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3 hours wait time or vip


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You are free to go to a less populated server. I have friends that played the old chronicles, and guess what? when servers like Teon were full like this, the server messsage was "traffic was full" . VIP's will get this message as soon as VIP slots are full. It is just the way it is. The game map itself has gone through feasibility tests, and i'm pretty sure the developers have their reasons to keep the capacity at 6 thousand. Do you really think they wouldn't expand the capacity if it was healthy for the game design whatsoever? 

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-Do not allow afk fishing.

-Limit boxing to two per account.

-Add auction house (although the classic feel of shops may be lost).

-Disconnect when afk for 30mins in game or daily restarts.


People will start leaving their characters permanently online to avoid the queue, effectively inflating the problem.



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5 minutes ago, Kabala said:

Wait! Now VIP's also get Queues ? :D

No, not yet at least, but there is a chance , if the player base keeps increasing, that at one point, you might have 6 thousand VIP's online. Then, the message will probably be "server trafic full" instead of queue. It remains to be seen.

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1 minute ago, Sweetness said:

You made it in only 3 hours? On my buffer account I've been waiting for 3.5 hours and have been sitting at "There are 2 players in the queue" for 15min now.

Guess everyone leaves their char online for fishing. So no one logs out.

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