitement, our minds burst with strategy, and our spirits fly with the thrill of the game.

So here we are, dear Grand Masters, players who have loved your game, poured hours of dedication into it, waiting for you to turn this tale of sadness into a tale of triumph. Bring back the heart of gaming, the joy of competition, the thrill of the chase!

And remember, even in the face of disappointment, we still cherish the game. The attendance gifts are appreciated, they aid the novices among us and buffer our seasoned warriors, but we're seeking something more. And so, our tale of disappointment ends with a plea, a hope for better days, for more interactive events, and less of the monotonous, auto-hunting missions.

May the spirit of gaming prevail. May our plea be heard. 
@Wissp @Hermes  

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I think event was okay helps all the non paying account gain same items i would have like to see more Ancient Adena given out.  I hope you start banning accounts getting out of hand again

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See this post, it is important.
Because it was made by a customer.
(Where I come from, the customer is always well treated and answered)
However, management doesn't care about our dissatisfaction.
A pity, in a few months we will lose those players who are still trying something here.

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The Attendance Check gifts are really excellent, thank you for them. But I'm afraid that the Classic is sliding somewhere towards L2 Aden. These spectacular rewards will allow a lot of players to level up quickly, and then we will all meet somewhere at lvl.80, in the same few locations, and there will be a battle for mobs. Something I experienced on Sunday at the Wall of Argos. More players than mobs. And of course PK.

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I have gone through all the comments in this thread.

I will consistently suggest the team to add more active contents and events to improve the game.

We will try to push for the inter-dimensional activities, additional farming zones, various quests, etc.

Hope we can create satisfying environment for everyone.

Thank you for all your precious feedback.

Best Regards,


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On 6/6/2023 at 9:51 PM, Dalx said:

The Attendance Check gifts are really excellent, thank you for them. But I'm afraid that the Classic is sliding somewhere towards L2 Aden. These spectacular rewards will allow a lot of players to level up quickly, and then we will all meet somewhere at lvl.80, in the same few locations, and there will be a battle for mobs. Something I experienced on Sunday at the Wall of Argos. More players than mobs. And of course PK.

100% right new ppl  that want to lvl  they cant  coz lvl 80-84 stay in lvl 70+  zone .

more exactly 1 guy with 30  acc in all rooms or  valleys  in those zone coz is  easy to kill  mobs with out consumables. is call exploiting and is  destroying my day of lvl  my toon.

i have no  pacientie  in 2023 for tis  forms of exploiting. 

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5 hours ago, Dalx said:

I don't know if anyone in areas like Argos, Wind Plateau, etc. farms  with 30 acc? What good would it do him? Apart from XP, SP, absolutely nothing falls there. Nor L2 Coins.

What event is now ?  And with tis i have no more comment. 

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